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DXpeditions in South Africa

This section of DXing.info is for DXpedition logs, reports and guides from South Africa. Enjoy, and contribute yourself. If you have DXpedition logs that you would like to see here, to share with other DXers, please email Charles Hutton, who edits this page.

South Africa: Cape Point

July 11-15, 2008 | Gary Deacon | Vince Stevens | Graham Bell

August 26-30, 2011 | Vashek Korinek

South Africa: FIsh Hoek

March 2 - May 2, 2006 | Gary Deacon

South Africa: Jongensgat

September 13-17, 2010 | Vince Stevens | John Plimmer

August 24-27, 2009 (MS Word) | Gary Deacon | Vince Stevens | John Plimmer

September 15-18, 2008 | John Plimmer

March 10-13, 2008 | Logs in Excel format | Gary Deacon | Vince Stevens | Derrick du Plessis | John Plimmer

April 16-19, 2007 | Gary Deacon | Vince Stevens | Derrick du Plessis | John Plimmer

July 3-6, 2006 | Gary Deacon | Vince Stevens

March 20-23, 2006 | John Plimmer | Vince Stevens

September 2004 | John Plimmer | Gary Deacon | Vince Stevens | Denis Johnson

South Africa: Kwazulu Natal

June-July 2005 | Gary Deacon

South Africa: Millers Point

September 2005 | Gary Deacon | Vince Stevens

July-August 2004 | Gary Deacon

South Africa: Noordhoek

January 2006 (& Fish Hoek December 2005) | Gary Deacon

South Africa: Seefontein

August 20-23, 2012 | John Plimmer | Vince Stevens | Vashek Korinek

September 13-16, 2011 | John Plimmer | Vince Stevens | Gary Deacon

March 28-31, 2011 | John Plimmer | Vince Stevens | Vashek Korinek | Gary Deacon

March 29 - April 1, 2010 | John Plimmer | Vince Stevens

March 16-18, 2009 | John Plimmer | Vince Stevens | Gary Deacon

May 19-22, 2008 | John Plimmer | Vince Stevens

September 11-14, 2007 | John Plimmer | Vince Stevens | Derek Duplessis

September 11-14, 2006 | John Plimmer | Vince Stevens | Gary Deacon

July 25-28, 2005 | John Plimmer | Vince Stevens | Gary Deacon

April 4-8, 2005 | John Plimmer

South Africa: Vaalkloof

May 2004 | Gary Deacon | Vince Stevens

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