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Radio Vlaanderen International:

Radio World

Click to listen (3.1 Mb MP3)  Audio: Radio World March 9, 2003  Sunday, 9 March 2003

(published here with permission from RVI Radio World)

Last week in Radio World we took a look at dxing.info, the excellent website of Mika Mäkeläinen. He has made a comprehensive guide to monitoring radio stations to and from Iraq. Several stations are run by the Iraqi National Accord, INA, or in Arabic: al-Wifaq al-Watani al-Iraq. The INA is an opposition group of military and security officers who have defected from Iraq. It was created by the British intelligence service MI6, but has received extensive support from the CIA since the mid-1990s. The stations run by the INA with money from the CIA are all broadcasting to Iraq from Kuwait, using a 50-kW transmitter. We already looked at two of them: Radio al-Mustaqbal (The Future), on 1575 kHz, and Radio Idha'at Wadi al-Rafidayn (Twin Rivers Radio) on 1566 kHz.
The latest addition to the INA stations is Radio Tikrit.

SOUND Radio Tikrit (listen to Radio World via audio link on this page)

Also this station is in the upper end of the mediumwave, on 1584 kHz. Tikrit is a town some 170 km north of Baghdad. This might not mean much to you, but it is the place where the great leader Saddam Hussein was born and where most of his entourage hail from. Radio Tikrit broadcasts from 1900-2100 UTC, using that same transmitter in Kuwait.

And then there is also Radiyo al-Ma'ulumat, Information Radio, another anti-Saddam station sponsored by the U.S.

SOUND Information Radio

Radiyo al-Ma'ulumat is supposed to weaken support for Saddam Hussein among the Iraqi people and military. The station is on the air five hours a day, and at least part of the broadcasts come from U.S. aircraft flying near or over Iraq. As previously in Afghanistan, the knowledgeable Mika says, EC-130E Commando Solo aircraft of the Air Force 193d Special Operations Wing are used for the transmissions.
Broadcasts began on December 12, 2002, and according to leaflets dropped in Iraq, the station can be heard from 1500-2000 UTC on 693 and 756 kHz mediumwave, 9715 and 11292 kHz shortwave and 100.4 MHz FM.
DXers have heard the station on shortwave only.
Information Radio is part of the U.S. Psychological Operations, and the programming is prepared by the 4th Psychological Operations Group at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

Let's move on to Ashur Radio, the Voice of the Assyrian Democratic Movement, seeking autonomy for the Assyrian minority in Northern Iraq.

SOUND Ashur Radio

The movement was established in April 1979, and Ashur Radio went on the air in April 2000. Programmes are in Arabic and Assyrian and are aired from Irbil in the north of Iraq on 9155 kHz, and was heard from 1000-1100 and later, until 1745 UTC.

The Iraqi Communist party also has a radio station:

SOUND Voice of Iraqi People

Sawt al-Sha'ab al-Iraqi, or Voice of Iraqi People is broadcasting from Iraqi Kurdistan, presumably. The station broadcasts in Arabic in the mornings, closing down at 0530 UTC, and in the evenings from 1725-1845 or 1855 UTC on 3900 kHz. Dxing.info adds that it occasionally drifts between 3899 and 3902 kHz.
The station was recently reported on 5897 kHz. The Voice of Iraqi People has an address in London and can also be reached by email.

An estimated 40 per cent of the Iraqis are Shi'ite muslims, and many are opposed to the regime, so it is not surprising that they too have a radio station. This is called the Voice of Islamic Revolution in Iraq, operated by the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

SOUND: Voice of Islamic Revolution in Iraq

This Sawt al-Thawrah al-Islamiyah fi al-Iraq began broadcasting in 1991 on shortwave from Iran, where the Shi'ites are in power. The station can be heard regularly with a stable signal, signing on around 0330 UTC on 7100 and 9535 kHz.
This station too, has an address in London.

That's it for this week. In the next edition of Radio World it's already time to look at our new summer schedule.


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