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Grayland, Washington Loggings
October 3-4, 2009

NHP-WA: Nick Hall-Patch, 1538 Amphion St., Victoria, BC V8R 4Z6 nhp@ieee.org using Drake R8, Dymek DR333 and RF Space SDR14 receivers

CH-WA: Chuck Hutton, Seattle WA using a Perseus

bp-WA: Bruce Portzer using Drake R8A, Icom R-75, RFSPace SDR-IQ

1400' Beverage at 330 degrees tied into a 3 rod ground near the high tide mark
ALA100 array (Nick only)


A few notes from Chuck:


Three new countries in a weekend was a top level thrill for me and an experience not to be forgotten soon.

Bangladesh's brand new 1 MW (yes, 1 Megawatt) transmitter on 693 was the easiest of the bunch, rising to a level equal to NHK Japan briefly with accented English news at 1430 as first spotted by Bruce Portzer. Japan-693 is one of the strongest TP's here, so I was not expecting anything to poke through and even speculated to Bruce on the way to Grayland that Bangladesh was not a good candidate for us. Wrong.

Next on the list was Burma. 576 has no strong dominant station in the NW USA as Russia and NHK are often there but can not be called powerful.  At 1430, no Russia or Japan was evident and a fairly poor signal with a man talking in a non-recognizable language was present. It rose to almost a fair level briefly. Later, Alan Davies (a resident of SE Asia who is fluent in several Asian languages) and Henrik Klemetz (master linguist and professor of languages) listened to the recording and decided it is Burmese.

The last country was the most unexpected: Laos. Laos has very few medium wave transmitters: 567 (200 kW), 585 (20 kW), 640 (10 kW) and 705 (10 kW). Contrast that with China (9073 transmitters), Indonesia (3710 transmitters) or Japan (4562 transmitters). After 1400 on October 3 and 4, a poor carrier was noted on 705, or actually 704.996 Hz. Only a few minutes of poor talk and a few more minutes of slightly better music were heard. Things were at a dead end until a native Laotian at work listened to my recordings and identified them as Laos. He was able to recognize the artist and song. By the way, Laos got a new 10 kW transmitter for 705 in 2007 and it is heard decently throughout SE Asia and into China per Alan Davies. I'm particularly thrilled by Laos as it was on my list of countries I did not expect to ever hear. I suppose it was heard 40 years ago or more in the days of clearer channels and thought it would not be heard again in the USA.


That's a lot for 1 weekend, isn't it? Quite a handful from Inner Mongolia plus far away Kashi and Yunnan. Even a new station on a domestic channel: Liaoning on 1260. In the end, I had a Chinese language station on each and every frequency except:

  • 747
  • 1080
  • 1233
  • 1467
  • 1494
  • 1602

With some recordings still not studied, a few more may fall.


I had been ignoring the Japanese harbor stations listed on 1670 in the Pacific-Asian Log as I thought the US interference would always be too much. I noticed a bit of interference to 1670, checked it out and discovered that these stations are not really on 1670 nor are they "1670.5 USB" as listed on their website. They have a carrier on 1669 and an upper sideband. That still means quite a bit of interference from 1670, but it also means that it is easier to tell when a signal is present. With USB reception and a notch on 1670, audio was recoverable in many of the time slots used by these stations which share the channel. Details below.


But wait... There's more. Two new Thai stations: 648 and 1467. Eight new Taiwanese stations. At least 35 Alaskans, all but 1 with nice ID's.



162        FRANCE  (t) Allouis, France Inter. 0343 4 Oct. Woman talking, poor strength, but FF inflection; likely this one. (NHP-WA )
164        MONGOLIA  (t) Khonkhor, Mongolyn Radio. 1234 3 Oct. Man talking in the murk and static, likely this; better by 1314, but still not great. (NHP-WA )
171        MOROCCO Nador, Medi 1/Radio Méditerranée Int'l. 0448 3 Oct. Arabic vocals, fair on Beverage, better on ALA100 (no phasing); carriers 153, 180, 189, 252, but no audio. At 0539, man and woman en francais; quite loud, and at 0605, good signal, nx in Arabic by man. Not nearly as good a signal on 4 October however. (NHP-WA )
171        MOROCCO (t), 0456 10/3 mostly threshold level audio, 0459 possible N African mx, 0500 female talk weak (bp WA)
171        RUSSIA Oyash/Yakutsk, R. Rossii. 1134 3 Oct. Traces of RR talk u/static //189. (NHP-WA )
189        ICELAND (t) Gufuskálar, Rikisútvarpid Rás 1+2. 0617 3 Oct. Countryish style pop mx, fair; best on ALA array. (NHP-WA )
189        RUSSIA 1139 10/4 fair w/music //234/279 (bp WA)
234        RUSSIA Arman, R. Rossii. 1134 3 Oct. Man in RR fighting w/"ALW" beacon //153 and lagging it slightly; fair signal. Also at 1137 on Oct 4. (NHP-WA )
518        SOUTH KOREA 1130 10/4 decoded several "Korea Navtex" messages (bp WA)
549        RUSSIA Rst. Mayak. 1356 3 Oct. Man in RR, echoey and //576; fair strength. (NHP-WA )
549        VIETNAM VoV2, My Van 1400 Oct. 4 with poor chimes, mixing with Mayak's somewhat better chimes. 7022 miles, 309 degrees. (Hutton WA)
558        CHINA unknown poor with standard Beijing time check at 1400 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
567        JAPAN Sapporo, JOIK, 1000 10/3 call ID by woman then NHK nx (bp WA)
567        SOUTH KOREA KBS1 HLKF Jeonju poor under Japan with standard KBS theme and ID at 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
570        CANADA Whitehorse, CFWH. 0559 3 Oct. CBC //690, ID for "990 AM in Carmack , 103.5 FM in Haines Junction" good signal o/KVI, "right here on CBC North, radio 1 by man" CBC nx followed; much better on Beverage.
570        CANADA Whitehorse, CFWH, 0659 10/3 "CBC Radio One, 570 AM in Whitehorse" ID loud o/KVI, then promo & CBC nx, 0704 had "CBC Yukon ID" & wx for various towns in the Yukon (bp WA)
576        BURMA Myanma Radio, Yangon, poor to almost fair with man talking 1430 - 1433 Oct. 3. My curiosity was piqued since it was not Russian or Japanese which are the normal suspects and since the language had an unusual sound that I could not identify. Later, Asian linguists Alan Davies (of Malaysia) and Henrik Klemetz both studied my recording and said it is indeed Burmese. A stellar morning with this and Bangladesh going into the logbook as new countries. 7387 miles, 320 degrees. (Hutton WA)
580        ALASKA Petersburg, KRSA. 0350 4 Oct. Entertaining bible studies ad from Lifeline Productions; good strength and all alone on channel. Later, there was a KRSA ID. (NHP-WA )
585        RUSSIA Voice of Russia, Belogorsk with VOR chimes poor at 1400 Oct. 4. 4433 miles, 318 degrees. (Hutton WA)
594        CHINA Shandong JGD, Jinan at fair level with moderately echoed Chinese from 1300 - 1420 Oct. 3. 1400 "Shandong Guangbo..." with possible "Jingji Pindao" (Economic Channel) said afterwards but NHK made it tough to tell on the last part. (Hutton WA)
603        CHINA Hulun Buir RGD, Hailar (Nei Menggu province) with nice Hulun Buir RGD ID at 1330 Oct. 4 and mention of 603 kHz. Dominating over the Korean. (Hutton WA)
603        CHINA CNR1 (8 locations listed around China) with poor CNR theme music 1200 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
603        RUSSIA R. Mayak, Skovorodino with Mayak chimes poor 1400 Oct. 4.  4422 miles, 323 degrees. (Hutton WA)
603        UNID 1100 10/3 3 sets of China pips hrd, dominant stn then had YL talk, 1215 10/3 woman yakking in CC quite strong (10db over S9), unid mx stn in background.  (bp WA)
620        ALASKA Homer, KGTL, 0424 10/3 good w/call ID & Tom Jones song o/KPOJ (bp WA)
621        RUSSIA R. Rossii, Khabarovsk fair with Rossii chimes and ID 1400 Oct. 4 (Hutton WA)
630        ALASKA Juneau, KJNO dominant w/sportstalk 0255 10/3 "Capital's Information Station, AM 630 KJNO Juneau" ID (bp WA)
630        CHINA CNR2 synchros. 1408 4 Oct. Echoey CC talk by man //6155, fighting w/KCIS. (NHP-WA )
630        RUSSIA Voice of Russia, Komsomolsk  almost fair with VOR chimes 1400 Oct. 3 but almost always losing the battle to the mighty CNR2 transmitter. Only 4165 miles, 313 degrees. (Hutton WA)
639        CHINA  CNR1, 19 locations poor with CNR theme in IBOC buzz 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
648        JAPAN AFN, Okinawa assumed as the source of American English with something (an ad on AFN?)  mentioning a price of $19.95 then weak pop music. In and out from 1400 – 1440 with no sign of normally dominant VOR and only fighting with a weak unid Chinese. Same time Oct. 4 with weak American pop and r&b. (Hutton WA)
648        JAPAN NHK1 JOIG Toyama poor and just making it at the end of sunrise 1438 Oct.4, parallel to 594. (Hutton WA)
648        THAILAND R. Thailand, Khon Kaen 1412 to 1428 Oct. 4 with odd flute music that screamed "Thai!" and indeed was parallel to 891. Rather poor signal and likely made it due to the absence this fall of Voice of Russia. (Hutton WA)
650        ALASKA Anchorage, KENI. 0442 4 Oct. Very good w/ID by man and news. (NHP-WA )
657        CHINA Henan RGD, Zhengzhou (Henan province) fair (or better) with "Henan dientai xin-wen guangbo" ID and mentions of 657 AM and 95.4 FM 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
666        CHINA unid 1300 Oct. 3 poor with Beijing time check. (Hutton WA)
666        RUSSIA Kmosomolsk, 0959 10/3 good w/RR talk, then Kremlin chimes o/Japan (bp WA)
675        VIETNAM My Van, VoV1. 1332 4 Oct. Man in VV //5975, good to fair signal. (NHP-WA )
680        ALASKA Barrow, KBRW 0900 10/3 after years of trying, finally bagged them w/rap song, long ID, anti-drug PSA, another ID, then disco song, fair-good mixing w/KNBR (bp WA)
684        CHINA Putian, CNR6, Shenzhou zhi Sheng. 1436 3 Oct. Oriental mx (CC woman vocals & strings), fair and //one of the CC stations on 1089. (NHP-WA )
684        CHINA CNR6, Putian (Fujian province)  to fair level with classical music 1359 Oct. 3. Parallel 1089, but no other parallels found at the top of the hour. (Hutton WA)
684        CHINA CNR, Dongfang (Hainan province) with CRI theme music and ID at 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
693        BANGLADESH Dhaka, 1428 10/4 fair-nil u/JOAB w/woman in presumed Bangla, distinctive horn mx, 1429 man mentioned Bangladesh, possibly as part of ID.. 1430 launched into news with distinctive south Asian accent, one story mentioned "Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid", gradually lost after 1435.   (bpWA)
693        BANGLADESH Betar, Dhaka 1428 Oct. 4 fair with talk mentioning Bangladesh. 1430 English news with strong South Asian accent. Thanks Bruce for spotting this, assumedly with their planned new 1 MW transmitter. 7114 miles, 328 degrees. (Hutton WA)
702        CHINA unid with Beijing time check, poor at 1400 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
702        NORTH KOREA 1234 10/4 good w/chorus, sounded like something from a church service but obviously not, //819 (bp WA)
705        LAOS (!!!) Laos National Radio, Luang Prabang 1409:38 -  1411:20 Oct 3 with poor talk at a level far too low for me to get a handle on this unfamiliar language. Oct 4 1418:45 - 1431:10 poor Asian music but who would know if it is Laotian? Frequency stable at 704.995 with a possible error of a few Hertz. Alan Davies tells me Laos got a new transmitter in 2007 and is decently heard throughout SE Asia. This was so weak that I'll need a native speaker to confirm the language and even then it may not be possible. Followup: a native Lao at work has listened to my recordings and confirmed it is Laos. I was even so lucky that he recognized the music. (Hutton WA)
711        SOUTH KOREA HLCA, 1000 10/3 YL w/HLCA ID & pips mixing w/jammer, 1420 10/3 unusually loud w/bubble jammer QRM, easily separable from KIRO (bp WA)
711        TAIWAN Han Sheng BEC72, Hsinfeng is the answer to the mystery of who sometimes bothers South Korea. This time Taiwan equaled HLKA and the parallel to 801 was easy at 1401 Oct. 4.  (Hutton WA)
711        UNID. 1419 3 Oct. Warbling, growling jammer poor to good o/ u/presumed HLKA, which was at varying strength at the time. From N. Korea? (NHP-WA )
720        ALASKA Kotzebue, KOTZ. 1406 4 Oct. Couldn't figure out why it was so hard to null KDWN, but turned out it was this instead. Man giving weather forecast for Kotzebue...snow, in case you're wondering. Fair to good strength. (NHP-WA )
720        RUSSIA 1000 10/3 chimes, pips, & man in RR good o/domestics (bp WA
729        CHINA various Jiangxi RGD outlets, Jiangxi province fair 1400 Oct. 3 with ID and AM-FM frequencies. (Hutton WA)
729        JAPAN Nagoya, JOCK, 1000 10/3 pips & call ID by man, into NHK nx //594 etc (bp WA)
729        VIETNAM VoV2, Dong Hoi fair with chimes 1359 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
738        SOUTH KOREA HLKG, KK talk loud 1421 10/3 w/CC talk in background (bp WA)
756        CHINA CNR1 bunches of outlets (23 listed) poor-fair 1400 Oct. 3 with standard CNR msuic and ID. At 1432 rose to a fair level parallel 981. (Hutton WA)
756        CHINA CNR1, millions of locations, with poor CNR theme 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
756        SOUTH KOREA KBS1, Yeoju poor or a little better with standard KBS ID at 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
765        CHINA Nei Menggu RGD, Hohhot (Nei Menggu province) with standard echoed Beijing time check at 1400 Oct. 4. At 1401, a poor "Nei Menggu renmin guangbo dientai" ID. I could not dig out the "Nei Menggu" part of the ID until help was received from Jeff Ting. (Hutton WA)
780        ALASKA Nome, KNOM. 0505 3 Oct. "it's 38 degrees in Nome, it's 9:06" after weather forecast, best on Beverage, but ALA100 array not bad. Pretty much alone on channel w/strong signal. (NHP-WA )
783        CHINA unid 1434 Oct. 4 almost at fair lev el with a radio play. (Hutton WA)
790        ALASKA Glenallen, KCAM. 0442 4 Oct. PSA by man from Alaska Dept. of Health; further information at Pandemicflu.Alaska.com Fair signal, dominant on channel. (NHP-WA )
792        CHINA (t) Shanghai, Shanghai Dongfang BS. 1459 4 Oct. CC talk by man, faded by hour, poor at best. (NHP-WA )
792        CHINA unid with standard Beijing time check at 1400 Oct. 4. No ID, but Alan Davies says the programming seems that of Shenyang. (Hutton WA)
800        ALASKA Juneau, KINY, 0259 10/4 promo for website, "Hometown Radio AM 800 KINY" ID, then satellite oldies show (bp WA)
801        CHINA unid  (lots of possibilities) with standard Beijing time check at 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
801        NORTH KOREA Pyongyang Bangsong, Hwadae a little better than poor 1423 Oct. 3 with standard opera parallel to 657. (Hutton WA)
801        TAIWAN BEC57 Han Sheng, Guanyin apparently the one with "Taiwan accent" per Alan Davies. (Hutton WA)
810        RUSSIA Razdol'noe, R. Rossii. 1206 4 Oct. Woman and man in RR on ALA100 array, not enough KGO rejection on Beverage; at 1216, jazzy guitar mx //279 and 5940; fair and equal w/KGO briefly. (NHP-WA)
819        CHINA unid with poor Beijing time check at 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
819        NORTH KOREA 1422 10/3 kiling 820 w/female vocal song (bp WA)
819        SOUTH KOREA MBC, Gwangju with poor MBC chimes 1400 Oct. 3. C0-channel North Korea was mostly absent in a fade. (Hutton WA)
819        SOUTH KOREA  assumed as the source of a jammer that sounds much like the 1053 jammer 1417 Oct. 4. Not previously heard. (Hutton WA)
828        CHINA Beijing, 1401 10/3, man in CC< then woman w/ EE ID "828 AM, 100.6 FM, Beijing News Radio" mixing w/JOBB (bp WA)
828        CHINA Beijing News Radio, Beijing fair 1400 Oct. 4 with ID in Chinese followed by "Beijing News Radio" in English. (Hutton WA)
828        UNID CHINA 1206 3 Oct. CC sounding talk by m/f, dominant before this, but faded u/JOBB; not //CNR1; and not //1017. (NHP-WA )
837        CHINA CNR5, Quanzhou with nice "Zhonghua zhi Sheng guangbo dientai" ID by woman in the middle of a tele-talk program 1412 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
855        CHINA CNR2 synchros. 1352 3 Oct. Woman talking in CC, poor to fair //6155; 6155 heard in English a couple of minutes later, so perhaps both CC and EE broadcast through this period rather than just EE. (NHP-WA )
855        CHINA CNR2 poor w/woman in CC 1349 10/3 //630.  Better 1424 w/woman in CC //630, slight echo w/rumble het from presumed NORTH KOREA (bp WA)
855        CHINA CNR2 outlets (Yunnan, Fujian and Shanghai) poor with CNR2 theme music 1400 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
855        TAIWAN BED27, Hualian with poor BCC chimes at 1400 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
864        JAPAN JOSO SBC, Matsumoto: quite a surprise to catch this 1 kw station instead of the other Japanese stations plus South Korea. Parallel to 1098 with trumpet jazz at 1415 and 1419 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
864        JAPAN JOHE/JOQF/relay with HBC program parallel to 1287 at 1432 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
864        TAIWAN BED25, Kaohsiung poor with BCC chimes 1400 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
870        ALASKA Mc Grath, 1400 10/4, fair w/jazz show, long ID for KUAC-FM Fairbanksand several other stations, including KSKO (bp WA)
873        CHINA unid with poor Beijing time check 1100 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
873        JAPAN Kumamoto, JOGB, 1500 10/3 s/off w/pips, call ID, & NA //747 et al fair in splat (bp WA)
882        CHINA Fujian Xinmen Guangbo, Fujian province (various locations), with standard Beijing time check at 1400 Oct. 4 then "Fujian Xinmen Guangbo ID". (Hutton WA)
891        SOUTH KOREA Busan, HLKB. 1432 3 Oct. Woman in KK, strong signal (stronger than //711), but soon faded. (NHP-WA )
900        CHINA poor with talk in Chinese 1407 Oc. 4. (Hutton WA)
909        CHINA unid poor with standard Beijing time check and ID at 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
918        CHINA  News Radio, Jinan, fair 1400 Oct. 4 with ID in Chinese followed by "News Radio" ID in English. (Hutton WA)
918        SOUTH KOREA KBS1, Yeoncheon (no calls listed) rising on top of China (!) 1421 Oct. 4, parallel to 711. (Hutton WA)
920        ALASKA Soldotna, KSRM, 1400 10/4 atop "Newstalk 920 KSRM Soldotna Kenai Homer" ID, then ABC news (bp WA)
945        CHINA unid 2nd station sometimes competing with Anhui 1400 - 1430 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
945        UNID 1220 3 Oct. Oriental singing dominating the channel; CNR1 way under w/woman talking; of course, CNR1 on and after hour at 1300; lagging 5030 by 2-3 seconds. (NHP-WA )
954        CHINA unid with poor Beijing time check at 1400 Oct. 3 (Hutton WA)
954        CHINA Tongliao RGD, Nei Menggu - seemingly one station with Chinese classical music plus talk in an unid language 1359 - 1430 Oct. 4, usually dominant over TBS. (Hutton WA)
963        CHINA Liaoning RGD, Liaoning assumed as the 2nd Chinese station (#1 is CRI) 1400 - 1430 Oct. 4. No ID but the programming seems that of Liaoning. (Hutton WA)
972        CHINA Harbin RGD, Harbin (Heilongjiang province), with an address mentioning Harbin Shi" and a phone number mentioning 0471 area code 1430 Oct. 4. Thanks to Alan Davies for the translations. (Hutton WA)
981        CHINA CNR1, 1123 10/4, incredibly loud, 20 db/S9 w/woman in CC (bp WA)
990        CHINA Shanghai RGD, Shanghai 1300 Oct. 4 with poor Shandong RGD ID. Again at 1400. 1423: mixing with another Chinese. (Hutton WA)
990        UNID China. 1326 4 Oct. CC talk by man, not //CNR2. Briefly fair. (NHP-WA )
999        CHINA CNR1, Heihe (Heilongjiang province), CNR 1400 poor - fair with CNR theme music Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
1008       CHINA CNR1, various transmitters in Yunnan, Gansu and Shanxi provinces with  poor CNR theme music and ID 1400 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
1008       CHINA various locations, CNR poor with CNR theme at 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1008       TAIWAN BED88 BCC Country, Taitung with poor BCC theme music at 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1017       CHINA 1300 10/4 loud w/opening of CRI KK service, man IDing in CC, woman in KK (bp WA)
1017       TAIWAN BED53 BCC Country Network, Hsinchu with BCC theme music at 1412:24 (not sure why) followed by Taiwanese pop song equalling a faded CRI. (Hutton WA)
1017       UNID 1223 4 Oct. Ladies nattering in Tagalog, gradually taken over by portentous vocal mx, presumed CRI. (NHP-WA )
1026       CHINA 1400 10/3 Beijing RGD ID mixing w/1-2 other CC stns (bp WA)
1026       CHINA Beijing Jingxi GD1400 Oct. 4 fair with ID including AM and FM frequencies. (Hutton WA)
1026 CC #2
1035       CHINA various locations, CNR poor with CNR theme at 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1044       CHINA CRI JJ Service good 10/3 1400 w/IDs by man in CC & woman in JJ, CRI theme song (bp WA)
1053       CHINA a couple of Chinese stations dominant here 1257 10/3, mix of pips 1300 w/Korean jammer way in background.  No IDs heard (bp WA)
1053       CHINA unid mixing with Japan 1400 - 1430 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1053       LIBYA (t) Tripoli, Radio Jamahiriyah. 0321 4 Oct. Rough carrier, Arabic sounding mx, poor to fair; in fact a Libyan offset carrier (1053.1016) at good strength was among the four or so visible. Also 963 audio traces at this time, 1134, 1044, 1215, 1377 carriers; 171 in audio. (NHP-WA )
1062       CHINA Heilongjiang possibly with fanfare and pips 1400 Oct. 4. Fair Chinese (seemingly Mandarin) afterwards. Heilogjiang seems the only possibility. No power listed. (Hutton WA)
1062       SOUTH KOREA Cheongju, HLKQ. 1422 3 Oct. Man in KK //711, poor to good, trading places with at least one other station; Tagalog by 1425, likely DZEC, but kept trading places. (NHP-WA )
1062       SOUTH KOREA 1400 10/3, "HLKQ" ID, mention of KBS, 3+1 pips, into KK news, CHina pips in background (bp WA)
1071       CHINA Tianjin, 1302 10/4, ID mixing w/Japan (bp WA)
1080       ALASKA Anchorage, KUDO, 1300 10/4 "Newstalk 1080 KUDO Anchorage" ID mixing w/others (bp WA)
1080       SOUTH KOREA 1301 10/4, bubble jammer mixing w/domestics (bp WA)
1080       SOUTH KOREA HLAT KBS1, Yeosu with poor MBC theme music at 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1080 SOUTH KOREA jammer, location unknown at 1359 Oct. 4 under Alaska. (Hutton WA)
1080       UNID jammer. 1412 4 Oct. Warbly ghostly sounding jammer behind likely KFXX, fair at best. (NHP-WA )
1089       CHINA CNR6, Fuzhou (Fujian province) dominant 1428 Oct 4 with opera parallel to 684 kHz. (Hutton WA)
1089       JAPAN JOHB, Sendai mixing with China 1400 Oct. 4, parallel NHK2 774. (Hutton WA)
1098       CHINA unknown, 2 sets of Chinese style pips 1200 10/3, then CRI theme song  & ID in Chinese fair-poor mixing w/unid.  I can't find any CRI broadcasts listed on this freq, so perhaps a relay by a local station?  Possibly the same stn w/Chinese NA 1400, possibly CNR8 Kazakh pgm // 1107 et al.  Also noted 10/4 1400 w/2 sets of China pips then NA, weaker than on 10/3 (bp WA)
1098       CHINA Nei Menggu RGD, Silingol / Baotou 1400 Oct. 4 with Chinese NA as Nei Menggu stations do, parallel 1458. (Hutton WA)
1098       JAPAN JOSR / JOSW SBC with trumpet jazz parallel 864 at 1415 and 1419 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1107       CHINA Unid, 1400 10/3 Chine style pips, then Chinese NA, the version played at the start of all CNR8 pgms.  CNR8 has Kazakh at this time, so possibly the Xinjiang PBS station, which is listed as Kazakh full time (bp WA)
1107       CHINA Xinjiang RGD, Balikun / Changji 1230 end of odd string music and talk. 1400 Oct. 3 poor with Chinese NA like 1098. The 1230 reception is Xinjiang in Kazakh and I assume the 1400 is also them as only the "minority" stations seem to play the anthem on the hour. About 6000 miles (exact coordinates unknown) at 338 degrees with only 10 and 20 kW respectively. A tribute to an empty channel with only occasional S. Korea QRM with Japan absent.  (Hutton - WA)
1107       CHINA unid 1400 Oct. 4 with Chinese NA. Possibly Xinjiang starting CNR8 relay. (Hutton WA)
1107       SOUTH KOREA HLAV,  Pohang poor with MBC theme music 1400 Oct. 4.  (Hutton WA)
1107       UNID 1219 10/4 weird music on plucked instrument, possibly from central Asia, then man in unid language 1222.  Also had talk in unid language 1230 and 1304.  Xinjiang?  Need to dig into this one further. (bp WA)
1116       CHINA CNR2 weak //630 1423 10/3 (bp WA)
1116       CHINA CNR2, Harbin (Heilongjiang) CNR2 to fair level 1417 Oct. 3 with CNR2 program // 630. (Hutton WA)
1116       CHINA CNR2 Harbin (Heilongjiang province) poor at 1400 Oct. 4 with CNR2 ID. (Hutton WA)
1125       CHINA unid with poor Beijing time check 1400 Oct. 4. 1408 poor English lessons not from NHK and assumed from China although the hour is wrong for CNR2 English. (Hutton WA)
1134       CHINA Golmud, CNR1. 1230 3 Oct. CC talk by man u/o Korea, and //CNR1, one low one high pip on 1/2hour, slightly delayed from 5030. This is quite far inland, but supposed to be high powered. (NHP-WA )
1134       CHINA CNR1, noted w/3 pips at bottm of hour 1230 10/3 //945, very dominant o/Korea w/no sign of Japan.  Same thing 1400, including clear "KBS Hamminjok Bangsong" ID by YL (bp WA)
1134       CHINA CNR1, Golmud (Qinghai province)1400 Oct. 3 fair CNR ID. Best of the western Chinese. (Hutton WA)
1143       CHINA 1430 Oct. 3 with fair ID and an opera program called "Li Yuan Liu Sheng_Ji" (Li Yuan Gramophone, a program of local Henan opera recordings). The program name was provided by Jeff Ting, who tells me this is an opera channel not a radio drama channel as listed in the PAL. Generally losing the battle to Taiwan: all 3 Yuye Guangbo Dientai stations (738, 1143 and 1593) were audible. (Hutton WA)
1143       TAIWAN 1400 10/4, Fisheries Station w/steel drum theme mx after 3+1 pips (bp WA)
1161       CHINA unid with poor ??? renmin guangbo dientai ID 1400 Oct. 3. A poor second place to Taiwan. (Hutton WA)
1161       UNIDS wild mix of stuff at ToH 1400 10/3: 2-3 sets of pips, chimes, CC talk w/possible ments of Guangbo & AM/FM freqs, then KK talk took over (bp WA)
1170       CHINA / SOUTH KOREA, mix of CNR1 and KBS strong o/KPUG w/pips & IDs 1400 10/3 (bp WA)
1179       CHINA Yangzhou, 1300 10/4, pips and "Yangzhou Renmin Guangbo Dientai" ID by woman, fair mixing w/unid u/KEX IBOC hash (bp WA)
1179       CHINA possible Yangzhou RGD ID at 1300 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1179       UNID 1304 10/4 talk in unid language, perhaps Mongolian but not sure, briefly surfacing through KEX IBOC (bp WA)
1188       CHINA Yunnan, CRI theme song 1400 10/3 slightly atop jumble of iother stns (bp WA)
1188       CHINA CNR, Xuanwei (Yunnan province) with fair CNR theme music 1400 Oct. 4. About 6700 miles at 318 degrees (Hutton WA)
1188       SOUTH KOREA 1400 10/3 VOA KK service using FEBCxr, VOA ID poor mixing w/CRI (bp WA)
1197       JAPAN 1250 10/4 good w/pop vocal song //1440 (bp WA)
1197       JAPAN STV, Asahikawa  (5 kw) / Embetsu (1 kw) fair 1359 and 1410 Oct. 4 with woman parallel a strong 1440. (Hutton WA)
1215       CHINA (t) Zhujiang, Zhongguo Huaxia zhi Sheng. 1339 4 Oct. Powerhouse signal w/man in CC; not //CNR2. This has been heard before, so possibly this one. (NHP-WA )
1215       CHINA CNR2, Shenyang (Liaoning province) poor - fair with CNR2 theme music 1400 Oct. 3 (Hutton WA)
1215       CHINA CNR7, Zhujiang delta (Guangdong province), Voice of the Strait 1400 Oct 3 with fair ID on top of weaker CNR2. (Hutton WA)
1224       CHINA unid 1400 Oct. 4 with poor Beijing time check. 1402 - 1416 periods of fair Chinese talk. Not a channel where I have heard Chinese before. (Hutton WA)
1230       ALASKA Sitka, KIFW 0355 10/3 briefly atop w/ad for Flyaway Fly Shop.  No ID but web search confirmed the store as being in Sitka (bp WA)
1233       JAPAN unid with poor Japanese talk and then Fleetwood Mac parallel to 1485. Unfortunately this could be RAB, ABS or WBS. (Hutton WA)
1242.45   CHINA very weak Chinese between 1400 and 1430 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
1251       CHINA 1400 Oct. 3 fair with CNR ID over Russia. The only listed CNR is Jixi, Heilongjiang with 1 kw so there might be something new. (Hutton WA)
1251       CHINA CNR1, Jixi poor or a little better with CNR theme at 1400 Oct. 4 under Voice of Russia. Listed as 1 kW so there must be a change. (Hutton WA)
1251       RUSSIA 1200 10/4 V of Russia IS fair, then theme music and s/on in CC (bp WA)
1260       CHINA Liaoning RGD, Tieling (Liaoning province) poor from 1415 - 1418 Oct. 3, parallel to 1089. (Hutton WA)
1260       CHINA unid 1400 Oct. 4 with poor "??? renmin guangbo diantai" ID. (Hutton WA)
1260       JAPAN (t) Sendai, JOIR. 1437 4 Oct. Sounded like JJ talk by woman; only JOIR listed; not All Night Nippon at this time. (NHP-WA )
1260       JAPAN JOIR, Sendai fair (almost) with TBC ID 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1269       CHINA CNR, Xuanwei (Yunnan province) 1400 Oct. 3 fair with CNR ID and Voice of Russia chimes. Yunnan isn't as distant as Tibet or Xinjiang but being on the Burmese border is still a long haul: about 6700 miles. (Hutton WA)
1269       CHINA Voice Of Russia, Xuanwei (Yunnan province) poor 1359:20 Oct. 4 with Voice of Russia chimes. (Hutton WA)
1269       JAPAN STV, Esahi (1 kw) / Obihiro (5 kw) almost fair and parallel to 1287 at 1400 Oct. 4 (Hutton WA)
1269       JAPAN JOJR, Tokushima poor or a little better 1300 Oct. 4 with Japanese that was not parallel to 1287 hence JOJR. (Hutton WA)
1278       CHINA Hebei, 1200 10/4, CC talk sounding like an echo chamber, pips, then HHHeeebbbeeeiii RGD ID (bp WA)
1296       CHINA 1200 10/4, CRI theme music weak, then unreadable anmt (bp WA)
1296       CHINA CRI, Kunming (Yunnan province) 1400 Oct. 3 poor with pips and CNR theme music. 6678 miles at 318 degrees. (Hutton WA)
1296       JAPAN JOTK, Matsue 1415 Oct. 4 with Japanese parallel to 594. (Hutton WA)
1305       CHINA CNR2, various locations poor with CNR2 theme music 1400 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
1305       CHINA CNR2, eight locations, poor with CNR2 theme music and ID parallel the much better 630. Losing to Korea most of the time. (Hutton WA)
1314       CHINA CNR1, unknown location (Nei Menggu province) 1400 Oct. 3 poor with CNR theme music. (Hutton WA)
1323       CHINA Shuanghyashan, CRI. 1156 3 Oct. Oriental stringed mx fair-good //963 which wasn't as good at the time, but was fading up. Beverage had better signal than ALA array on 963, but more equal on 1323. (NHP-WA )
1323       CHINA CRI Russian service loud 1115 10/4 w/ Radio Kitaya ID. Slight echo, fro a seonc tx site (bp WA)
1323       UNID 1434 4Oct. Pop mx followed by man in unID language. Didn't seem //963, nor particularly RR. Maybe Tagalog? Has DYSA been heard? (NHP-WA )
1330       ALASKA Juneau, KXLJ 0359 10/3, dominant w/ESPN stuff andlegal ID  (bp WA)
1332       CHINA unid 2400 - 1439 Oct 3 mixing with Japan. (Hutton WA)
1341       CHINA various locations, Heilongjiang RGD satellite. 1250 4 Oct. Woman in CC //621, fair at times in splash. (NHP-WA )
1341       CHINA Heilingjiang, mx //621 1438 10/3 (bp WA)
1341       CHINA unid mixing with Heilongjiang (parallel to 621) and dominant 1359 - 1429 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
1341       JAPAN NHK1 1436 10/3 poor //1503, mixing w/2 CC stations (bp WA)
1350       CHINA Nei Menggu RGD, Tongliao (Inner Mongolia), with odd music and unid lang taking turns with RCC Japan 1357 - 1433 Oct. 3. Quite interesting at a few points when both were clear and no domestics could be found. 5485 miles, 320 degrees. (Hutton WA)
1359       CHINA CNR1 synchros. 1253 4 Oct. Poor w/woman in CC //5030. (NHP-WA )
1359       CHINA CNR1, 1434 10/3 weak in 1360 splat //1377, ID fair 1200 10/4 (bp WA)
1368       JAPAN JOTS, Wakkanai poor with HBC program // 1287 at 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1377       RUSSIA Vladivostok, R Yunost, 1154 10/3 good-fair w/thumpy techno-pop & Russian DJ //1008 mostly o/China (bp WA)
1394.96   CHINA Xilinhot RGD, Xilingol (Nei Menggu) with a poor to fair ID and mention of program "TianYuan-MuGe" at 1402:57 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1404       CHINA Hubei RGD, Zengdu, (Hubei province) weak but on top enough to establish a parallel with 774 at 1422 Oct 3. (Hutton WA)
1404       JAPAN JOQL, Kushiro poor with Motown parallel to 1287 at 1403 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1413       CHINA unid peaking to fair level 1356 - 1433 Oct 3. (Hutton WA)
1413       TAIWAN BED54, Miaoli with poor BCC chimes 1400 Oct. 4. 6015 miles at 304 degrees. (Hutton WA)
1422       CHINA Dalian, mx pips & "Dalian Renmin Guangbo Dientai" ID dominant 1200 10/3, weaker ID at 1300, not listed in PAL/WRTH (bp WA)
1422       CHINA Dalian RGD, unlisted at 1200 and 1400 Oct. 3 with poor-fair ID. Thanks to Tony Magon for assistance. (Hutton WA)
1422       CHINA CRI, Kashi (Xinjiang province) - I thought 1422 was only going to yield the less exotic Dalian but at 1400 Oct 3 the CRI theme music came through poor-fair and afterwards increased a bit in level. A good night for the Silk Road area which is tough being a very polar path over the top of Alaska. (6353 miles, 345 degrees) (Hutton WA)
1431       CHINA unid with talk to fair level 1356 - 1421 Oct 3 but sailed right through the top of the hour with no pips or ID. (Hutton WA)
1440       CHINA Nei Menggu, pips & start of CNR8 Mongolian pgm //1458 1300 10/3, fair mixing w/Japan & KMED (bp WA)
1440       CHINA Chifeng RGD (Nei Menggu) assumed the source of the Chinese NA poor-fair at 1400 Oct. 4. About 5485 miles at 321 degrees. (Hutton WA)
1449       CHINA unid with wobbly transmitter and poor-fair talk 1400 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
1449       JAPAN 0900 10/4 jingle and time tone //1287 good (bp WA)
1449       JAPAN JOQM, Abashiri (5 kw) a bit better than poor and clearly parallel big brother on 1287 at 1414 Oct. 3. (Hutton WA)
1449       JAPAN JOQM, Abashiri not quite at fair level with HBC program parallel to 1287 at 1429 Oct. 4.  (Hutton WA)
1467       JAPAN NHK2 synchros. 1256 4 Oct. Fair w/man in JJ, //774. (NHP-WA )
1467       JAPAN NHK2 various .1 and 1 kw outlets poor with top of the hour nhk theme music parallel to 774. (Hutton WA)
1467       SOUTH KOREA 1200 10/3 KK talk & 3+1 pips fair. Woman talking w/cello music in background //711 1316 10/4 (bp WA)
1467       THAILAND R. Thailand, Bangkok in and out from 1400 - 1434 Oct. 4 with talk in Thai. Korea generally dominant with traces of NHK2, but Thailand was peaking to a fair level and occasionally dominant. (Hutton WA)
1475       SABAH Sandakan, 1145 10/4, briefly good w/male talk hetting 1476 (bp WA)
1476       CHINA Zibo RGD, Zibo (Shandong province) with poor-fair mention of "car radio station" (apparently the equivalent of a USA traffic station) and AM and FM frequencies. Thanks to Jeff Ting for the translation that enabled me to log this unusual station. (Hutton WA)
1476       THAILAND R. Thailand, Chiang Mai 1359 - 1433 Oct. 4 with program in Hmong or Karen language plus unusual flute music. Fair at best and actually dominant sometimes. (Hutton WA)
1485       CHINA unid with standard Beijing time check at the top of the hour 1400 Oct 3. (Hutton WA)
1485       JAPAN unid  poor with Fleetwood Mac parallel to 1233 1419 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1494       JAPAN 1210 10/4 man in JJ atop rumble of carriers, not // 1287, so probably Sanyo Hoso (bp WA)
1494       JAPAN JOTL, Nayoro (1 kw) happy to catch this guy parallel to daddy on 1287 at 1416 and 1431 Oct 3. Tough as RSK is normally the #1. (Hutton WA)
1494       JAPAN RSK, Okayama a little better than the rest of the channel with a woman in Japanese briefly on top and not parallel 1287 so therefore RSK. 1359 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1494        JAPAN Nayoro JOTL HBC poor with a fragment of the jingle heard much better at the same time on parent 1287 1359:53 Oct. 4 (Hutton WA).
1503       TAIWAN RTI, Fangliao, R. Chan Troi Moi program fair with unusual SE Asian music 1355 - 1400 Oct 4 then p "Radio Free Asia" ID in English (spotted by Mauno Ritola) at 1400. (Hutton WA)
1512       CHINA,Jinan 1355 10/3 CC station loud w/phone talk, brief mx before ToH,  pips & YL anmt 1400, then ID as "Jinan jingji guangbo" mentioning 3-4 AM & FM freqs (bp WA)
1512       CHINA Jinan RGD, Jinan (Shandong province) 1400 Oct. 3 fair flute music, pips and several ID's, 2nd at fair+ level. (Hutton WA)
1521       JAPAN various .1 and 1 kw NHK2 stations poor with NHK2 theme music parallel to 774 at 1415 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1530       UNID JAPAN. 1422 4 Oct. JJ talk by woman, faded below mx, no KFBK except on reverse ALA. Possibly JOXF, as not //1242's All Night Nippon program. (NHP-WA )
1530       UNID 2 Asian stations mixing w/KFBK 1412, no IDs hrd (bp WA)
1548       SRI LANKA Trincomalee, Deutsche Welle. 1409 3 Oct. Man in GG briefly good o/hum on channel. (NHP-WA )
1548       SRI LANKA DW 1304 10/3 man in German good (bp WA)
1548      SRI LANKA Deutsche Welle, Trincomalee up to a fair level with German talk (why?) 1409 Oct. 3 and on top of the channel. 8438 miles, 332 degrees. (Hutton WA)
1557       CHINA Heibei,1200 10/3 unid w/5+1 pips, then YL in CC, dominant, w/occasional QRTM from WYFR.  1240 had ID as "Heibei ("Wah-bay") Renmin Guangbo Dientaii", good at times (bp WA)
1557       CHINA 1400 Oct. 3 poor Beijing time check and pips. (Hutton WA)
1557       CHINA Cangzhou RGD, Cangzhou (Hebei province) with poor ID 1428 Oct 4 and bothering WYFR all morning. Only 3 kW it's a nice memory. (Hutton WA)
1566       CHINA 1330 10/3 & various other times CC talk u/HLAZ, no ID hrd (bp WA)
1566       CHINA unknown with fair Beijing time check 1400 Oct. 3 (Hutton WA)
1566       UNID CHINA 1407 3 Oct. CC talk by woman /man u/HLAZ which was also in CC; then fading down. (NHP-WA )
1575       CHINA 1200 10/3 pips & CNR1 theme song weak u/VOA, good w/pips and ID 1000 10/4 (bp WA)
1575       CHINA CNR1, unknown location in Jilin province, poor-fair 1400 Oct. 3 with CNR theme. (Hutton WA)
1575       CHINA CNR, unknown location (Jilin province) with poor CNR theme music 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1575       THAILAND VOA quite good 1256 10/3 w/ Lao pgm, many ments of VOA, website, Washington DC, etc, then Vietnamese pgm at 1300 (bp WA)
1584       CHINA unid 1400 Oct. 3 with pips and talk, poor-fair talk up till 1437 fade-down at LSR. (Hutton WA)
1593       CHINA Changzhou, CNR1. 1216 3 Oct. Big signal, woman in CC //5030, but lagging by about 3 seconds. (NHP-WA )
1593       CHINA loud 10/3 1405 //945 (bp)
1602       JAPAN NHK2, 1319 10/3 unknown outlet here w/wx, local ID if any buried in splatter 1320, then EE lesson fair-nil (bp WA)
1602       JAPAN various NHK2 outlets: not an unusual station to hear but this time it was fair+ and just as good as a not-so-strong 774 at the time. (Hutton WA)
1602       JAPAN NHK2 various 100 Watt and 1 kw statins at a better-than-fair level 1400 Oct. 4. (Hutton WA)
1669       JAPAN various 50 Watt marine stations heard Oct. 3 at 1357, 1428 - 1429:30, 1430:35, 1431:07 - 1432, and 1433:40 - 1434:11. Also Oct. 4 at 1420, 1421:39,  1424, 1428:40, 1433:20 and 1438:30 (and a few more not yet processed), While listed on 1670.5 USB on their website and 1670 in the PAL, they have a carrier on 1669.0 and an upper sideband. There's no  lower sideband. Each of the stations transmits on a fixed schedule for a minute or two (differs per station) and then drops the carrier. After a short dead time, the next station turns on their carrier and starts talking immediately. An example of the announcement is:

"Kakkyoku Kakkyoku Kakkyoku. Kochira ha Awashima Awashima Awashima. Kaijo Hoancyo ga Sawasakihana toudai oyobi Hajikisaki toudai no kisyo jokyo wo oshirase shimasu. Jikoku 22:43..." or "Dear all stations. This is Awashima. Japan Coast Guard informs you conditions of weather around Sawasakihana lighthouse and Hajikisaki lighthouse. The time is 22:43...".

At approximtely 5000 miles, this is 100 miles per Watt or .01 Watts per mile. Special thanks to Hiroo Nakagawa for the language assistance. (Hutton WA)


550          Fair-poor ID 0700 & 1100 Oct 3.
560          Good ID 1432 Oct 3.
570          Good CBC Radio North One ID's 0600, 0900 and 1100 Oct 3
580          Fair IDs 0800 and 1100 Oct 3.
590          Fair "590 Anchorage" IDs 1100 and 1400 Oct 3.
620          Fair ID 1000 Oct 3.
630          Fair IDs from both KJNO and KIAM at 0800 Oct 3.
640          0600 and 1000 Fair - Good PSA's, ID and weather.
650          0900 and 1000 Fair - Good KENI ID's Oct 3.
660          0900 and 1000 poor - Fair KFAR IDs Oct 3.
670          1400 Oct 4 Fair KDLG ID.
680          0900 Fair or better KBRW ID, "broadcasting from the top of the world" Oct 3.
700          0900 Oct 3 Fair – Good KFYR ID.
720          1407 Oct 4 Fair weather and KOTZ ID.
750          0600 and 0900 excellent KQFD IDs Oct 3.
770          0800 Fair ID Oct 3.
780          ALWAYS
790          0900 and 1000 Fair IDs Oct 3.
800          0900 Oct 3 excellent with music.
820          0800 and 0900 Oct 3 Fair IDs.
830          1402:34 poor-fair ID.
850          ALWAYS
870          0600 1000 and 1100 Oct 3 Fair IDs.
890          1100 Oct 3 Fair or better BBC news from Homer.
920          1400 Oct 4 Fair KSRM ID.
930          1000 and 1100 Oct 3 Fair or better KTKN IDs.
970          1000 Oct 3 Good ID.
1080        0800 Oct 3 Fair ID.
1110        1100 Oct 3 Fair ID.
1140        1400 Oct 4 KSLD Fair-Good ID.
1170        0700 Oct 3 Fair - Good KJNP ID.
1230        1404 Oct 4 Fair KIFW ID and poor CNN news from KVAK on 1229.930.
1330        1000 Oct 3 Fair or better Juneau ID.
1430        1100 Oct 3 fair-poor KTKN Ketchikan ID - maybe a relay from Wasilla?

Published on February 19, 2010

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