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DXpeditions in the United States

This section of DXing.info is for DXpedition logs, reports and guides from the United States. Enjoy, and contribute yourself. If you have DXpedition logs that you would like to see here, to share with other DXers, please email Charles Hutton, who edits this page.

USA: Billerica/Rowley, MA

November 4-8, 2005 | Mark Connelly

USA: Bodie Island, NC

March 3-5, 2005 | MS Word / PDF | John H. Bryant and Harold N. Cones

March 4-7, 2004 | Report | Log | John H. Bryant and Harold N. Cones

USA: Long Beach Island, NJ

November 18-20, 2011 | Dave Hochfelder, Russ Edmunds, Rob Stonier, Brett Saylor, Bill Harms, Michael Temme-Soifer, Chuck Rippel, Nick Langan, Bob Galerstein, Steve Wozniak 

November 6-9, 2009 | Dave Hochfelder, Russ Edmunds, Rob Stonier, Brett Saylor, Bill Harms, Michael Temme-Soifer, Chuck Rippel, Nick Langan, Bob Galerstein, Steve Wozniak

November 21-23, 2008 | Rob Stonier, Bill Harms, Bruce Collier, Brett Saylor, Russ Edmunds, Dave Hochfelder, Don Moore, Michael Temme-Soifer, John Ernandez

November 9-11, 2007 | Rob Stonier, Bill Harms, Bruce Collier, Brett Saylor & Russ Edmunds

November 3-5, 2006 | Dave Hochfelder, Rob Stonier, Michael Temme-Soifer, Bob Galerstein,
Glenn Small, Bill Harms, Bruce Collier, Brett Saylor & Russ Edmunds

November 4-6, 2005 | Bob Galerstein, David Hochfelder, Brett Saylor, Bill Harms, Bruce Collier, Bob Stonier, Russ Edmunds & Michael Temme-Soifer

November 5-7, 2004 | Bob Galerstein, Dave Hochfelder, Bruce Collier, Brett Saylor, Mark Clark, Bill Harms, Bob Stonier & Russ Edmunds

USA: Chamberlain, Maine

November 21-24, 2002 | Jerry Berg, Bruce Conti, Dan Henderson and George Maroti

USA: Rockworks, OR

Rockworks 4: July 2014 (MS Word file) | Gary DeBock and Chuck Hutton

USA: French Creek, PA

DXpedition no. 17: December 14-16, 2003 | Ed Mauger, Tracy Wood, John Figliozzi, Rich D'Angelo and Rich Cuff

USA: Resica Falls, PA

July 20-23, 2004 (MS Word file) by Kris W. Field

USA: Grayland  WA - link to Powerpoint presentation of Grayland DXpeditions

DXing from the Left Coast: The Grayland DXpeditions in Sound and Pictures (5.5 Mb downloadable zip file of a Powerpoint presentation) and a photo. A version for Mac users can be found here. See also Rackmount Equipment Cases for DXers, another downloadable Powerpoint presentation by Guy Atkins.

Grayland master logs by country and by frequency (PDF files)

October 13-15, 2018 (MS Word)
Chuck Hutton | Bruce Portzer | Tom Rothlisberger

October 15-16, 2016 (MS Word) | Chuck Hutton | Bruce Portzer

October 18-19, 2014 (MS Word) | Nick Hall-Patch | Chuck Hutton | Bruce Portzer | Tom Rothlisberger

February 25-27, 2011 (PDF) | Walter Salmaniw | Harold Sellers | Bill Whitacre

October 3-4, 2009 | Chuck Hutton | Nick Hall-Patch | Bruce Portzer |

July 12-14, 2009 | John Bryant

October 25-28, 2007 | John Bryant

August 23-26, 2007 | John Bryant

October 6-8, 2006 | Bill Harms | Nick Hall-Patch | Chuck Hutton | Bruce Portzer | Steve Ratzlaff

September 20-23, 2006 | Craig Barnes | Chris Black | Chuck Hutton | Neil Kazaross | Bruce Portzer | Dennis Vroom

September 9-10, 2006 | Chuck Hutton

October 13-16, 2005 (Word) | Guy Atkins | John Bryant | Walt Salmaniw | Bruce Portzer | Nick Hall-Patch | Steve Ratzlaff | Chuck Hutton | Phil Bytheway

September 10-11, 2005 | Chuck Hutton

June 10-16, 2005 (PDF) | John Bryant

February 7-8, 2005 | Guy Atkins

October 14-17, 2004 (MS Word) | Guy Atkins | John Bryant | Nick Hall-Patch | Chuck Hutton | Bruce Portzer | Walt Salmaniw

August 20-22, 2004 | Guy Atkins | John Bryant

July 9-11, 2004 | Guy Atkins | John Bryant | Don Nelson | Walt Salmaniw

October 3-5, 2003 (MS Word file) | Guy Atkins | Phil Bytheway | John Bryant | Nick Hall-Patch | Chuck Hutton | Mika Mäkeläinen | Bruce Portzer | Walt Salmaniw

March 16-24, 2002 (MS Word file) | GA | JB | BC | JF | NHP | CH | DN

November 11-12, 2001 (MS Word file) | BP | CH

September 19-23, 2001 (MS Word file) | Guy Atkins | Phil Bytheway | John Bryant | Don Nelson | Chuck Hutton | Bruce Portzer | Walt Salmaniw

June 18-23, 1997 (MS Word file) report by Jean Burnell (DJB) | DMC | JCF | JHB | NH-P

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Profiles of DXpedition sites:

Grayland (photo)
Long Beach Island

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