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I'm lost - what the heck is this site about?
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DXing.info is an information source for DXers, radio hobbyists who listen to far-away radio stations. Find out more about the hobby in introduction to DXing. This site currently focuses on listening to broadcast band mediumwave (AM) stations.

How do I find what I'm looking for?         to Page Top

The main menu on the left remains the same on every page. Just click on the category that you are interested in. Some of the links open another level of links in the center of the page. Additional material relevant to the page in question can be found on the right. Below the site logo there is also a navigation bar that indicates (using >) your current location in the structure of the files.

Of course, I may not have what you're looking for. Try asking for help at the DXing.info Facebook page (to post messages you need to become a member first).

How can I listen to the sound files?         to Page Top

Most audio files are in Real Media or MP3 format. I'm sorry for the old format, which is no longer supported. Real Media was the top format around the year 2000, but now it is practically obsolete. If you don't hear anything after clicking the file name or icon, you probably don't have a Real Media player installed. You can download a free version of the Real One Player software from their website. Some audio files are in Windows Media format, and you should be able to play these with the Windows Media Player, a standard part of Windows. If your players are installed, but you still can't hear anything, congestion of the Internet or the slow speed of your Internet connection may be to blame. If the reason would happen to be a broken link, please let me know about it so that I can fix it.

What do these strange abbreviations mean?         to Page Top

DXers - starting from the name of the hobby – tend to use weird abbreviations and technical terms. While veterans of the hobby usually – but not always – know what they mean, they can indeed sound gibberish. Check out the glossary from the main menu. If the term is not there, let me know and I'll add it there.

How do I make DXing.info my homepage?         to Page Top

Making DXing.info your homepage is an excellent idea, because here you will find the latest news and propagation information.

On Google Chrome go to chrome://settings/onStartup and add http://www.dxing.info on the list of pages which are opened on startup.

If your browser is Microsoft's Edge: first go to the main page of DXing.info or some other page which you'd like to see first, then choose Tools from the browser toolbar, then Internet options, then copy the website address http://www.dxing.info/ into the address field. Then press OK. Now you can access DXing.info immediately when you start browsing the Internet.

If you use Mozilla Firefox or the older Netscape Navigator, choose Edit from the browser toolbar, then Preferences, then category Navigator. Make sure that the "Navigator starts with" radio button is set to Home page, then write http://www.dxing.info/ in the Home page location field. If you're already on DXing.info front page, clicking use current page is enough. Then confirm by clicking OK.

How can I contribute to the site?         to Page Top

There are various ways. You take part in the discussion in our Facebook group. You can send recorded station identifications for the DXing.info audio collection (first read the instructions) or you can offer your DXpedition logs, equipment reviews and other articles to be published on the website (please read the terms of use first) for the enjoyment of other DXers. If you would like to translate some of the contents of this site to another language, be in touch. Remember that this is a volunteer effort and response may be delayed because of work obligations etc.

Also, please do bear in mind that there is no subscription fee for the content on this website - but it still costs to keep it going. If you have enjoyed using the site, maybe you can consider supporting the site financially. Any contributions are warmly welcomed and will contribute to developing DXing.info further. Check the sponsors page for details.

What material goes where?         to Page Top

Anything that needs to reach the audience fast (news, logs and QSL info), needs updating or commenting (logs, discussion) or is relatively small in size, you should post in the Facebook group. Material that doesn't get outdated quickly (such as articles and reviews), that just can't be posted on FB (such as audio files) or that is large in size or is useful as reference material also in the future should be placed on DXing.info. This you can't do by yourself; you need to email the material to me and if considered OK to be published, it will be published in the relevant section of DXing.info as soon as possible.

Where do I find help to my other questions?         to Page Top

Ask in the Facebook group or contact me on Facebook about issues related directly to the website and its content, but I don't have the expertise to comment on technical issues related to DXing equipment nor do I have the time to respond to detailed inquiries about DXing, which is why I recommend you turn to the FB group for help.

Enjoy the site and let your fellow hobbyists know about it as well!

Mika Mäkeläinen
Editor of DXing.info

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