Bavaria Spring DX Camp
May 1-5, 2003
by Michael Schnitzer
The highlights:
Altogether we had good conditions. Some LA-stations
came in with excellent signal strengths. A very
nice ID of R Santa Mónica from Perú
can be downloaded in the audio clip section on my
homepage. We had good results on mediumwave, too.
A 400m Beverage-antenna, directed to Thailand, enabled
the reception of a regional Thai station on 1476
The cottage |
The used antennas: FD-3 for higher
frequencies Beverage- antennas between 200 and 400m
to the following directions:
- Pacific (50°)
- Thailand (80°)
- Africa (150°)
- Brasil (235°)
- BOL/PRU (260°)
- Central America (285°)
- USA (310°)
Location: 45 km north east of
Nuremberg, Germany.
Not all heard stations are listed
below. More common ones are not mentioned.
3205 R Riberão Preto, May 3rd, 2200-2210,
Portuguese, jingle, talk, ID,
SINPO 24322
From left to right: Walter
Fuerstenhoefer, Rudi Schneeberger, Dr. Roland
Hoeller and Michael Schnitzer. |
4409.8 R Eco, Reyes, May 2nd, 2350-2355, Spanish,
romantic songs, SINPO 23322
4649 R Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, May 2nd,
2355-2400, Spanish, comunicados, SINPO 23433
4681.6 R Paitití, Guayaramerín, May
1st, 2310-2315, Spanish, report about the international
workers day ("día del trabajo"),
SINPO 24422
4761.7 R Guanay, May 1st, 2240-2300, Spanish, Andean
music, flutes, SINPO 23322
4865 R Centenario, Santa Cruz, May 1st, 2220-2235,
Spanish, Christian songs, ID, SINPO 35433
4876.8 R La Cruz del Sur, La Paz, May 2nd, 2250-2300,
Spanish, news magazine ("estamos presentando
el Chasqui radial"), SINPO 45434
5027 R Difusoras Minería, Oruro, May 2nd,
2330-2350, Spanish, advertisement for a Bolivian
news paper, "música trópica",
ID, SINPO 23322
6037.6 R Difusoras Trópico, Trinidad, May
1st, 2320-2335, Spanish, messages (comunicados),
advertisement, ID, political speech to workers ("compañeros
trabajadores..."), SINPO 23433
6105.5 R Panamericana, La Paz, May 3rd, 2305-2315,
Spanish, religious program, ID; excellent signal
with S=9+10, SINPO 45534
6134.8 R Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, May
4th, 2245-2255, Spanish, soccer match, ID, SINPO
A Beverage antenna. |
6009.7 R Parinocota (presumed), Putre, May 1st,
2350-2400, Spanish, Christian program, SINPO 22322
1359 CNR1, unknown site, May 1st, 2040-2050, S=2-3
//4800, 1377 1377 CNR1, unknown site, May 1st, 2050-2100,
S=2 //4800, 1359 1593 CNR1, unknown site, May 3rd,
2120-2130, S=2 //4800
17835.3 R Imperial, Sonsonate, May 2nd, 2130-2250,
Spanish, Christian music, ID, SINPO O=1-2
4777 R.Diff. TV Gabonaise, May 2nd, 1840-1850, French,
discussion on Iraq; strong signal, but audio problems;
many interruptions; SINPO 44433
Rudi Schneeberger,
the boss |
3300 R Cultural, Guatemala Ciudad, May 2nd, 0100-0110,
Spanish, Christian songs, ID, SINPO 44434
1385,9 R. Rurale (presumed), Labe, May 2nd, 2118-2129(c/d),
Vn, instr. mx, S=2-3
KOREA (Rep.)
1566 HLAZ (presumed), Cheju, May 1st, 2025-2035,
Korean , typical relig. mx, S=3
4845 RTM Kuala Lumpur, May 1st, 1710-1720, Tamil
(?), Indian songs, SINPO 34433
3905 R New Ireland, Kavieng, May 1st, 1930-1945,
English/Pidgin, south sea music, ID, SINPO 23422
3234.9 R Luz y Sonido, Huanuco, May 2nd, 0110-0120,
Spanish, huayno music, SINPO 24322
3375.1 R San Antonio, San Antonio de Padua, May
3rd, 2335-2345, Spanish, comunicados, ID, SINPO
4746.9 R Huanta 2000, May 2nd, 0040-0055, Spanish,
huayno music, "Coperativa Santa María
Magdalena" mentioned, ID, SINPO 33433
4775 R Tarma, May 3rd, 2345-2350, Spanish, huayno
music, ID, SINPO 33323
4826.4 R Sicuani, May 3rd, 2240-2250, Spanish, sports,
SINPO 23322
4890 R Macedonia, (presumed), Areqipa, May 4th,
0030-0040, Spanish, religious program, SINPO 34323;
heard on several days with endless Christian prorgrams
without ID;
4940 R San Antonio, Atalaya, May 3rd, 0000-0010,
Spanish, Ave María song, QRGs and phone number
in Atalaya, ID: "Radio San Antonio ... el diálogo
intercultural", SINPO 33433
4965 R Santa Mónica, May 3rd, 2350-2400,
Spanish, huayno music, many IDs, advertisement,
surprisingly good signal, SINPO 33333 (an enthusiastic
ID can be found in the audio clips on my homepage)
4995.6 R Andina, Huancayo, May 4th, 0015-0020, Spanish,
comunicados, greetings to a person in Urubamba,
ID, SINPO 22322
5019.9 R Horizonte, Chachapoyas, May 4th, 0010-0015,
Spanish, cumbia music, ID, SINPO 34433
5025 R Quillabamba, May 2nd, 0030-0040, Spanish,
romantic songs, several IDs, SINPO 33433 (also this
station can be found on my homepage, audio clips)
5996.7 R Melodía, Arequipa, May 4th, 2305-2325,
Spanish, endless LA-pops, ID, SINPO 22322
6115 R Unión, Lima, May 2nd, 0000-0010, Spanish,
information magazine, ID: "Unión la
radio, la más potente del Perú";
SINPO 33433
6173.9 R Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, May 3rd, 2315-2330,
Spanish, comunicados, ID, SINPO 23322
6193.4 R Cusco, May 2nd, 2315-2325, Spanish, huayno
music, local news, ID, SINPO 22322
9504.7 R Tacna, May 2nd, 2325-2330, Spanish, discussion
about the public health service in the province
Huancayo, ID, SINPO 33433
1476 Radio Thailand (presumed), Lamphun, May 4th,
2215-2257 (fade out), south-east Asian language,
native mx, phone-in, S=2, also heard on May 1st,
2nd and 3rd with similar fade out pattern
Posted on May 9,