LÅ164 DXpedition Equipment
January 7-9th 1999
by Mika Mäkeläinen
This was the first DXpedition
where Mika was able to test his new JRC NRD-545
DSP receiver, the first of its kind shipped to Finland.
Jim had the previous model, JRC NRD-535D. Unlike
in Lapland, both were using just one receiver.
NRD-545 DSP |
The net is full of reviews of
the NRD-545 DSP, so I won't go into lengthy details,
but just a few observations from the point of view
of an AM heavy-user. In my opinion, the receiver
is not essentially better than the 535. Sure, sensitivity
is OK, but the dynamic range leaves room for improvement;
at least my old NRD-535 handled problems caused
by strong signals better than the new 545. Internal
noise is strong, and the digital filter doesn't
seem to suppress unwanted co-channel interference
as well as it should.
The good news is that the adjustable
bandwidth works well. Also, in a hectic situation
the 545 is a pleasure to operate, not least because
of the 1000 memory channels. At last you can store
all the necessary frequencies in the memory. I haven't
done any measurements, these observations are based
purely on using the receiver in action.
As to the antennae, Långåminne
is equipped with three beverage antennae of about
800 meters in length directed to 1) Spain and South
America, 2) United Kingdom and 3) the East Coast
of North America.