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Newfoundland DXpedition 18 Log
August 18-22, 2007

 Europe excluding Iberia
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; SINPO
729 21.08 0200 RTE R. 1, Cork, IRL: news over Spain; 32432
981 21.08 0126 ERA, Athens, GRC: Greek music, Greek talk between songs, //1404; 32422
1233 18.08 2158 Pure FM, Rocourt, BEL: list of people involved w/ program, 2200 ID; 34343
1341 21.08 0027 R. Katolikus, Szolnok & Balatonszabadi, HNG: jazz, 0030 ID; 32432
1566 18.08 2324 County Sound R., Peasmarsh, G: old pops, mixing w/ AIR, 2330 ID; 32332
1566 18.08 2324 BBC Somerset Sound, Taunton, G: Chopin piano music; 32332
1620 19.08 2222 The Farmers Team, pirate, HOL: polkas, Dutch talk, "Farmerrrrrrs" at 2234; 24242
1634.35 18.08 2305 Tubantia R., pirate, HOL: Dutch talk, music, received e-mail QSL; 22332
1636 18.08 2312 R. Tijdbreker, pirate, HOL: Dutch music, 2315 ID; 25342
1646.02 18.08 2307 8 Onwiezen uut Marle, pirate, HOL: ID, telephone number, Dutch music, received e-mail QSL; 25332
1650 18.08 2326 R. Barones, pirate, HOL: rock, 2334:30 "Baro hier," English and Dutch talk; 34343
1653.4 18.08 2324 R. Alpenjager, pirate, HOL: Dutch accordion music, 2336 ID; 24332
1655 19.08 2211 Technical Man, pirate, HOL: ID, address, e-mail, rock music; 25232
6202.25 18.08 2046 R. Scotland International, pirate, HOL: English talk, rock music, ID at 2050; 25332
6305.9 18.08 2038 R. Brandaris International, pirate, HOL: Dutch-accented English talk, ID, received e-mail QSL; 25332
6309.94 18.08 2124 R. Condor International, pirate, HOL: house-techno music, 2133 ID w/ e-mail, received e-mail QSL; 25332
6310 18.08 2326 R. Odyssey, pirate, GRC: old pops, recorded English IDs by woman; 35343
6321.73 18.08 2137 R. Zodiac, pirate, HOL: 60s and 70s rock, English ID, received e-mail QSL; 25332
 Iberia and associated territories
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; SINPO
567 21.08 0545 RNE1 Canarias, Las Palmas, CNR: regional split, ID, news and reports; 34343
882 19.08 2159 COM R., Sabadell, E: "El Condor Pasa," 2200 pips, ID, news; 32332
1026 20.08 2155 SER R. Asturias, Oviedo, E: local split, mentioned R. Asturias, promo for Cadena Dial; 33332
1026 21.08 2334 SER R. Vigo, Vigo, E: brief local split, ID, announcement, ID, 2335 back to net; 32442
1080 21.08 2334 SER R. Huesca, Huesca, E: local split, promos, many IDs; 33443
1116 20.08 2155 SER R. Pontevedra, Pontevedra, E: local split, IDs, lots of ads, 2200 back to net; 34443
1134 21.08 2157 COPE Jerez, Jerez de la Frontera, E: ads for stores in Jerez, 2158 ID, football talk (net); 33443
1179 20.08 2232 SER R. Rioja, Logroño, E: net ads, 2232 guitar notes and split, ID; 32442
1197 19.08 0057 Euskadi Irratia, Vitória, E: accordion music, 0100 pips, ID, news in Basque; 33343
1224 21.08 2158 COPE Huelva, Huelva, E: local announcements, ID, into net program about football; 33443
1269 18.08 2158 COPE Zamora, Zamora, E: local ads, 2159 promo/ID, 2200 rejoined COPE net; 32442
1269 18.08 2259 R. ECCA, Las Palmas, CNR: ID, news, mixing w/ COPE; 32432
1341 18.08 2200 Onda Cero, Ciudad Real, E: ID, news; 32442
1341 18.08 2300 SER R. León, León, E: ID and into SER net program, mix w/ Onda Cero; 22332
1458 21.08 2058 BBC WS, Wellington Fort, GIB: presumed BBC World Service program; 33433
1539 21.08 2155 SER R. Elche, Elche, E: local split, 2159 weak "Radio Elche Cadena SER" then back to net pgm; 22432
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; SINPO
1224 21.08 2200 Galei Zahal, Beersheba, ISR: fanfare and ID, news; 22431
1278 19.08 0159 IRIB, Kermanshah, IRN: 0159 Middle Eastern music, 0202 fade up man in Farsi, mentioned "Iran," Iranian music; 33332
1287 20.08 2359 Galei Zahal, Ramle, ISR: trumpet music, 0000 ID, news in Hebrew; 32432
1539 21.08 2154 R. Aap Ki Dunyaa, Al Dhabbiya, UAE: Indian music, 2300 ID, news; 33432
1566 18.08 2337 All India R., Nagpur, IND: Indian music, 2330 pips, news in Hindi, 2335 English ID, news; 32332
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; SINPO
936 18.08 2357 RT Marocaine, Agadir, MRC: Koran, 2359 brief Arabic talk, "Huna Safi"?, Moroccan anthem; 33343
1125 20.08 2132 R. Jamahiriya, El Beida, LBY: Arabic music, // 1449; 33332
4780 20.08 1958 RTV Djibouti, Dorale, DJB: local music, talk, 2001 anthem; 25332
 North America
 kHz day.month/td> time UTC station: notes; SINPO
880 21.08 0800 CKLQ, Brandon MB, CAN: music, 0801 news, 0803 Brandon weather, C+W music; 32422
 Caribbean and Mexico
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; SINPO
790 21.08 0601 R. Reloj, Pinar del Rio, CUB: code "RR," news; 123X1
820 21.08 0546 R. Reloj, Contramaestre, CUB: code "RR," news; 12341
 South America
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; SINPO
840 18.08 2358 ZYH447 R. Excelsior da Bahia, Salvador BA, B: talk, 2359 ID in long list of stations; 33333
880 19.08 0000 ZYL275 R. Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, B: local music, 0800 ID; 22422
910 22.08 0000 ZYI785 R. Liberdade, Caruaru PE, B: romantic ballad, 0003 ID twice, time check, more music; 32422
1090 21.08 2326 ZYJ594 R. CBN, Natal RN, B: talk, 2330 ID in the intro to news headlines; 44433
1090 21.08 2333 ZYH455 R. Santa Cruz, Iheus BA, B: music, 2335 up briefly w/ time check, "Santa Cruz, Iheus"; 32432
1190 19.08 0058 LR9 R. América, Buenos Aires, ARG: interviews, ad, 0100 ID, news; 32332
1200 21.08 2312 ZYH585 Ceará R. Clube, Fortaleza CE, B: ad, phone-in program, 2321 time check for "Fortaleza Ceará"; 43433
1300 22.08 0200 ZYH586 R. Iracema, Fortaleza CE, B: piano, ID as "Identificação ZYH586, ___ 1300 kHz, programa 'A Voz de Libertação' 24 horas"; 44444
1310 18.08 2256 ZYI691 R. Cidade Esperança, Esperança PB, B: talk mentioned "en Esperança" a few times, ID w/ call at 2301; 24332
1330 21.08 2310 ZYK736 R. Terra, São Paulo SP, B: news, 2312 hype, ID w/ call, beginning of sports program; 33333
1340 21.08 2310 ZYH661 R. Pitaguary, Maracanaú CE, B: ad, began "Panorama Esportivo" on "Rádio Pitaguary"; 33433
1350 21.08 2310 ZYH520 R. Cristal AM, Salvador BA, B: in mix w/ R. Clube and CKAD, ID at 2321; 33322
1350 21.08 2311 ZYJ760 R. Clube, Itajaí SC, B: "Boa Noite" to various places including Santa Catarina and Florianopolis, fade under CKAD, 2319 poor "Clube" ID; 33322
1360 18.08 2358 ZYJ464 R. Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro RJ, B: ads, 0000 sound effects, full ID; 44344
1370 18.08 2256 ZYK766 R. da Cidade, São Paulo SP, B: two Brazilians, this one faded up w/ ID; 33333
1370 21.08 2300 ZYK628 R. Vanguarda, Caridade CE, B: under R. da Cidade, emerged somewhat w/ ID and bit of hype; 22422
1370 21.08 2303 ZYI800 R. Vale do Capibaribe, Santa Cruz do Capibaribe PE, B: emerged w/ ID as "Rádio Capibaribe"; 22422
1380 21.08 2314 ZYK751 R. Globo, Presidente Prudente SP, B: Globo hype and canned ID, accordion music, fade, 2317 back w/ talk, Globo wolf whistle; 23422
1410 20.08 0008 ZYJ614 R. Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz RN, B: ads, mentioned Santa Cruz many times; 33333
1420 21.08 2300 ZYJ282 R. Educadora, Jacarezinho PR, B: A Voz do Brasil ends, "Rádio Educadora" song; 23432
1440 21.08 2300 ZYJ469 R. Livre, Rio de Janeiro RJ, B: A Voz do Brasil ends, ID w/ call, hype, 2303 many IDs; 33433
1460 21.08 2303 ZYJ318 R. Educadora, Loanda PR, B: talk, 2304 ID by hoarse-voiced man, poppy music; 23332
1470 21.08 2300 ZYJ616 R. Rural, Parelhas RN, B: A Voz do Brasil ends, jingle ID, 2300:30 "Rádio Rural Parelhas," mainly talk more IDs; 23332
1470 21.98 2301 ZYI827 R. Papacaça, Bom Conselho PE, B: occasional fade up, ID at 2301; 23322
1500 21.08 2300 ZYH487 R. Jacuípe, Riachão de Jacuípe BA, B: A Voz do Brasil ends, call letters but slogan did not sound like "Jacuípe," and a fews secs later "Bahia"; 33422
1540.22 21.08 2300 ZYI694 R. Santa Maria, Monteiro PB, B: A Voz do Brasil ends, poor ID, 2300:45 "Monteiro," at 2308 announcements/promos for stuff in Paraiba; 23322
1550 21.08 2256 ZYK590 R. Globo Santos, Guarujá SP, B: Globo pgm, not carrying A Voz do Brasil, whistles and slogans at 2259:30; 32432
1560 21.08 2302 ZYJ501 R. Grande Rio, Itaguaí RJ, B: 2302 ad and promo, 2303:30 ID, promo, 2305 2 IDs then fade; 33433
1570 21.08 2300 ZYJ341 R. Club, Nova Aurora PR, B: A Voz do Brasil ends leaving many weak Brazilian sigs, 2300:30 "Rádio Club" (not "Clube"); 23432
1590 21.08 2303 R. Novo Tempo, Cachoeira de Itapemirim ES, B: ads, 2304 "Novo Tempo" jingle, music; 23432

Published on August 14, 2008

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