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  • 1220 – XEB México DF - XEB station identification

    I heard La B Grande de México in 1995 promoting their glorious past 71 años de grandeza, so XEB must be one of the oldest radio stations in Mexico, founded presumably in 1924. With an output power of 100 kilowatts XEB is among the most common Mexican stations in Finland and was first logged already in 1975. Part of IMER, the station now has a website.

  • 1270 – XERRT Ciudad Madero TM

    XERRT is a station of Mexican music, which I heard repeating the following slogan: La Fiesta Mexicana está en Radio Ranchito. The station belongs to a local network called Radio Grupo del Golfo, comprising of seven stations, mostly on AM. XERRT considers its primary coverage area to extend only 60 kilometers from Ciudad Madero (next to Tampico), but their location on the Gulf Coast seems to make miracles. A tip for those hunting this: local news is broadcast every hour for five minutes from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday. A commercial break is aired every 15 minutes.
XERPL 1270 sticker
  • 1270 - XERPL León GJ

    XERPL La Poderosa is among the most common Mexican stations outside DF, but has been a tough case to get verified. Finally in 2001 Markus Salonen received a reply from Héctor Pulido Isas, who also replied to me. Héctor doesn't even work for the station, but is authorized by station manager Rogelio Esquerra to take care of DXers' mail. XERPL claims to be the most popular station of the region, thanks to the format of pop music and football, which has a wide appeal.

  • 1330 – XEAJ Saltillo CO

    XEAJ logoXEAJ is a family-run business. The station manager (Director General) is (or at least was in 1996) Juan Alberto Jaubert López, and the company's name is Jaubert Agencia de Publicidad. My verification was however signed by Gerente General, Ing. Humberto Rojas Silva, who kindly included five cassettes of their programming and a huge book on the primary local tourist attraction, the cathedral! I heard them using the slogan La Primera along with the call-letters. The station prides itself being on the air 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and live all the time, still run by only 18 people. XEAJ was founded in 1962.

  • 1350 – XEQK México DF

    You can't miss the ID for this one; a time announcement, a time signal and a station identification are given every minute. The rest of the programming is filled with various comunicados. Information on XEQK can be found on the Internet. The ratings for La Hora Exacta are bound to be minimal, but the station seems to survive year after year. I've heard XEQK a couple of times, but it is not the most common Mexican on this frequency. XETB Radio Laguna from Torreón CO is more frequent. Unfortunately, as far as I know, no one in Finland has succeeded in getting a verification from XETB.

  • 1370 – XEMON Monterrey NL

    XEMON belongs to Radio Fórmula Monterrey. I picked up the station in 1993, without any music during the 20 minutes that the station was audible. Identified promptly on the top of the hour, also giving the transmitter power, which used to be 10 kW, and remains the same, at least according to the WRTH.

  • 1380 – XECO México DF - XECO station identification

    Back in 1995 XECO identified as La Nueva Estación 1380, Radio Rama. The "new" was probably a reference to changes in format and ownership, as previously this Radiorama station belonged to Núcleo Radio Mil. In 1998 XECO was known as Romántica 1380. My e-mail verification came from Sr. Roberto Armendariz Pàez, Director de noticias y operaciones, from the following address: sysrdm01@mail.internet.com.mx.
XEXO 1390 sticker
  • 1390 – XEXO Ciudad Mante TM

    A commercial spot to Ciudad Mante revealed the identity of this station, La Super Buena. For me the second super buena part of the process was getting a very friendly reply from Lic. Sergio Braña A., Gerente Administrativo. XEXO belongs to local group of 5 stations, Organización Radiofónica Tamaulipeca. He mentions that you can get a 1-minute spot for the price of 1 USD – sounds like a bargain compared to the prices of DF, where it can cost 100 times more. But then again, stations in DF probably have a far bigger and wealthier audience, and that's what counts.

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 Los 40

Station identifications from Mexico

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