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Newfoundland DXpedition 19 Log
October 13-29, 2007

 Europe excluding Iberia
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; quality or SINPO [DXer]
153 28.10 2245 Deutschlandfunk, Donebach, D: German talk, // 549, 756, 6190; very weak [SC]
162 26.10 0053 France Inter, Allouis, F: French [SC]
177 27.10 2048 DeutschlandRadio Kultur, Zehlendorf, D: German; very weak [SC]
183 27.10 2045 Europe 1, Felsberg, D: German news or interview [SC]
189 25.10 1605 Rikisútvarpid Rás 1+2, Gufuskálar, ISL: talk by woman; very weak [SC]
198 23.10 2231 BBC R. 4, synchros, G: British news [SC]
207 26.10 2135 Deutschlandfunk, Alholming, D: music, // 549, 756 [SC]
216 26.10 2125 R. Monte Carlo, Roumoules, F: French talk with Arabic accent [SC]
225 14.10 2259 Polskie R., Silec Kujawshi, POL: music program ends, 2300 ID, news, 2303 ID; 33453 [JB]
234 23.10 2234 RTL, Beidweiler, LUX: Big Hot Sky, other pops [SC]
252 14.10 2257 RTE R. 1, Clarkstown, IRL: marine weather, 2259 promo, 2300 pips, fanfare "RTE News on Radio 1"; 42342 [JB]
270 27.10 2035 Ceský Rozhlas 1, Topolná, CZE: man speaking Czech, poppy polka music [SC]
279 14.10 2250 Belaruskaye R. 1, Sasnovy, BLR: pop music, 2255 talk including ID, more pops; 44444 [JB]
531 18.10 1854 Kringvarp Føroya, Akraberg, FRO: pop music, 1859 talk, 1900:30 mentioned temperatures, 1901 pop music; 44444 [JB]
540 18.10 2259 VRT2, Waver-Overijse, BEL: Flemish talk, 2300 "Radio Twe" jingle, news, 2303 jingle, music program; under CBT, 32422 [JB]
540 28.10 1958 Kossuth R., Solt, HNG: talk and singing, // 1116, 1188, 1251, 6025; strong but under CBT [SC]; also 28.10 2110 recording of speech, comment [JR]
549 26.10 2136 Deutschlandfunk, Thurnau & Nordkirchen, D: echoing with music // 207, 756, possibly 6190 [SC]
567 23.10 0055 RTE R. 1, Tullamore, IRL: Irish or Celtic music, // 252 [SC]
576 25.10 0050 SWR Cont. Ra, Mühlacker, D: German talk; mixing with Canary Islands [SC]
594 25.10 0010 HR-Info, synchros, D: German talk, // 1017 [SC]
603 24.10 0223 France Info, Lyon, F: French talk, pop music, // 711, 792, 837, 945, 1206, 1377, 1404, 1494, 1557; weak [SC]
603 13.10 2256 R. Romania, Botoshani et al., ROU: ID, mellow ballad, 2300 news; 42432 [JB]; also 28.10 2315 “Romania Cultural” and lively pop [SC]
621 20.10 2258 RTBF La Première, Wavre, BEL: lists of cultural events, little tune, and off at 2300; CKCM 620 splatter, 33433 [JB]; also 26.10 1848 sports commentary, full ID then music, // 9970 [SC]
630 14.10 0155 NRK, Vigra, NOR: blues music, 0200 news in Norwegian; 44444 [JB]; also 24.10 2357 Clash song, Norwegian talk [SC]
666 24.10 2045 Gold 666, Exeter, G: old pops, "Gold" ID, // 1251, 1260, 1332, 1359, 1458, 1485 [SC & JR]
675 23.10 0048 Arrow Rock R., Lopik, HOL: Arrow ID, 70s pops [SC]
684 19.10 2059 R. Beograd 1, Beograd, SRB: syropy clarinet, 2100 ID, local music; under RNE1, 32442 [JB]
693 23.10 0045 BBC 5 Live, synchros, G: story about environment, // 1341, 1413 [SC]
702 17.10 2159 China R. Inter., Col de la Madonne, F: flute music, French ID, web addresses, 2200 off; 43443 [JB]
702 17.10 2031 NDR Info, Flensburg, D: sports commentary, // 828; 33433 [JB]
702 17.10 2200 R. Regina, Haniska, SVK: ID, pips, anthem; 33443 [JB]
711 24.10 0224 France Info, Rennes, F: French talk and pops; weak but steady [SC]
720 18.10 2112 WDR2, Langenberg, D: news under KNR; 32432 [JB]
729 18.10 2105 RTE R. 1, Cork, IRL: ads, ID, "Theatre in the Round" begins; 33433 [JB]; also 24.10 0523 ID with LW and MW freqs, // 567; weak [SC]
747 27.10 1924 Bulgarian R., synchros, BUL: children's choir, flute music, ID; weak and fading [SC & JR]
747 20.10 2200 R. 5, Zeewolde, HOL: pips, news, 2202 "Radio 5" at beginning of music program; 34444 [JB]
756 26.10 2137 Deutschlandfunk, Ravensburg & Braunschweig, D: echoing music, // 207, 549 [SC]
756 23.10 1910 România Actualitati, Lugoj, ROU: live sports event, // 855, 945, 1152, 1179, 1530; weak [SC]
765 24.10 0603 RSR Option Musique, Sottens, SUI: French music, talk [SC]
792 24.10 0222 France Info, Limoges, F: talk and pops; weak [SC]
810 19.10 1959 Makedonska R., Skopje, MKD: local music, 2000 pips, ID, news; 43443 [JB]
810 24.10 0600 BBC R. Scotland, synchros, Scotland, G: “full coverage here on BBC Radio Scotland” football promo [SC]
819 15.10 2157 RAI R. 1, Trieste, I: talk, 2158 fanfare, 2158:15 sound effects, ID, 2159 anthem; 22432 [JB]
828 19.10 1955 Bulgarian R. "Christo Botev," Sumen, BUL: art-rock, 1959:30 fanfare "Programa Christo Botev," talk, 2000:30 Gregorian chant; 33443 [JB]
828 19.10 1952 NDR Info, Hannover, D: football play-by-play; 33422 [JB]
837 24.10 0225 France Info, Nancy, F: French talk and pops; weak to moderate [SC]
846 17.10 2022 R. North, Redcastle, IRL: weather, ads, 2026 C+W music, 2032 promo with phone number; 33433 [JB]; also 23.10 2135 British-accent English talk [SC]
846 23.10 2136 RAI, Roma, I: Italian talk [SC]; also 24.10 2116 presumed news/talk in Italian; QRM from Ireland [JR]
846 15.10 1900 R. Redonezh, Noginsk, RUS: slow music, 1900 ID, introed music program; 33342 [JB]
855 23.10 0147 România Actualitata, Tancabesti, ROU: oboe and vocals // 909 [SC]
864 24.10 0245 France Bleu, Villebon-sur-Yvette, F: pop music, later with news, // 1278; moderate [SC]
873 24.10 2140 BBC R. Ulster, Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, G: music program, Beatles, // 1341 [JR & SC]
873 15.10 2152 RAI R. 1, Taranto, I: presumed RAI sound effects, not much other audio; 13331 [JB]
873 19.10 1958 R. Moldova 1, Chisinau, MDA: pan-pipe with woman singing, 1959 IS x3, pips, possible news; 33432 [JB]
873 17.10 1957 R. Rossii, synchros, RUS: "Radio Rossii," talk, 2000 pips, chimes, IDs, news; 43433 [JB]
882 23.10 0145 BBC R. Wales, Washford, G: news, later "BBC Radio Wales" [SC]
909 23.10 0147 România Actualitata, Jucu, ROU: oboe and vocals, // 855 [SC]
918 13.10 2259 R. Slovenija 1, Domzale, SVN: pop music, 2300 pips, ID, news; 45444 [JB]; also (918.02) 28.10 1957 Slavic talk, Slovenia references; poor but steady [SC & JR]
927 28.10 2030 RVI, Wolvertem, BEL: pop music program, then sports event, // 1512 [JR & SC]
936 15.10 2158 R. Bremen 1, Bremen, D: pop song, 2200 "Bremen 1, 1 uhr," news; 23333 [JB]
936 15.10 2158 RAI R. 1, synchros, I: RAI sound effects, talk, 2159 anthem; 23322 [JB]
945 24.10 0221 France Info, Toulouse, F: talk and pops; moderate [SC]
945 28.10 2100 Gold stn, G: pips and mention of “Gold weather” and “Mike takes you back …”; there are two UK stations on 945 with the “Gold” slogan, both under 1 kW [JR]
945 23.10 1910 România Actualitata, Miercurea-Ciuc, ROU: live sports event, // many; weak behind France [SC]
945 17.10 1942 R. Rossii, Rostov-na-Danu, RUS: talk, faded under France, back 1947-1951, later music, 2000 chimes but largely obscured by France, //873; 33433 [JB]
963 20.10 0057 R. Horizont, synchros, BUL: jazz fusion, 0059 talk, 0100 pips, brief talk, "Radio Horizont" then news; 33343 [JB]
963 28.10 1956 Shumen R., Shumen, BUL: pop music, 5+1 pips at 1957, ID, news, then several more IDs at 2003 [JR]; also 28.10 2054 ID X4, rock music [SC]
963 19.10 0058 Cyprus BC, Program 1, Nicosia, CYP: 70s pop song, 0059 guitar, ID, brief music, 0100 pips, ID, news; 23432 [JB]
963 28.10 2010 Club Asia, East London, G: review of “crappy movies,” ID as “963 & 972 AM,” 2110 the DJ was begging listeners to give him a lead on finding an apartment, ID, south Asian music, // 972 [JR & SC]
972 14.10 1956 NDR Info, Hamburg, D: talk, 2000 "NDR Info" news, 2005 marine weather; 44444 [JB]
972 14.10 2009 Club Asia, Glade Lane, G: Indian pops, English talk about Justin Timberlake, ID; 22442 [JB]; also 28.10 2020 review of “crappy movies,” ID as “963 & 972 AM” [JR & SC]
981 17.10 2001 ERA Sport, Athens, GRC: talk, "Era Sport" at 2002, fade, 2004 back up with possible news; 33432 [JB]
981 17.10 2000 R. Star Country, Emmyvale, IRL: 2000 ID in mess, fade... 2003 ID, weather, ID again; 33422 [JB]; also 23.10 2206 country music [SC]
990 17.10 2259 DeutschlandRadio Kultur, Berlin / Britz, D: talk, ID just before TOH, pips; QRM from CBY, 32432 [JB]; also 24.10 2004 “Kultur” slogan, // 177 kHz [JR]
999 17.10 2300 Valleys R., Aberdare, Wales, G: "This is Valleys Radio," news; 24322 [JB]
999 13.10 2136 Russian Inter. R., Maiac, MDA: 2136 ID, pop music; 43443 [JB]; also 23.10 2050 Trans-World R. Russian talk, // 1413 [SC]; also 24.10 1959 Voice of Russia "Golos Rossiya," news [JR]
1008 14.10 1959 Kanal Kultura, synchros, BLR: classical music, // 1026, 1125; 22442 [JB]
1008 14.10 1959 Groot Nieuws R., Zeewolde, HOL: US pop-gospel, 2000 ID news, weather, 2002:30 ID more music; 44544 [JB]; also 23.10 2159 “Dit is Groot Nieuws Radio” [JR & SC]
1017 23.10 2146 SWR Cont. Ra., Wolfsheim, D: German talk [SC]
1026 19.10 2254 Kanal Kultura, synchros, BLR: jazz, 2255:30 "Kanal Kultura" and s/off talk, 2256:30 anthem; 33432 [JB]
1026 16.10 0459 Downtown R., Belfast, Northern Ireland, G: old pops, 0500 "Live from the Broadcast Centre, it's Downtown Radio News"; 33433 [JB]; also 23.10 2213 oldies, ID [JR & SC]
1035 15.10 2217 Semeinoye R., Tarku, EST: Russian talk, 2218 upbeat religious songs, 2230 light orch music, 2231 "Semeinoye Radio," brief talk and more music; 33433 [JB]
1035 28.10 0010 BBC R. Sheffield, Sheffield, G: BBC news, // 909, then oldies; only BBC station listed on this frequency [JR]
1044 21.10 0059 MDR Info, Wildsdruf, D: news, pips, time, ID, news; 33433 [JB]
1044 18.10 2359 Radiophonia Macedonia 1, Thessaloniki, GRC: ballad, 0000 ID, brief music, news; 43443 [JB]
1053 22.10 2038 TalkSport, synchros, G: ID, sports discussion, “commercial station of the year” [SC]
1062 18.10 2116 RAI R. 1, two stations, I: Italian talk echoing, 2129 noticed two different programs in Italian; 33432 [JB]; also 25.10 1933 echoing news [SC]; also 28.10 0100 classical music [JR]
1071 15.10 1959 TalkSport, Clipstone & Wrekenton, G: hype about Rugby World Cup coverage, ID, news; 23432 [JB]
1089 23.10 0028 TalkSport, synchros, G: ID, sports discussion, // 1053 [SC]
1089 20.10 1957 R. Rossii, Saransk, RUS: opera, 1959:20 IS, more music sounded like church choir; under TalkSport, 32442 [JB]
1098 15.10 1947R. Regina, Jarok, SVK: talk in Slovak, 1957 jazz, 2000 ID, news; 44434 [JB]
1107 25.10 1902 TalkSport, synchros, G: ID, sports news, // 1053, 1089; very weak [SC]
1107 17.10 1859 Moray Firth R., Inverness, Scotland, G: ads, 1900 ID, old pops; 34444 [JB]
1107 15.10 0055 R. Beograd 1, Novi Sad, SRB: classical piano, 0100 gong, ID, news; 33433 [JB]
1116 16.10 2102 BBC Asian Network, Derby, G: news, sports, 2103 began "Friction" program, 2 IDs; 33433 [JB]
1116 19.10 0000 Valleys R., Ebbw Vale, Wales, G: "This is Valleys Radio," Sky News then local news, weather, 0003 pop music; 22432 [JB]
1116 16.10 2058 Magyar R., Miskolc & Mosonmagyarovar, HNG: Hungarian talk, 2059 long set of double pips, 2100 ID but too garbled, noted // 1251 around 2104; 22432 [JB]; also Kossuth R., Miskolc, 28.10 1959 man talking, woman singing, // 540, 1188, 1251, 6025; weak [SC]
1116 15.10 1959 RAI R. 1, synchros, I: talk, 1959:30 upbeat music, 2000 sound effect, pips, time, short ad, ID, news; 43433 [JB]
1125 14.10 2000 Kanal Kultura, Minsk, BLR: classical music, // 1026; 22432 [JB]
1125 14.10 2000 RTBF Vivacité, Houdeng, BEL: pop music, jingle, time, news, weather, 2004 2 jingles, music; 33433 [JB]; also 23.10 1940 slogan, Beatles, French talk [SC & JR]
1125 27.10 1955 Hvratski R., Deanovec, HRV: music, // 1134 [JR]
1134 23.10 0007 Hvratski R., Rasinovac, HRV: talk, rock music [SC]
1143 16.10 1939 Russian Inter. R., Bolshakovo, KAL: Russian pop music, ID, apparent news to 1945, ID, more pop music; 34343 [JB]; also 24.10 2205 R. Mayak sports news, 2207 ID x2 [JR]
1152 15.10 1859 Magic 1152, Manchester, G: John Lennon song, 1900 "Magic 1152 Manchester" then news; 23332 [JB]
1152 23.10 0232 Clyde 2, Glasgow, Scotland, G: "Clyde 2," pop music [SC]
1152 15.10 1900 R. Romania, Cluj, ROU: ID then "Radio Jornal"; 23332 [JB]; also 23.10 1910 live sporting event, // 756, 855, 945, 1179, 1530 [SC]
1161 15.10 2002 R. Horizont, Stara Zagora, BUL: Bulgarian talk, // 1584; 33432 [JB]
1161 14.10 2020 Magic 1161 AM, Goxhill, G: promo with ID; mixed with Tay and Arabic stn, 22431 [JB]
1161 13.10 2359 Tay AM, Dundee, Scotland, G: pop music, 0000 "on 1161 and 1584 AM...around the world...TayAM.com.uk"; 33432 [JB]; also 23.10 0005 "Dundee" mentioned, old pop song [SC]
1170 15.10 1959 Magic 1170, Stockton, G: oldies, 1959:30 ad, chimes, "Magic," "9 o'clock," news; 32432 [JB]
1170 15.10 1859 Voice of Russia, Tbilisskoye, RUS: IS, 1900 pips, "Golos Rossii"; 23332 [JB]
1179 16.10 0100 R. Romania, Galbeni, ROU: news to 0103, music, ID, hype then program of big-band music; 33443 [JB]
1179 22.10 2035 R. Sweden Inter., Sölvesborg, S: Swedish talk, ID referring to 1179 and 6065 [SC]
1188 15.10 1955 VRT2, Kuurne, BEL: Pink Floyd, Flemish talk, C+W song, 1959:50 jingle, chime, time, news; 33443 [JB]
1188 28.10 2001 Kossuth R., synchros, HNG: man talking, woman singing, // 540, 1116, 1251, 6025; fair-good [SC]
1188 18.10 1946 Deutsche Welle, Saint Petersburg, RUS: Russian talk, 1958 "Deutsche Welle" (even though this was in Russian); mainly under Iran, 32422 [JB]
1197 14.10 2040 Kanal Kultura, synchros, BLR: classical piano, // 1026; 22332 [JB]
1197 23.10 0110 Virgin R., synchros, G: ID, pop music [SC]
1206 24.10 0220 France Info, Bordeaux, F: French talk and pop music, // 603, 711, 792, 837, 945, 1377, 1404, 1494, 1557; solid signal [SC]
1215 22.10 2327 Virgin R., synchros, G: Beatles, album giveaway, ID [SC]
1215 26.10 1810 Voice of Russia, Bolshakovo, KAL: female in German [SC]
1224 27.10 1924 R. Bulgaria, Vidin, BUL: children's choir, flute music, IDs, // 747, 7400; fading but solid at times [JR & SC]
1233 26.10 2025 RTBF Pure FM, Rocourt, BEL: dance music // 1305 [SC]
1233 25.10 0101 Virgin R., synchros, G: Eagles, // 1215, 1197 [SC]
1242 23.10 2111 Virgin R., synchros, G: ID, pop music, // 1215, 1197 [SC]
1251 24.10 2046 Gold Digital Amber, Great Barton, G: 60-70s rock, // 666, 1260, 1305, 1332, 1359, 1458 [SC]
1251 18.10 1859 R. Györ, Szombathely, HNG: US pops, 1859 "Radio Györ," 1900 pips, "Regio Radio" then violin music; 33433 [JB]
1251 28.10 2000 Kossuth R., synchros, HNG: man talking, woman singing, // 540, 1116, 1188, 6025, weak [SC]
1260 24.10 2047 Gold station(s), G: 60-70s rock, // 666, 1251, 1305, 1332, 1359, 1458 [SC]; also 27.10 1859 music; mixing with BBC stn [JR]
1260 18.10 1944 BBC Relay, Kurkino & Saint Petersburg, RUS: Russian talk, 1959:30 fanfare from Handel, news, 2005 woman with "BBC Rossii" and address in "Moskva"; 32432 [JB]
1269 23.10 1908 Deutschlandfunk, Neumünster, D: man talking in German, // 6190 [SC]
1278 18.10 1858 Belaruskaye R. 1, Brest, BLR: 1858 piano, web address in Belarus, 1900 "Govorit Belaruskaye Radio," pips another ID, news; 23333 [JB]
1278 13.10 2359 France Bleu, Sélestat, F: old French pops, 0000 canned ID and jingle, more music; 34433 [JB]; also 24.10 0248 pop music, news, // 864, 1494; weak [SC]
1278 14.10 2018 R. Rossii, synchros, RUS: woman in Russian, 2018:30 ID, music; 23432 [JB]
1287 17.10 2359 R. Yunost, Yazykovo and/or Syktyvkar, RUS: "Radio Yunost" just before single pip at 0000, 0000:20 "Radiostancia ...stana," music; 24332 [JB]
1296 14.10 0057 R. XL, Langley Mill, G: commercial Indian music, 0059:30 jingle, 0100 ID, news; 34444 [JB]; also 22.10 2301 woman talking with British accent, South Asian pop [SC]
1305 14.10 2015 RTBF Pure FM, Marche, BEL: live rock concert, audience applause, "Pure FM" jingle at end of song; 23442 [JB]; also 26.10 2025 dance music, // 1233 [SC]
1305 24.10 2048 Gold 1305, Christchurch, G: 60-70s rock and British announcer, // 666, 1251, 1260, 1332, 1359, 1458 [SC]
1314 14.10 2201 ERA Sport, Tripolis, GRC: news, 2203 "Era Sport" during talk, fade out; 33422 [JB]
1314 23.10 0254 R. Romania Inter., synchros, ROU: IS, anthem, // 855; dominant [JR]
1323 23.10 1902 Voice of Russia, Wachenbrunn, D: “The news is coming to you from the World Service of the Voice of Russia” [SC]
1323 18.10 1855 R. Târgu Mures, Târgu Mures, ROU: Romanian anthem behind Voice of Russia from 1855 to 1900; 32322 [JB]
1332 24.10 0150 Premier Christian R., London, G: Christian music [SC]
1332 24.10 2049 Gold Digital, Peterborough, G: 60-70s rock and British announcer, // 666, 1251, 1260, 1305, 1359, 1458 [SC]
1332 13.10 2158 R. Romania, Galati, ROU: ID, news, pop music; 33333 [JB]
1341 23.10 0002 BBC R. Ulster, Lisnagarvey, Northern Ireland, G: Beatles, album giveaway, ID, // 693, 1413 [SC]
1341 23.10 0058 R. Katolikus, synchros, HNG: strong signal [JR]
1350 26.10 1959 R. Orient, Nice, F: Arabic music but French ads, ID [JR & SC]
1350 20.10 1859 Magyar R., Gyór, HNG: 1900 violin flourish and ID sounded like "Ridio Radio Muldova" (?), 1900:45 violin music to past 1905, // 1251; 24332 [JB]
1359 24.10 2050 Gold station(s), G: 60-70s rock and British announcer, // 666, 1251, 1260, 1305, 1332, 1458 [SC]
1359 15.10 1916 R. Tsentr, Dokuchayevsk, UKR: pop music, 1916:30 talk included "Radio Tsentr" x2, light pops; 33333 [JB]; also 24.10 2028 nice “Radio Tsentr” ID rose to the surface, but nothing else [JR]
1368 24.10 2150 Manx R., Foxdale, Isle of Man, G: jingle, ads, oldies [SC]
1377 22.10 1946 France Info, Lille, F: interviews, news [SC]
1386 18.10 1855 Voice of Russia, Bolshakovo, KAL: German talk about religion, "Les Parapluies de Cherbourg," 1858 s/off talk, anthem; 1900 transmitter off; 55555 [JB]; also 23.10 1909 German talk [SC]; also 27.10 1700 IS, news in German; very strong [JR]
1386 13.10 2137 The Mighty KBC, Sitkûnai, LTU: Iron Butterfly, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Johnson, IDs, ads; 44444 [JB]; also 24.10 2005 China R. Inter. English ID, news, promo for November programs [SC]
1395 24.10 0210 The Big L, Trintelhaven, HOL: jingle, pop music [SC]
1404 24.10 0218 France Info, synchros, F: ID, French talk, pop music; weak [SC]
1404 18.10 0000 ERA, Komotini, GRC: ID, bit of music, faded under France; 33422 [JB]
1413 17.10 2055 BBC R. Gloucester, Bourton-on-the-Water & Berkeley Heath, G: talk, 2100 news with local items, 2104:45 weather, pop music, 2108 ID; 33433 [JB]; also 23.10 0045 5 Live program, // 693, 1341 [SC]
1413 23.10 2050 Voice of Russia, Grigoriopol, MDA: Russian talk, // 999 [SC]; also 25.10 1830 talk in likely Bulgarian, 1901 "Govorit Rossiya" [JR]
1422 23.10 0028 Deutschlandfunk, Heusweiler, D: classical music, // 6190, later German talk and news [SC]
1422 14.10 2159 R. Romania, Olanesti, ROU: jazz, fanfare, news, 2203:30 weather, 2204 Romanian music; 22442 [JB]
1431 18.10 1952 Voice of Russia, Wilsdruff, D: pop music, 2000 Russian ID and news; 33433 [JB]
1440 22.10 1949 China R. Inter., Marnach, LUX: Chinese lessons [SC]
1440 20.10 1837 R. Zvezda, Saint Petersburg, RUS: Russian pop music, 1837:30 Russian talk, 1838 "Radio Zvezda" ID during CRI fade-down; 32432 [JB]
1449 23.10 0010 BBC R. 4, Redmoss, Scotland, G: news [JR]; also 24.10 2138 British talk, // 198 [SC]
1458 25.10 2158 R. Tirana, Fllakë, ALB: ID, talk, mentions of Kosovo [SC]
1458 14.10 0057 Sunrise R., Brookman's Park, G: subcontinental music, promo; 32422 [JB]
1458 14.10 2200 Gold Manchester, Ashton Moss, G: news, 2201:30 weather for Manchester, "Gold" slogans, Wolfman Jack howls, old pops; 33443 [JB]; also 24.10 2051 60-70s rock and British announcer, // 666, 1251, 1260, 1305, 1332, 1359 [SC]
1476 16.10 2028 R. Afrika Inter., Bisamberg, AUT: French talk, 2029 lively music, 2030 ID, "Page economique"; 45454 [JB]
1478.42 18.10 2013 R. Moldova 1, Edineti or Cahul, MDA: Moldovan with news, mentioned Moldova a few times, 2021:30 "Radio Moldova" then more news and commentaries; terrible modulation and transmitter buzz, 34332 [JB]
1485 13.10 2200 RMC Info, Nancy, F: "RMC" and morose talk about France's defeat by England at the World Cup of rugby; 32432 [JB]
1485 15.10 1914 BBC R. Merseyside, Wallasey, G: football talk, 1915 ID, local news; 23332 [JB]; also 24.10 1950 ID during break in football “live from Istanbul” [JR]
1485 17.10 2129 BBC R. Humberside, Hull, G: pop song, 2130 ID, more music; 32422 [JB]; also 24.10 2001 weather, "BBC Radio Humberside" [SC]; also 25.10 1800 ID heard in pile-up [JR]
1485 19.10 2234 Gold 1485, Newbury, G: oldies, "Gold"; 32432 [JB]
1494 17.10 2119 France Info, synchros, F: news reports, "France Info" at 2123:30; 32432 [JB]; also 24.10 0219 talk and pop music, // 603, 711, etc.; moderate [SC]
1494 17.10 2119 France Bleu, Bastia, Corsica, F: tel talk, pop song, 2122:30 "France Bleu," more tel talk; 33433 [JB]; also pop music, later French news, // 864, 1278; weak [SC]
1494 19.10 1853 R. Moldova 1, Edineti or Cahul, MDA: talk poss news, 1854:30 basketball results, 1857 fade down, 1857:20 PSA, 1858 2 ID's, IS three times, 1900 ID possible news; 43433 [JB]
1512 22.10 1955 R. Vlaanderen, Wolvertem, BEL: Flemish talk between pop songs [SC]
1530 14.10 1954 Pulse Gold, Huddersfield, G: 60's oldies, fade, 2001:15 Brit news up, 2001:45 "Pulse __ Weather," Donovan song; 22432 [JB]
1530 14.10 1957 R. Romania, Mhaileni, ROU: Romanian talk, 2000 news; 32432 [JB]; also 23.10 1910 live sports event, // 756, 855, 945, 1152, 1179; weak but alone [SC]
1530 24.10 0502 R. Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, CVA: talk in unID language, // 1611 [SC]
1539 23.10 1920 Evangeliums Rundfunk, Mainflingen, D: woman speaking German [SC]
1548 13.10 2054 BBC R. Bristol, Mangotsfield, G: program of 40s music "from BBC local radio" to 2100, "across the Southwest, BBC local radio" then news; 32432 [JB]
1557 22.10 2158 France Info, Fontbonne, F: French talk [SC]
1557 15.10 1907 China R. Inter., Sitkûnai, LTU: unID lang with bits of Chinese talk translated, 1909 ID, more talk; 34444 [JB]
1566 13.10 2026 County Sound R., Peasmarsh, G: ads, ID; over AIR, Somerset Sound and Iran, 33432 [JB]; also 27.10 2000 "This is Country Sound Radio 1566" [SC]
1566 26.10 1821 Somerset Sound, Taunton, G: BBC ID [SC]
1575 18.10 2029 Russian Inter. R., Burg, D: woman in Russian, 2030:30 ID; 32432 [JB]
1584 15.10 2002 R. Horizont, Dobric, BUL: woman in Bulgarian, // 1161; 23322 [JB]
1584 15.10 1957 Tay AM, Perth, Scotland, G: ad for trips to London shows "in association with Tay AM"; 23322 [JB]
1602 14.10 2133 R. Seagull, Finkum, HOL: Irish punk band, English talk re the music, music, 2140 "on Radio Seagull"; 33433 [JB]
1611 17.10 1906 R. vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, CVA: news in Albanian; 25432 [JB]; also 24.10 0501 talk in UnID lang, // 1530; weak and fady [SC]
1619.6 20.10 2008 Sonnenschijn R., pirate, HOL: 2008 Dutch talk, lots of schlager back-to-back, 2042 more talk, "Sonnenschijn Radio," schlager, to past 2105; 24332 [JB]
1620 19.10 2042 R. Armada, pirate, HOL: threshhold music, 2107 music up a little better, 2109 Dutch talk, "Radio Armada" x3, 2110 music again but seems to go off within 30 sec; 15342 [JB]
1621.63 14.10 2129 De Stroper, pirate, HOL: polkas & Dutch songs back-to-back, 2148 "De Stroper" initially, then greets other pirate stations; 24242 [JB]
1629 19.10 2014 R. Anatolia, pirate, GRC: Greek music, man talk with reverb, a rather poor "Stathmos Anatolia" at 2049, some other talk but mainly back-to-back Greek music to past 2111; 35333 [JB]; also 27.10 2331 almost certainly this with Greek music [SC & JR]
1643 16.10 2142 R. Barcelona, pirate, HOL: s/on with 50s tune "Chips and Soda," Dutch talk ended with "Radio Barcelona," "Chips and Soda" again and transmitter off; 35444 [JB]
1645 14.10 2134 Monte Carlo R., pirate, HOL: s/on with Dutch ballads, 2150 talk mentioned Monte Carlo x3; 24323 [JB]; also 16.10 2135 "Monte Carlo," greets other stations, music at 2137; 25332 [JB]
1645 16.10 2122 Torpedojager, pirate, HOL: polka, 2123 ID and greets various stations, off at 2125:45; 33343 [JB]
1645 16.10 2138 R. Euromaster, pirate, HOL: transmitter on, accordion polka, ID, 2141 polka again then off; 35444 [JB]; also 1649 19.10 2020 on at 2020:15, ID; 25333 [JB]
1645 16.10 2148 Antenna Maker, pirate, HOL: tentative accordion, greets Barcelona, Euromaster, says "Antenna Maker" and says something about proximity to Euromaster, 2151 accordion and off; 33232 [JB]
1645.7 15.10 2053 R. Alpenjager, pirate, HOL: s/on with "Lonesome Me," 2053:45 lots of Hello's, Alpenjager many times, bits of "Lonesome Me" interspersed, 2057 off; 24333 [JB]; also 1653.8 20.10 2022 Dutch pop music, 2023 man in Dutch with strange accent (perhaps Swiss), ID, more upbeat Dutch music; 33333 [JB]
1646 13.10 2054 Farmers from Holland, pirate, HOL: happy music, 2058:15 ID with telephone number in English, 2059 Dutch IDs and talk to 2102, then pops; 34333 [JB]
1654.2 16.10 2234 R. Klaas Snoekje, pirate, HOL: music back-to-back, 2240:30 "Hello" a number of times, greets other stations, "Klaas Snoekje" in passing at 2241, 2243:45 off; 25332 [JB]
1655 13.10 2026 R. Barones, pirate, HOL: rock music, English IDs by guest DJ, Baro takes over with German talk and music at 2038; 34443 [JB]; also 1655 19.10 2055 music began, English songs, 2105:30 many "Hello's," music, 2110:15 "This is Radio Barones"; 34343 [JB]; also 1645 27.10 2110 ID and Dutch talk, accordion pop music; good [SC & JR]
1655 14.10 2129 Technical Man, pirate, HOL: Dutch music with long pauses between songs, 2148:30 ID; 25333 [JB]
1655 19.10 2013 R. Corona, pirate, HOL: Dutch folk songs and C+W music, 2044:30 man in Dutch spoke briefly ID x3; 33333 [JB]
1665 20.10 2017 Polkaman R., pirate, HOL: Dutch music, 2018:40 ID, music; 24322 [JB]
3910.16 20.10 2036 Weekend music R., pirate, Scotland, G: pop song, 2040:30 ID with Jack Russel and Andy Walker, played clip of WRKO 1390; 34333 [JB]; also 6400.15 20.10 1727 pop music, jingle; 25342 [JB]
3924.99 20.10 2045 The Bogusman, pirate, G: Indie songs 2048 "The Bogusman" ID, talk about winning stuff on various radio stations; 25333 [JB]
3940.08 20.10 2057 R. Underground, pirate, G: two men talking, 2059 telephone number, 2100 music; 14331 [JB]
6249.98 14.10 0717 R. Boomerang, pirate, HOL: pop tunes back-to-back, 0726:45 Dutch ID and off; 25333 [JB]
6268.03 13.10 2213 R. Scotland Inter., pirate, HOL: rock music, Dutch-accented English ID, 2220 ID; 24333 [JB]
6280.02 21.10 0930 R. Shadowman, pirate, HOL: back-to-back accordion music, 0935 Dutch ID and few words, more accordion music, off at 0936; 25342 [JB]
6280.64 20.10 2012 Voice of the Netherlands, pirate, HOL: music, Dutch talk, 2014 "This is the Voice of the Netherlands on 48 metres," Dutch music; 25332 [JB]
 Iberia and associated territories
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; quality or SINPO [DXer]
531 28.10 1946 RNE5, synchros, E: R. Cinco ID, echo [SC]
558 28.10 2300 RNE5, synchros, E: R. Cinco ID [SC]
576 25.10 0025 RNE1, Las Palmas CNR: RNE1 program, // 639 [JR & SC]
576 27.10 1945 RNE5, Barcelona, E: R. Cinco ID [SC]
585 23.10 0354 RNE1, Madrid, E: Spanish [SC]
603 28.10 2316 RNE5, synchros, E: Spanish, echo [SC]
612 23.10 0141 RNE1, synchros, E: RNE1 program, // 639 [JR]
639 25.10 0058 RNE1, synchros, E: "Radio Nacional," // 576 [SC]
657 29.10 0205 RNE5, Madrid, E: R. Cinco ID [SC]
684 24.10 2350 RNE1, Sevilla, E: Spanish talk [SC]
747 26.10 0112 RNE5, synchros, E and CNR: R. Cinco ID, echo [SC]
855 23.10 0257 RNE1, synchros, E: Spanish, echo [SC]
864 26.10 0104 RNE1, Socuellamos, E: program // 855 [JR]
918 19.10 0459 R. Intercontinental, Madrid, E: news, lottery numbers, temperature, 0500 pips, time, music bridge, ID, national weather, news; splatter, 33343 [JB]
936 23.10 0259 RNE1, synchros, E: ID, news, //855 [JR]
954 26.10 2012 Onda Cero, Madrid, E: ID, talk [SC]
981 27.10 1948 R. Renascença, synchros, POR: R&B music, Portuguese talk [SC]
990 20.10 2159 SER R. Cádiz, Cádiz, E: promo and ID during local split; under CBY, 32432 [JB]
1017 26.10 0148 RNE5, synchros, E: Spanish [SC]
1035 22.10 2252 R. Nacional, Belmonte, POR: Talking Heads song, Portuguese talk [SC]
1044 23.10 0150 SER, synchros, E: network ID [SC]
1080 15.10 2230 SER R. Coruña, La Coruña, E: pips, local split, "1080 onda media, 93.4 FM," ID; under Iran, 32432 [JB]
1098 27.10 0112 RNE5, synchros, E: sports report [SC]
1107 25.10 1900 RNE5, synchros, E: R. Cinco ID, music [SC]
1179 17.10 1928 R. Club Tenerife, Santa Cruz, CNR: local split, ID, Canary Islands ads, rejoin net at 1930; 33443 [JB]; also 27.10 1955 ID during local break [JR]
1179 27.10 1955 SER R. Rioja, Logroño, E: ID during local break [JR]
1269 19.10 2159 R. ECCA, Las Palmas, CNR: telephone number for R. ECCA, music, 2200 ID, pip, news; 34333 [JB]
1287 18.10 2057 SER R. Castilla, Burgos, E: began split with "Cadena SER Burgos" and woman with news, 2100 back to net; 34433 [JB]
1287 18.10 2100 SER R. Lugo, Lugo, E: fade up just before 2100 with ID, 2100 net program; 23432 [JB]
1295.55 26.10 2037 COPE Valencia, valencia, E: COPE net program, // 1215 [JR & SC]
1305 26.10 2035 RNE5, synchros, E: “Radio Cinco Noticias,” echo [SC]
1314 23.10 0257 RNE5, synchros, E: Spanish, // 855 [SC]
1359 24.10 2027 RNE1, Arganda, E: Spanish game [SC]
1584 27.10 1920 RadiOlé, Costa del Estrecho, CEU: "RadiOlé" several times, lively music, talk; over SER [SC]
1584 13.10 2129 SER R. Orense, Orense, E: ads, local ID; 23432 [JB]
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; quality or SINPO [DXer]
612 14.10 0059 R. of the Syrian Arab Rep., Homs, SYR: martial music, 0059:30 pips, ID; 33443 [JB]
702 17.10 2200 TRT4, Catalca, TUR: presumed news, 2204:30 anthem; 34433 [JB]
828 18.10 0200 R. of the Syrian Arab Rep., Deir-el-Zawr, SYR: 0159:45 begin IS (plucked instrument), 0201 anthem, 0202 "Huna Dimash" and "Suria" a few seconds later, talk to 0204:30 then Koran; 23432 [JB]
837 17.10 2250 IRIB, Isfahan, IRN: Middle Eastern singing, Farsi talk from 2254:30, // 900, 963; 33433 [JB]
891 15.10 2117 TRT4, Antalya, TUR: Middle Eastern music, woman talk about music, 2125 ID; 42432 [JB]
900 19.10 1958 BSKSA, Qurayyat, ARS: man in Arabic, 1958:30 brief upbeat music, 1958:40 talk again, 1959:10 music woman give ID over it, Arabic music; 43443 [JB]; also 24.10 2015 Arabic religious music [SC]
900 17.10 1942 IRIB, Tehran, IRN: flute music, 1943 man in Farsi mentioned Iran, little clarinet tune twice (probably an IS), woman talk, // 990; increasing RAI QRM, 33433 [JB]; also 27.10 1815 talk and Middle Eastern flute music // 1503, weak under RAI [JR & SC]
954 24.10 2005 Qatar BS, Doha, QAT: presumed Middle Eastern music; pounding in but QRM from Czech [JR]
954 20.10 0057 Voice of the People, Deir ez-Zor, SYR: "Huna Sawat" and "Huna Sawat as Shahab," 0000 talk but not news, 0102 Arabic music, 0103 Koran; 33433 [JB]
954 14.10 1958 TRT4, Trabzon, TUR: 1959:30 "Burasi Radio Dort," 2000 pips, news, 2001 ID again, more news, 2004:30 music program; 33433 [JB]
963 17.10 1942 IRIB, Birjand, IRN: same details as Tehran-900, later music through TOH, // 900, 981, 990; 33433 [JB]; also 28.10 2021 music, // 1503 [JR]
972 13.10 2257 R. Aap Ki Dunyaa, Orzu, TJK: Urdu pop music, 2300 ID then news, but overwhelmed by NDR; 33433 [JB]
981 17.10 1942 IRIB, Hamadan, IRN: flute music, // 900; lost to QRM shortly after, 22421 [JB]
990 17.10 1942 IRIB, Shiraz, IRN: same details as Tehran-900, later woman in Farsi but just glimpses; QRM CBY, Germany, Spain, 22432 [JB]
1017 15.10 1959 TRT1, Mundanya, TUR: classical music, 1959:40 ID for various networks, pips, news; 32442 [JB]
<1026 19.10 0059 IRIB, Tabriz, IRN: pucked instrument, 0059 ID, anthem, 0100:15 news, 0102:15 thunder sound-effect and screams, mixed choir; 33433 [JB]
1080 19.10 2254 VOIRI, Mahshahr, IRN: soft Arabic music, 2255 woman in Arabic "Huna Tehran," short music, man in Arabic with emotional talk; 33443 [JB]; also 26.10 1910 Arabic foreign service program, // 1161, Voice of Palestine began at 1930 with ID as “Sawt al-filistin,” then martial singing, // 1161 [JR & SC]
1116 26.10 1910 VOIRI, Ardekan, IRN: 26.10 1910 Arabic foreign service program, // 1161, Voice of Palestine began at 1930 with ID as “Sawt al-filistin,” then martial singing, // 1080 [JR]
1152 23.10 0220 R. Farhang, Tabriz, IRN: "Radio Farhang" ID in mess [SC]
1161 16.10 1929 VOIRI, Qasr-e Shirin, IRN: woman in Arabic, web address "IRIB.com," 1930 chimes "Huna Tehran"; 33433 [JB]; also 26.10 1910 same details as Ardekan-1116, // 1080, 1116 [JR & SC]
1170 26.10 2335 R. Sawa, Al-Dhabbaya, UAE: "Radio Sawa" ID, Middle Eastern pop music [SC]
1188 16.10 1954 R. Payam, Tehran, IRN: music, 1959 "Payam," 2000 news; 44444 [JB]
1206 22.10 2319 IRIB, Azna, IRN: Koranic singing, // 1503; poor under France [JR]
1224 26.10 2150 VOIRI, Abadan, IRN: Arabic talk about Syria and Iran [SC]
1260 15.10 0001 BSKSA, Dammam, ARS: Arabic instrumental music, 0000 pips, ID, news; 33432 [JB]; also 27.10 1800 5+1 pips come through very nicely, at 1810 parallel to Arabic talk on 1521; weak [JR & SC]
1287 24.10 2148 Galei Zahal, Ramle, ISR: female DJ and male announcer in Hebrew, // 6973 [SC & JR]
1296 15.10 2355 VOA R. Ashna, Kabul, AFG: "Special English" program, 2359 web address, music, 0000 "It's midnight" then "Radio Ashna" and news in Pushto or Dari; 33433 [JB]; also 22.10 2050 news in Special English, 2300 “World News Now for Asia,” following a US government editorial, freqs announced as 7125, 9415, 11725, 15185 [JR] 23.10 2300 English talk about Bush and democracy, then voanews.com, 2300 VOA news; under R. XL [SC]
1314 26.10 1900 Voice of Russia, Gavar, ARM: anthem and possible ID, Russian talk [SC]
1332 24.10 0142 R. Tehran, Tehran, IRN: Arabic vocal and instrumental music [SC]
1350 14.10 2159 Deutsche Welle, Gavar, ARM: 2159 Arabic talk faded up, 2159:50 DW IS once, then possibly off; 23332 [JB]
1350 20.10 1859 Trans-World R., Gavar, ARM: instrumental music, 1859:50 IS once, then silence, 1900:40 IS again, two or three times but very weak; 24333 [JB]
1359 24.10 2012 IRIB, Lar, IRN: music, // 1467 [JR]
1377 18.10 0117 Russian Inter. R., Gavar, ARM: music, 0120 ID, then news; QRM from France Info, 32442 [JB]
1377 19.10 1829 CNR1, Yingyang, CHN: woman in Chinese, 1830 "...Guangbo Dientai...," talk, 1832:30 western instrumental music with bits of talk; far under France-Info, 22432 [JB]
1377 22.10 2232 IRIB, two sites, IRN: // to same program on 1503 [JR]
1413 16.10 2018 BBC Relay, A'Seela, OMN: English "Newshour" program, "BBC World Service" at beginning of report at 2019, 2030 news summary; 33433 [JB]
1431 23.10 2029 IRIB, Esfahan, IRN: man talk, // 1449 [SC]
1440 27.10 1817 BSKSA, Dammam, ARS: Arabic talk, // 1260, 1521; strong despite LUX [SC]
1449 23.10 2029 IRIB, Bandar-e-Torkaman, IRN: man talk, // 1431 [SC]
1467 22.10 2153 IRIB, Isfahan, IRN: stringed Arabic music, // 1503 [SC]
1494 26.10 1931 R. Jordan, Al Karanah, JOR: man talking Arabic, // 9830 [SC]
1503 18.10 2029 IRIB, Bushehr, IRN: eazy-listening music, 2029:30 annoucement or ad, 2030 pips, strident militaristic song, "Radio Iran"; 54444 [JB]; also 22.10 2153 stringed Arabic music, // 1467 [SC]
1521 22.10 1959 BSKSA, Duba, ARS: Arabic music and talk; dominant [SC]
1521 16.10 0000 China R. Inter., Urumqi, CHN: IS, ID in Russian, Russian talk; 32422 [JB]
1539 18.10 2030 IRIB, Gorgan, IRN: militaristic song, // 1503; major QRM from Germany and UAE, 22422 [JB]
1539 18.10 2009 R. Aap Ki Dunyaa, Al-Dhabbiya, UAE: Urdu news, ended with IDs, music; 44444 [JB]
1548 26.10 1834 IRIB, synchros, IRN: woman with news or comment, // 1584, 1503 [JR]
1548 13.10 2128 R. Sawa, Kabt, KWT: Arabic music, promos, ID with FM frequency, US pops; 43443 [JB]; also 23.10 0029 Arabic and western pop [SC]
1557 26.10 1828 IRIB, Zobol, IRN: Arabic and pop-like music, // 1503, 1566 [SC & JR]
1557 17.10 2117 Family R., Kou'hu, TWN: English, US-accented religious talk, fade under CRI (Lithuania), up again 2123:45 to 2125:00, no ID, but QSL received based on an e-mail report with mp3; 22422 [JB]
1566 17.10 2114 All India R., Nagpur, IND: Indian music, 2130 "Akashvani," pips, "Akashvani" again, Hindi news; 43443 [JB]; also 22.10 2335 English news, including ID as “All India Radio” [JR & SC]
1566 17.10 2114 FEBC, Jeju, KOR: tentative Korean religious talks, best around 2117 (grayline to Korea); 32422 [JB]
1575 18.10 2030 IRIB, Qayen, IRN: militaristic song, // 1503; QRM from many sources, 22422 [JB]
1575 18.10 2029 R. Farda, Al-Dhabbiya, UAE: IDs, Farsi talk; sometimes a jammer is present on ca. 1574, 43433 [JB]; also 22.10 2345 Arabic and western pop [SC]
1584 26.10 1832 IRIB, Urumiyeh, IRN: woman with news or comment, // 1548, 1503 [JR & SC]
1593 27.10 1805 VOA, R. Free Iraq, Kuwait City, KWT: Arabic music, news mentioned Tripoli [SC]
6255 13.10 1931 VOIRI, Sirjan, IRN: anthem, English ID, freq anmt, Koran, // 6205; 55555 [JB]
6260 13.10 1931 CVC Voice of Asia, Tashkent, UZB: Urdu talk (sounded like news), 1933 ID, frequency info; 33433 [JB]
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; quality or SINPO [DXer]
153 26.10 0045 Alger Chaîne 1, Béchar, ALG: man in French, // 549, 981; solid signal [SC]
171 14.10 2259 R. Méditerranée Inter., Nador, MRC: Koran, 2300 French "Médi Un" ID, news in Arabic; 33453 [JB]; also 26.10 0054 chanting [SC]
207 23.10 2233 RTM, Azilal, MRC: Arabic instrumental music [SC]
252 23.10 2237 R. Alger Inter., Tipaza, ALG: French talk [SC]
549 26.10 0046 Alger Chaîne 1, Les Trembles, ALG: man in French, // 153, 891; solid atop channel, // 153, 891 [SC]
612 16.10 2254 RTM, Sebaâ-Aioun, MRC: Arabic music, 2259:45 man with ID mentioning Rabat, 2300 tone, woman with news; 34444 [JB]; also 25.10 0100 tentative, possible ID, Arabic talk, Middle Eastern music [SC]
630 25.10 2210 RTT, Djedeida, TUN: tentative Arabic chanting; solid atop channel with moderate signal [SC]
774 17.10 2159 Middle East R., Abis, EGY: Arabic talk, short piece of Arabic music, 2200 ID, news; QRM from RNE1, 33432 [JB]; also 26.10 0125 Islamic music and prayers [SC]
783 24.10 2235 R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, MTN: man in French and Arabic, // 4845; stable and fair [SC]
819 19.10 1952 Egyptian R. General Pgm., Batra, EGY: Arabic music, 1953:30 applause, Egyptian anthem, 1954:30 applause, talk, Big Ben chimes, ID, news to 2005, then "Huna Qahira," strident music, ID again; 44444 [JB]; also 24.10 2218 Arabic talk, // 12050 [SC]
891 26.10 0047 Alger Chaîne 1, Alger, ALG: man in French, // 153, 549; solid signal and alone [SC]
909 18.10 1930 Voice of America, Selebi-Phikwe, BOT: begin VOA Special English with news; under BBC 5 Live, 32442 [JB]
936 16.10 2357 RTM, Agadir, MRC: Koran, 2358 M talk, mentioned Rabat, 2358:30 anthem, 2359:30 transmitter off; 33433 [JB]
945 28.10 2057 R. Nacional, Mulenvos, AGL: badly over-modulated signal, so bad that I could not even identify the language, ended with anthem (seemed to match Angolan anthem on Web), then off; QRM from France and UK [JR & SC]
1026 16.10 2154 Jigawa Broadcasting Corp., Dutse, NIG: man talk in African language, 2155 African music, 2158 talk, 2159 different man in English "Jigawa Broadcasting Corporation" but fading, 2201:30 back with talk, mentioned "Radio Nigeria," 2202 anthem, transmitter off; 33443 [JB]
1053.10 25.10 1933 R. Jamahiriya, Tripoli, LBY: Middle Eastern pop music, at 1933, Arabic call-in show, 2000 eight bells (repeated) that sounded like residential doorbells, news, 2003 martial music, // 675, 1449; fade in and out with TalkSport [JR & SC]
1385.90 22.10 2111 R. Rural, Labé, GUI: men in French w/ African accents, "Labé" mentioned twice [SC]
1431 24.10 2207 R. Sawa, Arta, DJB: "Sawa" ID, Middle Eastern pop, female announcer, ID, Arabic talk [SC]
1530 23.10 2105 VOA, Pinheira, STP: English with "Roots and Branches" music program with bluegrass, VOA ID [SC]
1550 23.10 2142 R. Nacional Rep. Arabe Saharaui Democr., Rabuni, ALG: Arabic music, either folk or religious music, // 6300; solid signal [SC]
 North America
 kHz day.month/td> time UTC station: notes; quality or SINPO [DXer]
570 24.10 0830 KNR, Nuuk, GRL: IS, Scandinavian-sounding talk, // 720 [SC]
650 15.10 0829 KNR, Qeqertarsauq, GRL: very faint IS, anthem from 0830, // 720; 12441 [JB]
720 14.10 0818 KNR, Simiutaq, GRL: classical piano, 0826 IS, 0830 pips, brief talk, choral music (possibly the anthem); 34443 [JB]; also 24.10 0543 pop-rock songs, 0601 foreign language with music and dead air between songs, 0625 IS... IS at 0829, Scandinavian-sounding talk, // 570 [SC]
790 16.10 0857 WAXY, South Miami FL, USA: sports, 0900 "This is the SportsTalk 7-90, WAXY South Miami, this is The Ticket," then Fox Sports hype, more talk, 0902 ad string; 33443 [JB]
850 18.10 0201 WFTL, West Palm Beach FL, USA: ABC news, ads, 0202:30 promo for Michael Savage "on NewsTalk 8-5-0 WFTL," more ads; 33433 [JB]
900 25.10 1019 CHML, Hamilton ON, CAN: “AM 900 CHML,” weather, traffic on "the QEW" [SC]
930 25.10 2339 CFBC, Saint John NB, CAN: “Good Time Oldies” program [JR]
960 24.10 1004 KMA, Shenandoah IA, USA: “You’re listening to KMA News” (Scott Fybush reported that KMA was doing antenna work during this time.) [JR]
1000 17.10 0919 KOMO, Seattle WA, USA: "KOMO 1000 news time 2:19" then weather; 23422 [JB]; also 25.10 1007 tentative news item about a Seattle fire [JR]
1050 15.10 0933 CKSB, St. Boniface MB, CAN:tentative woman in French about history; 22332 [JB]; also 24.10 0905 "Bonjour” and French talk, but no ID [JR & SC]
1080 19.10 0059 WMCU, Coral Gables FL, USA: 2-3 US stations mixing, 0100 "from the Keys to the Florida(?) coast, ..., 10-80 AM, south Florida's Christian ...."; 23322 [JB]
1100 20.10 0858 CBSI-5, Natashquan QC, CAN: French talk then music, 0859:30 Joanne Arcand with promo for "Dimanche Magazine," ID "Ici Radio Canada, la Première Chaîne, CBSI Côte-Nord," time, fanfare, net news (40-watt LPRT); under WTAM, 22332 [JB]
1130 15.10 0930 CKWX, Vancouver BC, CAN: 0930 local news about Vancouver, ad; 22432 [JB]
1140 16.10 0100 WQBA, Miami FL, USA: Spanish baseball coverage, 0101 quick English legal ID, Spanish ID, more baseball; 33422 [JB]
1160 27.10 0730 VSB3, Hamilton, BER: “BBC World Service” ID [SC]
1230 15.10 1859 CFLN, Happy Valley-Goose Bay NL, CAN: C+W music, 1900: "...VOCM radio service...1340 ... CFLW and ... CFLN, Happy Valley-Goose Bay ... VOCM first news"; 23332 [JB]
1260 21.10 0901 WSUA, Miami FL, USA: ID "Radio Caracol 1260" saying serving the Latin community of south of Florida, LA music; 33433 [JB]
1270 15.10 0904 CFGT, Alma QC, CAN: tentative French news, sports; 33422 [JB]
1270 21.10 0905 WXYT, Detroit MI, USA: talk about the Detroit football team, 0906 "Detroit's Sports Powerhouse" FM and AM frequencies, Monte Hunter(?) Show; 22342 [JB]
1290 25.10 0830 CFRW, Winnipeg MB, CAN: “1290 CFRW, the greatest oldies of all time,” then jingle with calls [SC]; also 25.10 0854 oldies, “you’re listening to CFRW, a CHUM radio station” [JR]
1290 26.10 1006 WTKS, Savannah GA, USA: Savannah PSAs, Sunrise Rotary Club PSA [SC]
1300 24.10 0920 WOOD, Grand Rapids MI, USA: hotline for motorists who hit deer, weather and location [SC]
1340 27.10 0230 CKHV, Happy Valley-Goose Bay NL, CAN: indigenous speaker, CBC News at 0300, ID as CBC North, followed by Peter Hope music program [JR & SC]
1360 17.10 0159 KKBJ, Bemidji MN, USA: talk, promo for "Real Country 98.3," legal ID, news; 32422 [JB]
1380 25.10 0936 CKPC, Brantford ON, CAN: call, mentioned Ed McMahon announcer [SC]
1420 24.10 0325 WASR, Wolfeboro NH, USA: "ASR" ID, pop-rock [SC]
1450 17.10 2359 VSB1, Hamilton, BER: old pop music, 2359 "1450 AM Gold," more old music through TOH; 34332 [JB]; also 29.10 0915 “Bermuda Weather Service” and “VSB-TV-11 weather” mentioned [SC]
1620 24.10 0505 WTAW, College Station TX, USA: Rush Limbaugh promo with ID [SC]
1670 25.10 0958 WVVM, Dry Branch GA, USA: Spanish, mentioned Warner-Robbins in ID [SC]
 Caribbean and Mexico
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; quality or SINPO [DXer]
530 15.10 0924 R. Rebelde, La Habana, CUB: news, 0927 "Rebelde" introed news report; 32432 [JB]
530 25.10 0730 R. Visión Cristiana, South Caicos, TCA: Spanish, Christian, announcements for Bronx and US [SC]
540 14.10 0759 Grenada BC, St. George's, GRD: tentative steel guitar, 0800 BBC WS "Assignment" program, // ZIZ-555; over CBT, 43443 [JB]
555 24.10 0520 ZIZ, Basseterre, SCN: British accent talk [SC]
570 14.10 0820 R. Reloj, Santa Clara, CUB: news, IDs, transmitter hum; 44444 [JB]
580 16.10 0756 WKAQ, San Juan, PTR: ad, talk, ID with every network station, ID, news promos; 43433 [JB]; also 25.10 0856 "Puerto Rico" in Spanish talk [SC]
610 14.10 0825 R. Rebelde, Bahia Honda, CUB: old-fashioned Cuban music, 0826 ID; 34444 [JB]
630 21.10 0953 R. Progreso, Pinar del Rio, CUB: song, 0954 ID, more music; 33442 [JB]
630 16.10 0058 WUNO NotiUno, San Juan, PTR: IDs for complete net, PSA; 34443 [JB]; also 25.10 0905 "Puerto Rico" repeatedly in Spanish news [SC]
670 20.10 0932 R. Rebelde, 2 stations, CUB: two stations delayed by a few secs, mainly talk, 0951 Rebelde jingle; 33433 [JB]
680 26.10 0423 WAPA, San Juan, PTR: “Guapa” slogan [JR]
690 21.10 0953 XEN La 69, México DF, MEX: news, 0954 promo ended with "La 69 es noticias," promo for sports program, Mexican news report; through R. Progreso and CINF, 32432 [JB]
700 18.10 0200 Nationwide R., Hague, JMC: ads and promo "on Nationwide Radio"; 23433 [JB]
710 25.10 0922 R. Rebelde, synchros, CUB: woman in Spanish, // 5025, 670 [SC]
740 16.10 0858 CMKO R. Angulo, Holguín, CUB: news, 0859:30 "Esta es CMKO, Radio Angulo, transmitiendo desde Holguín, Cuba," 0900 time check; 32432 [JB]
760 21.10 0959 R. Progreso, site?, CUB: flute music, station theme music, "Radio Progreso, cadena nacional, la onda de la alegría," music, 1001 news; 33432 [JB]
760 15.10 0910 WORO NotiUno, Mayagüez, PTR: talk, 1911 "NotiUno" but announcing 630 kHz; 32432 [JB]
770 24.10 0936 R. Rebelde, site?, CUB: political talk, // 5025 [JR]; also 26.10 0918 Spanish talk, // 5025 [SC]
790 14.10 0803 R. Reloj, Pinar del Rio, CUB: pip, code ID, man and woman read news; 23332 [JB]
800 28.10 0126 Trans-World R., Bonaire, ATN: Spanish religion, "Radio Transmundial" ID [SC]
820 20.10 0955 R. Ciudad de La Habana, Santa Catalina, CUB: folk music, 1001 ID, music; 33432 [JB]
820 24.10 0609 R. Reloj, Contramaestre, CUB: Reloj ticks [SC]
820 17.10 0904 R. Paradise / TBN, Charlestown, SCN: steeldrum hymn, 0905 woman with Caribbean accent, "Radio Paradise" ID, religious talk; 44444 [JB]; also 24.10 0027 Christian music, USA announcement [SC]
840 16.10 0856 R. Revolución, Santiago, CUB: Cuban music, 0859:30 "Desde Santiago de Cuba, ... cubano, CMKC, Radio Revolución ...," fanfare, pips; 32442 [JB]
860 24.10 0944 R. Reloj, synchros, CUB: tick-tock! [JR]; also 28.10 1000 ticks, Spanish news [SC]
860 21.10 1007 XEUN R. UNAM, México, MEX: ID with MW and SW frequencies, web address, classical music; QRM from CJBC, 33432 [JB]
895 24.10 0120 Voice of Nevis, Bath Village, SCN: Caribbean-accented English talk [SC]
900 25.10 0918 R. Rebelde, site?, CUB: man in Spanish, // 5025 [SC]
940 15.10 0800 WIPR, San Juan, PTR: ID over LA music, talk; 22432 [JB]
950 19.10 0105 R. Reloj, La Habana & Mayarí Arriba, CUB: man and woman Spanish news, 0105 pip, two sets of code "RR"; 13431 [JB]; also 28.10 1003 ticks [SC]
960 23.10 0348 R. Reloj, Guantanamo, CUB: ticks, Spanish news [SC]
970 15.10 0929 XERFR R. Fórmula, México, MEX: 0930 ID and "Cadena Nacional"; 33332 [JB]
970 17.10 0916 WSTX, Christiansted, VIR: "AM 11-30 WSTX," call-in program; 33422 [JB]; also 25.10 0230 music, program, call letters [JR]; also 25.10 0325 VisitStCroix.com, Sapphire Beach, Latin and western pop music, call letters [SC]
1000 15.10 0929 XEOY R. Mil, México, MEX: "Radio Mil" ID, LA ballad, 0933 ID and jingle, promo, ad, music, 0939 talk about monkeys; 34443 [JB]
1060 24.10 0856 R. 26, Matanzas, CUB: Spanish talk, ID before TOH [JR]; also 24.10 1000 music, “Radio Veinte Seis” ID [SC]
1060 17.10 2223 HIAJ R. Amanecer, San Francisco de Macorís, DOM: religious songs, 2225 talk program is "La Voz de l'Esperanza"; 24343 [JB]
1060 15.10 0101 XEEP R. Educación, México, MEX: promo, 0101:30 ID with call, piano music; 33323 [JB]; also 23.10 0958 anthem, call letters [JR]; also 28.10 1010 faint trumpet music, // 6185 [SC]
1060 15.10 0929 XERTF R. Fórmula, Veracruz, MEX: mariachi, 0930 call and "Radio Fórmula"; under US stn, 22332 [JB]
1120 25.10 0923 WMSW R. Once, Hatillo, PTR: lots of laughter, “Radio Once” ID [JR]
1150 27.10 0009 R. Bayamo, Entronque Bueycito, CUB: presumed, talk about “Teatro Mosquito,” mentions of Cuba [JR]
1160 15.10 2220 Caribbean R. Lighthouse, St. John's, ATG: religious drama, 2228 music, 2229 time check, talk in English and Spanish, English ID, 2230 "Radio Lighthouse Club" program with song then story; 33433 [JB]
1180 24.10 1003 R. Rebelde, 2 stations, CUB: 2 stations echoing with Spanish news, // 5025 [SC]
1280 13.10 2358 WCMN NotiUno, Arecibo, PTR: Spanish chat, 2359:30 ID for all stns of network, 0000 jingle, news; 33443 [JB]
1320 16.10 0000 WSKN R. Isla, San Juan, PTR: complete network ID; 22422 [JB]
1400 17.10 0159 Harbour Light of the Windwards, Carriacou, GRD: Bible study program ending, ID; 22422 [JB]
1430 17.10 2020 WNEL R. Tiempo, Caguas, PTR: LA music, 2022 hype including ID, web addresses, talk or ads, music at 2026; 33433 [JB]
1480 19.10 2346 WMDD Tropical 1480, Fajardo, PTR: political talk, said back to studio but silence for a minute, 2349 strident music, ID; 44444 [JB]
1570 25.10 0950 XERF, Ciudad Acuña, MEX: call-in show with a female announcer, lots of female callers, 1000 call letters [JR]
1620 19.10 2355 R. República / WDHP, Frederiksted, VIR: Spanish anti-Cuban propaganda, 0000 "Radio República" ID, then English WDHP ID and news; 34333 [JB]
1640 19.10 2356 R. Juventus Don Bosco, Santo Domingo, DOM: Spanish religious song, 2358:30 ID, another religious song; 24332 [JB]
1680.03 27.10 2256 R. Senda, San Pedro de Macorís, DOM: preacher or teacher, ID included mention of the Dominican Rep.; QRM from WLAA in Florida [JR]; also 27.10 2330 Spanish religion, "Radio Senda," lively with many hallelujahs [SC]
1700 24.10 0905 XEPE, Tijuana, MEX: "The Talk of San Diego,” San Diego ads [SC]; also 25.10 1002 ad for San Diego Golf Supermarket [JR]
 South America
 kHz day.month time UTC station: notes; quality or SINPO [DXer]
550 14.10 0830 YVKE Mundial, Caracas, VEN: Spanish talk about Venez history, messages from various government ministries, ID; 33443 [JB]
600 14.10 0819 YVQB R. Sucre, Cumaná, VEN: Venez music, 0821 time check, ID, and more music, 0826 promo for "El Noticiero Sucre" and ID; 33433 [JB]
610 16.10 2301 ZYL268 R. Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, B: "Itatiaia" twice, apparent news, 2303 ad; 33433 [JB]
630 15.10 0119 YVKA R. Nacional de Venezuela, Caracas, VEN: Venez folk music, many IDs; 32442 [JB]
650 14.10 0759 ZP4 R. Uno, Asunción, PRG: ID, chat by woman, ID again, romantic Spanish song; 23332 [JB]
680 14.10 0756 HJZO R. Nacional de Colombia, Sabanagrande, CLM: lively LA music, 0757 many IDs and promos; 33333 [JB]
690 27.10 0359 ZYI532 R. Clube do Pará, Belém PA, B: // to program on 4885; very weak [JR]
690 20.10 0933 HJCZ R. Recuerdos, Bogotá, CLM: ads, time, jingle, Mexican-sounding music; 33432 [JB]; also 25.10 0939 with “...Calle 23 aqui en Bogotá” [JR]
690 16.10 0756 HCJB1 Voz de los Andes, Quito, EQA: Andean flutes, 0757:30 Ecuadoran anthem; 22432 [JB]
700 15.10 0758 LV3 R. Córdoba, Córdoba, ARG: Spanish flute music...fade...0802 "5:01 en la República Argentina," piano music with morning announcements; 33322 [JB]
700 15.10 0758 ZYK686 R. Eldorado, São Paulo SP, B: talk, 0805 ad, "Eldorado" with FM frequency; 33322 [JB]; also 28.10 0205 talk, “Eldorado” at end of segment [JR]
730 26.10 0300 HJCU R. Lider, Bogotá, CLM: Colombia in ID with Latin and pop music [SC]
740 15.10 0001 ZYH206 R. Sociedade da Bahia, Salvador BA, B: slogans, ID, ads; 43433 [JB]
750 15.10 0912 YVKS R. Caracas Radio, Caracas, VEN: promos, 0915 ID, news; QRM from CBGY, 33433 [JB]
760 15.10 0834 LU6 Emisora Atlántica, Mar del Plata, ARG: romantic music, ID with call and location, piano music; 33332 [JB]
760 16.10 2358 ZYH588 R. Uirapuru, Fortaleza CE, B: Igreja Universal do Reino do Deus program, 2359 Uirapuru song, ID with call; 33433 [JB]; also 24.10 2330 “Uirapuru” ID, man in Portuguese [SC]
760 25.10 0204 HJAJ RCN, Barranquilla, CLM: live sports with Cartagena playing, // 770, 980 [SC]
770 17.10 0856 HJJX RCN, Bogotá, CLM: talk, 0857 "Colombia, la nuestra, en RCN"; 33343 [JB]; also 24.10 0202 live sports, // 760, 980 [SC]
770 24.10 0936 YVKK R. Nacional de Venezuela, Valencia, VEN: talk about Venezuela, "Radio Nacional" mention Valencia [SC]
830 17.10 0858 YVLT R. Sensación, Caracas, VEN: music, 0859 three promos with ID; 33422 [JB]
840 24.10 0407 ZYK687 R. Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, B: São Paulo announcement, Portuguese talk [SC]
860 26.10 0215 ZYJ459 R. CBN, Rio de Janeiro RJ, B: CBN ID, Portuguese talk [SC]
870 15.10 0000 LRA1 R. Nacional, Buenos Aires, ARG: pips, anmt about R. Nacional de Santa Fé, talk, lottery numbers; 34433 [JB]
880 28.10 0325 ZYL275 R. Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, B: accordion and vocal, // 6010; QRM from WCBS [JR & SC]
910 15.10 0846 LS5 La Red, Buenos Aires, ARG: short reports, 0853 promos with IDs, music; 34333 [JB]
910 17.10 0908 YVRQ RQ-910, Caracas, VEN: Venez music, ID, time check, ID again, music; 43433 [JB]; also 24.10 0834 “Erre Q” ID, Latin music, Spanish talk [SC]
950 15.10 0800 LR3 R. Belgrano, Buenos Aires, ARG: pips, fade, 0800:30 ID, 0802 bit of news; 22332 [JB]
960 15.10 0805 ZYJ813 R. Super Difusora, Xanxerê SC, B: cock crow, ID with call, hype; 23332 [JB]
970 27.10 0144 LV2 R. General Paz, Córdoba, ARG: several announcements from “el gobierno de Córdoba” [JR]
980 25.10 0135 ZYH707 R. Nacional, Brasília DF, B: man in Portuguese, // 11780 [SC & JR]
980 14.10 0025 HJES RCN, Calí, CLM: sports discussion, 0044 ID; 23342 [JB]; also 25.10 0203 live sports with Cartagena playing, // 760, 770 [SC]
1000 24.10 2250 HJAQ RCN, Cartagena, CLM: Spanish discussion about Cartagena [SC]
1010 16.10 2154 ZYH625 R. CBN, Fortaleza CE, B: news, ads, 2157 time "Jornal CBN"; 33322 [JB]
1010 16.10 2201 ZYH448 R. Bahia, Salvador BA, B: "Igreja Universal do Reino do Deus," 2203 ID with call; 33332 [JB]
1020.10 28.10 0110 YVRS R. Mundial Margarita, La Asunción, VEN: “Radio Mundial Margarita, La Asunción” ID, mentions of Venezuela; under faint Reloj ticks [SC & JR]
1030 15.10 0059 LS10 R. Del Plata, Buenos Aires, ARG: news promo, 0100 "Radionoticias Del Plata"; 33433 [JB]; also 26.10 0303 Argentine news items, male and female announcers, mention of “La Plata”, sports coverage promo [JR & SC]
1040 24.10 0500 ZYK537 R. Capital, São Paulo SP, B: ID, talk, music [SC]
1050 16.10 2205 ZYH494 R. CBN, Salvador BA, B: mix of Brazil stations, 2205:30 ad mentioned "Bahia," ID; 22422 [JB]
1050 28.10 0400 ZYI203 R. Capixaba, Vitória ES, B: man preaching for almost two hours, with female responding like a cheerleader, easily // to 4935, ID at 0459 [JR & SC]
1070 25.10 2130 ZYI673 R. Difusora, Cajazeiras PB, B: time check, "Cajazeiras" and "Super Difusora Regional 1070;" fair [JR]
1100 24.10 0100 ZYK694 R. Globo, São Paulo SP, B: “Rádio Globo Noticias” followed by Portuguese talk [SC]
1110 27.10 0905 YVQT R. Carúpano, Carúpano, VEN: Venezuelan anthem, anthem of estado Sucre [JR]
1120 15.10 0103 ZYK274 R. Rural, Porto Alegre RS, B: ID, ads for things in Porto Alegre; 32432 [JB]
1120 16.10 2154 ZYJ253 R. Eldorado, São José dos Pinhais PR, B: talk, 2205 ID; 33422 [JB]
1130 25.10 2128 ZYJ460 R. Nacional, Rio de Janeiro RJ, B: Portuguese talk, // 11780[JR]
1140 16.10 2159 ZYH449 R. Cultura da Bahia, Salvador BA, B: promo, hype, 2200 two IDs, jingles, news; 22432 [JB]
1150 27.10 0000 LT9 R. Brigadier López, Santa Fé, ARG: many mentions of “La Provincia de Santa Fé”, “Loteria de Santa Fé”, “Nuevo Banco de Santa Fé” [JR]
1160 15.10 0057 R. Globo, station?, B: Globo IDs and hype, but 2 Globo stationns listed; 33422 [JB]; also 26.10 0542 “Radio Globo!” shout, then “wolf whistle” [JR]
1180 17.10 0059 ZYJ463, R. Mundial, Rio de Janeiro RJ, B: just audible, ID with call leters, then lost; 23432 [JB]
1190 15.10 0100 LR9 R. América, Buenos Aires, ARG: pips, ID, weather, news including ID; 33433 [JB]; also 26.10 0232 news, ID as “Informó Radio América, AM once noventa” [JR & SC]
1190 16.10 2205 ZYJ594 R. CBN, Natal RN, B: news, 2206 time check and "Esporte CBN" promo, more reports; 33422 [JB]
1220 23.10 0245 ZYJ458 R. Globo, Rio de Janeiro RJ, B: "Rádio Globo" ID, Portuguese talk, music; dominant and strong [SC]
1240 17.10 0102 ZYI774 R. Capibaribe, Recife PE, B: jingle and ID; behind CKIM, 22332 [JB]
1260 19.10 0559 ZYK688 R. Morada do Sol, São Paulo SP, B: "A Voz de Libertação," 0559:30 call and ID, music; 33433 [JB]
1270 26.10 0359 LS11 R. Provincia de Buenos Aires, La Plata, ARG: 5 + 1 time pips, into “Provincia Noticias” [JR]
1280 24.10 0341 ZYJ455 R. Tupi, Rio de Janeiro RJ, B: excited “Tupi” ID, talk, pop [SC]
1290 28.10 0936 YVLF R. Puerto Cabello, Puerto Cabello, VEN: local ad mentions “Puerto Cabello en el primero lugar” [JR]
1310 15.10 2356 YVSM R. Nacional de Venezuela, Barcelona, VEN: "Radio Nacional de Venezuela," program of music sung by people on the street, through TOH; 23333 [JB]
1330 19.10 0601 ZYK736 R. Terra, São Paulo SP, B: call ID, jingles; 34332 [JB]
1340 25.10 2200 ZYH886 R. São Luís, São Luís MA, B: phone chat, ID on the hour [JR]
1350 16.10 0003 LS6 R. Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, ARG: telephone number for confidential help, ID; 33423 [JB]; also 23.10 0355 nice ID heard over domestic mush [JR]; also 27.10 0305 ID; behind R. Cristal [SC]/td>
1350 24.10 2308 ZYH520 R. Cristal, Salvador BA, B: "Super Rádio ... desde Salvador, Bahia" and “Cristal” slogan [JR]; also 28.10 0358 ID twice, soft perhaps religious music [SC]
1360 17.10 0159 ZYJ464 R. Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro RJ, B: talk, 0202 full ID, Whitney Houston song; 44444 [JB]; also 28.10 0359 Portuguese talk then ID [SC]
1360 25.10 2200 ZYH650 R. Iracema, Ipu CE, B: ID, Portuguese talk [SC]
1380 21.10 0356 YVNG Ondas del Mar, Puerto Cabello, VEN: romantic music, ID at 0357, 0402 ID with call, NA; 23422 [JB]
1500 13.10 2200 YVRZ R. Dos Mil, Cumaná, VEN: "Hotel California" in Spanish, 2200:30 ID with call, Venez music; 24333 [JB]

Published on August 17, 2008

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