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Information on DXing.info

DXing.info exists to promote the noble hobby of DXing, to introduce newcomers to the hobby and to encourage oldtimers to learn more and experiment with new aspects of the hobby such as setting off on a DXpedition, improving your equipment or learning about propagation.

The aim is to share DX logs, news and other DX-related information with the widest possible audience for the enjoyment of DXers worldwide.

The site was originally born to satisfy the international interest toward Arctic DXpeditions in Finland. Later on, related information about various aspects of the DXing hobby have been added. For a detailed list of new content during the past couple of decades, check out the What's New page.

DXing.info is a community effort and its success depends on your contributions. You can join us by becoming a member in the DXing.info Facebook group and share your DXperience. You can also share your logs, audio files, articles and equipment reviews on other sections of DXing.info. You can get in touch with the site via the Facebook group.

If you have a site on DXing, broadcasting or radio, you can have a link on your site pointing to http://www.dxing.info. You can also use banners as image links. Aside from banners, you may not link directly to image, audio or video files on DXing.info, nor place content from DXing.info in frames or layers of your website. Please check out the terms of use for more details.

Your suggestions, corrections and other type of feedback to improve the site further are most welcome.

The content on DXing.info is free of charge, there are no subscription nor membership fees. But bear in mind that it still costs to keep the site going. If you have enjoyed using the site, maybe you can consider supporting the site financially get in touch via the Facebook group, or message Mika DX Makelainen on Facebook. Any contributions are warmly welcomed and will contribute to developing DXing.info further.

The site has been designed and constructed by Finnish DXer Mika Mäkeläinen, but many of its features such as the audio archive and dynamic scripts depend on the invaluable contribution of the worldwide DXing community. Except for radio station logos and other radio station material which are property of the stations in question, and unless otherwise stated, all writings, graphics and photos are copyright © Mika Mäkeläinen and may not be published or reproduced in any form without prior written consent.

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