Hannu Niilekselä
(HN), Finland
Niilekselä was born in 1952 and has been dxing
since 1966. His main focus is North America on medium
waves. At the end of 2023 he had confirmed reception
of 2,550 U.S and Canadian stations, all heard in
Finland, mostly at the Lemmenjoki DX site. Still hot as ever...
In addition to DXing, Hannu's other interests are
cross country skiing, golf and fly fishing,
such as here in Central America:

On DXing.info you can find Hannu's recent DXpedition
reports from Lemmenjoki: LEM482
(2023) and LEM487
(2023-2024). You can reach Hannu by email hannu770
at gmail dot com.