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History of DXing.info

DXing.info has its origins in December 1997, when for the first time DXpedition logs from Lemmenjoki were published on the Internet in English for a worldwide audience by Mika Mäkeläinen.

In 1998 Mäkeläinen created a site titled Freeze! DXing Arctic Style located under the domain http://www.clinet.fi. In September 1999 the site was relocated to http://www.makelainen.com/dx.

The site consisted mostly of DXpedition logs and reports, but included also articles, audio files, QSL information and other resources for avid mediumwave and shortwave DXers.

According to Google Web Directory Freeze! DXing Arctic Style became the fourth most popular website in the world in the DX Listening category.

The history of that site until April 2002 is documented below. The list includes the most significant upgrades, but updates to logs, latest QSL news and audio files, changes to the older articles or upgrades in website design are not listed, because such minor additions and improvements took place more frequently. Changes to this current URL DXing.info can be found on the What's new page.

April 2002 Community forums, the first part of DXing.info, is launched. For later changes, check out what's new
Feb-April 2002 planning and construction of DXing.info website
Jan. 6, 2002 QSLs received in 2001 added
Jan. 5, 2002 First content published in Portuguese, thanks to Marcelo Toniolo! LEM158 DXpedition report available now, and more will follow.
Dec. 19th, 2001 LEM158 DXpedition report, log and equipment published
Oct, 2001 .info domains become public, DXing.info is registered
Sept. 4th, 2001 Interactive Forums created - closed down later because of damage caused by hackers (and to be recreated in April 2002)
March 18th, 2001 Year 2001 logs from home initiated
March 3rd, 2001 News from the world of radio added
March 2nd 2001 Audio files of unidentified stations from Europe, Iran and India added
Jan. 11, 2001 QSLs received in 2000 added
Jan. 8, 2001 Sophisticated search functions added
Dec. 17, 2000 LEM144 DXpedition report, log and equipment published
Nov. 23, 2000 Solar activity indices and forecasts added on the front page
Nov. 22, 2000 Comments posted on the site
Nov. 19, 2000 Links section revised, web radio added
Nov. 1, 2000 Profile of Juha Vehmas added
October 20, 2000 DXpedition video, produced by YLE and seen on CNN, added on the site (later removed)
Sept. 28, 2000 Unidentified stations with sound files added
Sept. 2, 2000 JavaScripts added to increase interactivity
August 9, 2000 Equipment at home QTH added
July 29, 2000 Year 2000 logs from home QTH added
July 25, 2000 Introductions of Ari Kilponen and Martti Karimies added
July 4, 2000 Article New Bolivians on the dial added
June 24, 2000 Section About Freeze added
June 23, 2000 Section QSL collection added
June 2000 Article What is DXing, and the equivalent in Finnish, added
June 2000 "Freeze! DXing Arctic Style" reconstructed using frames
April 22, 2000 Article Peruvian elections - radio round added
September 1999 "Freeze! DXing Arctic Style" finds a new home at www.makelainen.com
1998 The website "Freeze! DXing Arctic Style" created under www.clinet.fi
December 1997 The first DXpedition logs from the Finnish Arctic (LEM112 log) published on the World Wide Web

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