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DXpeditions in Canada

This section of DXing.info is for DXpedition logs, reports and guides from Canada. Enjoy, and contribute yourself. If you have DXpedition logs that you would like to see here, to share with other DXers, please email Charles Hutton, who edits this page.

Canada: Haida Gwaii

December 27, 2018 - January 2, 2019 (PDF) | Walt Salmaniw

January 17-26, 2005 (PDF) | Walt Salmaniw

December 26, 2013 - January 3, 2014 (Word) | Walt Salmaniw

July 11, 2011 (PDF) | Walt Salmaniw

March 11-13, 2011 (PDF) | Walt Salmaniw | tsunami warning (MP3)

December 29, 2010 - January 4, 2011 (PDF) | Walt Salmaniw

August 19 - September 9, 2008 (PDF) | Walt Salmaniw

September 16-24, 2007 + addendum | Walt Salmaniw | Guy Atkins | John Bryant | Chuck Hutton | Bruce Portzer

July 19-23, 2006 | Walt Salmaniw

July 1-8 and 21-24, 2005 | Walt Salmaniw

Canada: Miscou Island

September 14-22, 2006 | Ken Alexander | Jacques d'Avignon | Kevin Carey | Niel Wolfish (LW log, MW log in Excel format)

September 23-29, 2005 | Ken Alexander | Geoff Rivett | Brent Taylor | Niel Wolfish

October 1-7, 2004 | Ken Alexander | Jacques d'Avignon | Brent Taylor | Niel Wolfish

October 3-10, 2003 | Ken Alexander | Kevin Carey | Jacques d'Avignon | Geoff Rivett | Roger Roussel | Brent Taylor | Niel Wolfish

October 4-11, 2002 | Jacques d'Avignon

Canada: Newfoundland

2017 combined logs | Log (MS Word) | Jean Burnell | John Fisher | Chuck Hutton | Jim Renfrew

November-December, 2015 | Preliminary Report (MS Word) | Hutton's Final Report (Word) | Burnell's Final Report (PDF) | Jean Burnell | John Fisher | Chuck Hutton | Jim Renfrew

November 9-16, 2013 | Log (PDF) | Jean Burnell | John Fisher | Jim Renfrew | Chuck Hutton

November 6-13, 2010 | Log (PDF) | Jean Burnell | John Fisher | Jim Renfrew

DXpedition No. 22: November 15-21, 2009 | Log | Jean Burnell

DXpedition No. 21: April 29 - May 4, 2009 | Log | Jean Burnell

DXpedition: November 2008 | Log1 (MS Word) Log2 Log3 (MS Word) | Chuck Hutton

DXpedition No. 19: October 13-29, 2007 | Log | Jean Burnell

DXpedition No. 18: August 18-22, 2007 | Log | Jean Burnell

DXpedition No. 17: November 10-19, 2006 | Report and log | Jean Burnell | Chuck Hutton | Jim Renfrew

DXpedition No. 15: Nov. 4-14, 2005 | Report and Log | John Fisher | Jim Renfrew | Jean Burnell

DXpedition No. 14: Nov. 6-14, 2004 | Log | Report | John Fisher | Jim Renfrew | Jean Burnell

DXpedition No. 13: May 6-12, 2004 | Log | Report | Jean Burnell

DXpedition No. 12: July 6-10, 2003 | Log | Report | Jean Burnell

DXpedition No. 11: November 1-10, 2002 | Log | Report | John Fisher | Neil Kazaross | Jim Renfrew | Jean Burnell

DXpedition No. 10: November 10-18, 2001 | Log | Report | Jean Burnell | Mark Connelly | Bruce Conti | John Fisher | Jim Renfrew

DXpedition No. 9: October 20-30, 2000 | Log | Report | Jean Burnell | Mark Connelly | John Fisher | Neil Kazaross | Jim Renfrew

DXpedition No. 8: October 8, 9, and 15-24, 1999 | Log | Report |
Jean Burnell | John Fisher | Neil Kazaross | Alan Merriman

DXpedition No. 7: October 1-17, 1998 | Log | Report |
Jean Burnell | Mark Connelly | John Fisher | Neil Kazaross | Alan Merriman | Werner Funkenhauser

DXpedition No. 6: November 24-29, 1997 | Log | Report |
Neil Kazaross | Jean Burnell

DXpedition No. 5: November 2-17, 1996 | Log | Report |
Jean Burnell | Dave Clark | Bruce Conti | Ben Dangerfield | John Fisher | Neil Kazaross | Jim Renfrew

Vallhalla Beach, Canada

November 11-12, 2005 | Shawn Axelrod | Wayne McRae

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