Unidentified radio stations
from Latin America
you know either Spanish or Portuguese, I would greatly
appreciate your help. I have heard interesting radio
stations from Latin America and Spain, but I haven't
been able to identify them. This page contains recordings
of those stations.
Older sound files
are in Real Media format, newer ones in MP3. Please
listen to the soundfiles, compare your observations
with others and please email
me what you hear.
Last update in March
2006. Click on the time to listen to the sound file
in MP3 format.
American (excluding Mexican) stations heard in October
2005-January 2006 |
kHz: |
date: |
time UTC |
on the station: |
560 |
31.10.2005 |
0810 |
a promo for something "... por la FM". Heard
with the East Coast wire, so could be for example
Cuban or Mexican |
690 |
1.11.2005 |
0620 |
"Radio AE" or something. Also this one heard
with a wire pointing at 300 degrees, so Mexico, Central
America & Caribbean are the candidates. |
740 |
30.10.2005 |
0621 |
Brazilian. At the same time R Jovem Pan, Brasília,
was heard on 750. A number 3486 320... and a jingle
Marcelo Toniolo: R. Sociedade da Bahia - Salvador.
Clearly boradcasting the program run by Igreja Universal
do Reino de Deus and phone number is 3486-3201.
Mika: Thanks, we can now forget about this
one, as R Sociedade is the most common station here,
and already QSLed |
970 |
2.11.2005 |
0525 |
Brazilian, a program announcement "... Madrugada" |
970 |
2.11.2005 |
0535 |
the same Brazilian, time 3.36 (= UTC-2h)
Marcelo Toniolo: I believe this (and the previous)
is Radio Pampa, Porto Alegre. The speaker is talking
about a letter he received from a listener who lives
in Sao Leopoldo that is a town in Rio Grande do Sul.
Mika: Thanks! Another common station, already
QSLed |
1330 |
5.11.2005 |
0512 |
Brazilian, tel. 3941 0545 |
1390 |
31.10.2005 |
0628 |
Brazilian, tel. 3326 ...90 (?) |
1390 |
31.10.2005 |
0633 |
Brazilian, announcement for "Alvorada sertaneja"
or something like that |
1470 |
5.11.2005 |
0025 |
Brazilian, time 9.27, jingle with station name? |
1470 |
5.11.2005 |
0124 |
Brazilian, time 11.23 |
1470 |
5.11.2005 |
0215 |
Brazilian, ID slightly off the fq |
1470 |
31.10.2005 |
0652 |
program promo: "De lunes a viernes, a las 22
horas ... via satélite ... aqui en WV(?)",
sounds Argentinian |
1470 |
5.11.2005 |
0157 |
"... todos los viernes de 23 a 0 horas aqui en
1470 AM Radio Rafaela ..." (?) |
1480 |
5.11.2005 |
0200 |
Brazilian, several stations listed |
1480 |
5.11.2005 |
0114 |
number 421 5842 (?), ID sounds like Radio Continental,
but no such station listed (antenna pointing to Southern
half of South America) |
1510 |
30.10.2005 |
0416 |
Brazilian, could be Rádio Nordeste, which was
identified 11 minutes earlier |
1520 |
30.10.2005 |
2300 |
Brazilian, is there an ID for Radio News? |
1540 |
31.10.2005 |
0000 |
Brazilian, "Rádio ..." |
1540 |
31.10.2005 |
0009 |
Brazilian, is there a location mentioned with the
boa noite wishes? |
1569.81 |
5.11.2005 |
0133 |
Brazilian. Rádio Educadora was logged on 1569.74
on the same night, and Rádio ABC on exactly
1570 kHz, so this is something better. |
1570 |
30.10.2005 |
0319 |
Brazilian, time 1.19 |
1570 |
30.10.2005 |
0330 |
the same Brazilian, "Rádio ..." and
a promo |
stations heard in October 2005-January 2006 |
kHz: |
date: |
time UTC |
on the station: |
980 |
2.11.2005 |
0735 |
the same Mexican as the next one |
980 |
2.11.2005 |
0754 |
me parece muy interesante: "980 kiloherz"
por un hombre locutor, y entonces un anuncio cantado
por una mujer locutora. He captado el mismo anuncio
dos veces. Here is another version recorded in DSB
Henrik Klemetz: Muy atrevida la vieja de los
980. O seré yo el atrevido? Pareciera canturrear
"En celo contigo -- XEFS". A ver si alguien
con el oído bien aguzado nos descifra el enigma.
Hector Garcia Bojorge: "980 KHz"
"Stereo Sentido", o algo parecido porque
no se escucha bien, luego me parece que dice "X
E T G" (pero segun yo la XETG usa la 990 KHz
y no la 980) hay que investigar
Miguel Angel: La dama dice "Stereo Festivo...
espejo" posiblemente sea "Dual Estereo"
de La Piedad, Michoacán, XELC.
Henrik Klemetz: Concuerdo con lo de "Estéreo..."
de la dama de los 980, y - aunque me duela - he de
descartar lo de "contigo". Qué se
le va a hacer: la primera vocal es una E y no una
O. Entre las propuestas serias, más cabe "festivo"
que "sentido", pero ninguna de las dos me
termina de convencer del todo.
Ivan Alegria: aquí no puedo escuchar
nada más que a la XEXT "Capital Máxima"
ya que esta emisora se encuentra a dos calles de distancia
de mi QTH y aunque no emite las 24 hrs., sí
se escucha el ruido de la portadora no permitiendo
captar otra cosa. Sin embargo por el audio escuchado
logro distinguir: "Stereo sentido" y su
indicativo algo así como: XEKE ó XELC.
1010 |
6.1.2006 |
0849 |
solamente anuncia: "Con la música que
tu quieres escuchar, 1010 AM", (también
dos veces, parece ser una manera). Despues de unas
horas he captado XEVK "La Que Buena" Torreón
CO en esta frecuencia, posiblemente es la misma.
Miguel Angel: Es más difícil,
yo creo que dice al inicio "Tierra Blanca ...
Estructural", un anuncio comercial. Tierra Blanca
es una Colonia, suburbio o barrio, elegante, de Culiacán,
Sinaloa. "Tierra Blanca" es un nombre más
o menos usuado por comercios y talleres de esa ciudad.
Si se escucha adecuadamante, cuando el locutor dice
"... AM" es otro tipo de sonido, otra grabación,
que no tiene relación con el anuncio comercial.
Por lo tanto, yo creo que es XEWS de Culiacán,
Sinaloa. Por cierto, la Calle Alvaro Obregón
Norte en donde está XEWS, también pasa
por Tierra Blanca, aunque la emisora está en
el centro de la ciudad.
Ivan Alegria: en esta frecuencia escuché
a la "K buena" (Torreón), "HL"
de Guadalajara e "Inolvidable" de Culiacán.
Me inclino por esta última. |
1040 |
2.11.2005 |
1112 |
stations heard in November-December 2004 |
kHz: |
date: |
time UTC |
on the station: |
(click on the time to listen to the sound file in
MP3 format) |
1390 |
28.11.2004 |
0350 |
think I heard "Rádio Rural" announced?
(Two minutes later Rádio Jornal from Pernambuco
was heard here)
Rafael Scapin: I also heard "Rádio
Jan-Erik Österholm: The YL ID here is
definitely "R Jornal" not Rural. Try a slower
pitch! Fontecically these words are pretty close but
Jornal it is.
Mika: There are two stations. I can't help
it, but the male announcement that is given at 0'11
still sounds like Rádio Rural to me. It is
just the announcement, while the rest is music. I
think the talk station can indeed be Jornal. |
1390 |
28.11.2004 |
0405 |
I think I heard "Rádio Rural" announced
(0'03), but I am probably mistaken, because no such
station is listed on this frequency
Samuel Cassio: In fact, the man said Radio
Rural ...80, and no Radio Rural is listed in 1390.
Jim Solatie: can't hear Rural
Rafael Scapin: I also heard "Rádio
Jan-Erik Österholm: How about "Rádio
Jornal, Pesqueira 1390"? |
1470 |
30.11.2004 |
0016 |
with time announcements (UTC-3h) at 0'04 and at 0'20,
but I didn't catch anything helpful for identifying
this |
1480 |
28.11.2004 |
0433 |
heard an announcement which I think is "Educadora"
(0'04) . There is only one Educadora listed on 1480
kHz, but I don't know if this really is an ID or not.
Samuel Cassio: "Educadora " is not
clear, I want to hear again.
Jim Solatie: sounds like part of the song
Rafael Scapin: I heard "Rádio Educadora"
Jan-Erik Österholm: I would bet at least
one coin on Cancao Nova, Gravatá even though
no definite ID is available. The format sounds familiar!
Pertti Äyräs: I think the word is
not "Educadora" but "triunfadora"
or something
like that. Sounds like Cancao Nova.
Mika: you are probably right! |
1480 |
28.11.2004 |
0459 |
bunch of radio stations were listed, for example Rádio
Cultura from ... , but again no clue on the identity
of this particular station.
Samuel Cassio: is difficult, the announcers
talking about a network, including Rádio
Cultura de Belo Horizonte, Rádio Difusora de
Pouso Alegre MG, Rádio Difusora de Coronel
Fabriciano, all in Minas Gerais State, but also Rádio
Excelsior da Bahia and othes. I believe in Rede Catolica
de Rádio, but I can't to say the station on.
Rafael Scapin: I could only hear a list of
some radio stations, like stated by Samuel
Jan-Erik Österholm: I agree with Samuel's
observation. RCR is likely since many of the stations
transmits RCR - and so does the dominating 1480-station
in Lemmenjoki R Cancao Nova, Gravatá. This
would be my assumption. |
1520 |
28.11.2004 |
0213 |
like a jingle for "Globo" at 0'07? But what
Rafael Scapin: I could hear the jingle of Radio
Globo |
1520 |
28.11.2004 |
0228 |
sounds like a jingle for "Globo", but there
is no Rádio Globo listed here
Rafael Scapin: I could hear the jingle of Radio
Jan-Erik Österholm: The "jingle"
could remind of Globo....BUT are there two Tupi-mentions
after that? R Tupi, Mogo des Cruzes is a common one
in Lemmenjoki. These two clips too uncertain though. |
1540 |
30.11.2004 |
0208 |
commercial spot relatively well
Rafael Scapin: I could hear "João
Pessoa" (a city in Paraiba), northeastern Brazil
Mika: Thanks, I think that I can also now hear
"João Pessoa" at 0'31. The only listed
Paraíba station would be Rádio Santa
Maria in Monteiro, but Monteiro would be very far
from João Pessoa, so I still don't know what
station this could be. There is Rádio Baixa
Verde, a common station on this fq, in João
Câmara (in Rio Grande do Norte)... However,
I already have R Baixa Verde, R Capital do Agreste
and Nova Difusora in Osasco verified, and I'm hoping
for something else...
Jan-Erik Österholm: There is in my opinion
no mention of Joao Pessoa at 31' . I would still stay
for Nova Difusora as in the previous clip. No ID.
Latin American stations heard in 11-12/2004 |
kHz: |
date: |
UTC: |
on the station: |
740 |
2.12.2004 |
0633 |
Mexican station. Anything Mexican on this fq would
be a great catch. "Colonia Palma" is mentioned,
but unfortunately I wasn't able to find a city that
would fit. I only found Colonia Palma in Coatzacoalcos,
Veracruz, but that is probably too far from Gutiérrez
Zamora, which has XEGF listed on 740. |
740 |
2.12.2004 |
0635 |
same |
740 |
2.12.2004 |
0638 |
same, commercial spots, none of which sounded local.
One for music(?), tel. 01-800-999-909 and a website
address given. |
740 |
2.12.2004 |
0641 |
same, talk, followed by some schedule
Henrik Klemetz: 740 is a mix of Cuba and Mexico,
neither one with local programming. The Cuban remembers
all those heroes in the 1895 invasion
who were born in Holguín; the Mexican carries
Dr. Abel Cruz with his Bio-natura program. His business
has branches all over the country. See the Radio Fórmula
web site for info. Cancún or Torreón,
or both? |
1520 |
30.11.2004 |
0121 |
the Southern part of South America. A promo for a
web address, mentions a town at 0'09, a street address
(Avenida ... 1523), telephone number
Jan-Erik Österholm: This could be a rare
one! What I hear is "....www. (sounds strange,
like costa blanca or the like).ar ... en la ciudad
de Paraná ... en la Avenida Ramírez
1543, Departamento La Paz .... teléfono 4846....".
100% Argentinian. Paraná is situated in Provincia
de Entre Rios, Departamento La Paz and Avenida Ramírez
can be found in the city. Phone number also matches
even though they only use the four last digits and
leave the local code 42 out, 42-4846 would be the
complete number. Of course Radio Cháscomus
can not be ruled out. However on the frequency we
also have two stations much closer to Paraná
than the Buenos Aires region: LT38 Radio Gualeguay
(Entre Rios) and LT37 Emisora Rufino, Rufino (Santa
Fé). Eg. located on both sides of the Paraná
river. |
American stations in Spanish 1994-2000 |
kHz: |
date: |
UTC: |
name: |
on the station: |
1000 |
10.1.1997 |
0243 |
1000b.rm |
La Victoria". UTC -4h. Later on she mentioned
Puerto Cabello, which is close to Morón (Venezuela),
so this could be Radio Mundial Mil from Morón. |
1270 |
25.11.1997 |
0803 |
1270b.rm |
likely from the West as conditions favored California
at this time. PSA, announcements "... música,
onda música ...", jingle "Por amor...",
announcement "1270", then continued with
news. Perhaps XEAZ Tijuana BC?
Tim Hall: it doesn't sound like my local station.
XEAZ uses "Zeta Trece" and "Un Lider
en Accion" slogans frequently. I think you had
KESS-1270 near Dallas, TX. Their sister station on
FM is "Amor" and they get out very well.
I've heard one or two of the Spanish stations in Dallas
running announcements similar to the one on your tape.
Still a very good catch!
Mika: I would be very pleased if it was KESS,
that would be an even better catch up here. However,
I have never heard Mexican PSAs on Spanish stations
in the US. As you can hear in the recording, right
in the beginning there is a PSA by "Secretaria
de Educación Pública y Cámara
Nacional de la Industria de Radio y Televisión".
But of course, you have much more experience on stations
around there, what do you think, could a US station
air a Mexican PSA?
Tim Hall: I'm not sure really. I think I have
heard announcements like this on the 1270 and 1600
stations in Dallas, but I'm not positive. |
1450 |
26.10.1995 |
0503 |
1450a.rm |
Radio Suave(?) ... con mil watts de potencia ... desde
Matamoros(?) ..." WRTH does give XEVH R Galactica
from Matamoros, but the call sounds different, as
well as the slogan. Does anyone have better info on
Jean Burnell: I think I do hear a "R. Galactica"
ID at around 0:34 sec in your recordings (not 100%,
but pretty sure). The "Suave" might be one of those
secondary slogans that advertise the station's format.
Henrik Klemetz: undoubtedly says "Matamoros,
Tamaulipas" but I am not so sure of the meaning of
the annct 34 sec. into the clip, whether "Galáctica",
as Jean suggests, or something ending in "tejano"
with an American accent. BTW, Matamoros is just on
the border to the States. |
1460 |
9.3.1996 |
0413 |
1460a.rm |
"Caminando en Victoria", tel. 20043
Henrik Klemetz: Phone number pronounced in
an unorthdox way, possibly seven digits. Sponsoring
suggests Puerto Rico or USA
Jan-Erik Österholm: Why not YV-Jardín. Some
9 sec. after the Caminando en Victoria following the
phone number I think I hear the word "venezolana"!.
Sounds also very YV-like.
Henrik Klemetz: "Caminando en victoria" (actually,
I believe the title might be slightly different) mentions
a phone number, possibly 243 18 52, which usually
would be rendered 2-43-18-52, and this is a number
which is perfectly possible in Bogotá. The phone number
to Nuevo Continente in 1997 was 238 19 71. However,
Nuevo Continente, as far as I remember, would not
mention sponsors. Still there is one very intriguing
mention at the outset of the clip, matching Bogotá,
and that is "Centro Andino", which is a major shopping
mall. So I am not completely sure Bogotá can be ruled
out altogether. |
1590 |
24.10.1995 |
0617 |
1590a.rm |
announcement "1 de la mañana 14(?) minutos en
....", but what location? (UTC -5h) |
American stations in Portuguese (from Brazil) 1993-2000 |
kHz: |
date: |
UTC: |
name: |
on the station: |
1270 |
9.12.2000 |
0007 |
1270a.rm |
numbers 222-3000, 222-3001, 222-3002 and 222-3003
were given
Rocco Cotroneo: I
hear a "Continental" at about 70% of the
clip. It could match with Continental Campos, RJ.
But telephone numbers in Campos start with a 7....
so I just say "no comment"...
Marcelo Toniolo: I could not hear Continental.
Jan-Erik Österholm: Definitely no ID. |
1500 |
9.11.1993 |
0602 |
1500a.rm |
reception, time zone UTC-2h, Alvorada mentioned, also
telephone number 960-4946...
Rocco Cotroneo: It
says alvorada, indeed,many times. But I don't have
a radio with that name in my lists or logs here,
nor a 1993 list. But it may well be the name of the
Marcelo Toniolo: Alvorada..telefone 960-4946..
musica sertaneja
Jan-Erik Österholm: No sure ID. Alvorada might
refer to the program |
1500 |
9.11.1993 |
0611 |
1500b.rm |
same station as previous, perhaps a weak ID here? |
1500 |
24.10.1995 |
0138 |
1500d.rm |
"... FM"
Marcelo Toniolo: The speaker says Bandeirantes
AM (!!??)
Jan-Erik Österholm: No id and no hints.
Rafael Scapin: I also heard "Bandeirantes
AM" |
1500 |
28.7.1996 |
0211 |
1500f.rm |
reception, program information etc., but is there
anything to hint on the identity of the station? Local
time UTC - 3h
Rocco Cotroneo: It's
a "Hit parade". O "Paradao da semana",
of national and intl songs. But no hints...
Marcelo Toniolo: Paradão da Semana.....no clue
Jan-Erik Österholm: No id
Denis Zoqbi: Rádio Monguaba', Maceió
/ Alagoas. Programa Paradão da Semana, Top
20 Nacional. Prodution: Som Zoom Sat, an independent
radio producer, a company from Fortaleza/Ceará
that makes special programs to broadcast in many afiliate
stations in many states of N and NE of Brazil.
Rafael Scapin: I also heard "Paradão
da Semana" |
1540 |
3.3.1996 |
0200 |
1540a.rm |
he say "23 horas em Botucatu...", which
would mean R Emissora de Botucatu, Botucatu SP?
Rocco Cotroneo: Maybe
Marcelo Toniolo: it is Radio Emissora de Botucatu
.... the speaker says in the beginning of the transmission
23 horas em Botucatú ... you were right.
Jan-Erik Österholm: As for now I cannot say.
In my opinion it is not at all clear that it would
be SP!
Denis Zoqbi: R Emissora de Botucatu. Botucatu/
São Paulo. It's realy this radio station. Botucatu
is a very traditional station in southwest São
Paulo State. It's an interesting station, some times
we can listen to Botucatu here in São Paulo,
Rafael Scapin: "23 horas em Botucatu" |
1570 |
22.7.2000 |
0001 |
1570a.rm |
this be Radio Brasileira, Bela Vista do Paraiso, PR?
Or is he just referring generally to Brazilian radio?
Rocco Cotroneo: It
actually seems a ID, that Radio Brasileira. For sure
it doesnt say Bela Vista after
Jan-Erik Österholm: One of the two stations
is 100% R Asa Branca which give typical "station pling
plongs" and even an ID 40 sec from the start of the
Jean Burnell: But where Jan-Erik says he hears
Asa Branca...I don't hear it, just the "R. Brasileira."
I don't know whether this is an ID or not. Is the
word "Liberal" after "Brasileira?" If so, it's a network. |