Seefontein 9 DXpedition
March 28-31, 2011
by John Plimmer
This was a great gathering
of South Africas top DXers with a total of
156 years of DXing between them. For the first time
in Western Cape DXing we were joined by veteran
DXer from the Highveld hinterland, Vashek Korinek
from Johannesburg. Vashek has DXed inland mainly
from his Copperton site near Prieska on the Orange
River. Present were John Plimmer and his wife Dawn,
Vince Stevens, Gary Deacon and Vashek.

DXers John, Vashek, Gary and Vince |
We arrive in lovely clear
weather with a nice breeze to cool the hard working
layers out of the beverage antennas. We get out
seven beverage antennas in all directions from Garys
famous 220m BOG to Vinces finely strung 400m
beverage on 5 foot poles and dead straight. Look
up previous visits to Seefontein
for more detail on where it is and what its facilities
are. Our hostess has improved the basic cottage
over the years and at last the hot water system
works and we can all get hot baths. There is a gas
heater in the one bathroom and a solar heater in
the other. I never liked solar heating its
fine when the weather is hot and sunny, but on a
cold cloudy winters day all you get is cold water.
Do have a look at Garys lovely video by clicking
on the DX video link.
Five oclock we are
all ready and tested the batteries are fully
charged and all we need is some signals from the
East. However, propagation is not good and we have
to wait for seven p.m. until the first Aussie MW
signal gets in = Adelaide on 1395. Meanwhile we
are getting some Tropical Band signals before sunset
at quarter to seven. Gary gets a nice signal from
AFN Guam. Conditions are not good though, propagation
is poor and there is a high level of static from
nearby tropical storms giving S9+10 on the S meters.
A few of the more powerful Aussies get through this
noise, mainly the West Coast stations. John and
Vince give up at about 9 but Gary and Vashek DX
on into the night. Vashek turns out to be very serious
night DXer, catnapping only a few minutes here and
there and DXing all night long.
Tuesday morning conditions are still poor, bad propagation
and still noisy from the storms no sign of
any North Americans but plenty of South Americans
which Vashek is fascinated with. I hate DXing the
Brazilians because the lower powered village stations
can go for two hours without an ID and are a waste
of time Vashek is having a field day though.
One of Garys BOGs is pointed to Europe and
he is getting some very nice N. African and European

John and Vince at the braai (barbeque) |
Tuesday is another nice
sunny day with little wind, so we decide that will
be our braai day (barbeque). The lads
sleep and John and Dawn go to town in Veldrif to
shop for food and charcoal for the braai. Vince
is braai master and we have a feast. I try a local
sauvignon blanc to wash the boerewors (farmers sausage)
down with and declare it to be first class battery
acid. Vince likes it though (see picture) and downs
a couple of glasses.
Tuesday evening conditions are better propagation
and less static. We all get some reasonable catches.
Wednesday the weather turns foul with rain and wind,
so this is fish and chips day. John and Dawn go
to town again and get it from a shop in Veldrif.
The lads love it and devour it with appreciation,
Vince washes it down again with the battery acid
and I have got a high quality Nederburg Sauvignon
blanc which I enjoy with relish.
Last time we were at Seefontein
our hostess had lots of cattle which browsed around
and cut and dragged our beverages. This time there
was only three cattle and they kept to their kraal
(cattle pen) far away from us and the antennas were
left undamaged.
Despite the lousy weather
Wednesday evening yields better propagation and
less storm static. Gary gets a bonanza of Europeans
on his BOG directed to Europe and some Tropical
Band loggings of PNG and Solomon Isl. which have
not been heard for some time.

Seefontein cottage the pic is taken from
the beach |
Our last session, Thursday
morning is the best, propagation is good and the
storm static has all but disappeared. At last we
get some N. Americans and Vashek gets a Canadian
which are usually as scarce as hens teeth. I get
an ID of ESPN R. with sport format and
I m tentatively claiming this as it is the most
powerful on 1700 kHz and is often heard at Seefontein.
That is 1700 kHz XEPE Tecate Mexico, which is 10,000
miles away or 16,000 kms. The only other ESPN
on that frequency is Des Moines with an output of
1 Kw and has never been heard here. XEPE came in
at 0509z, well after sunrise at 0456, a wonderful
experience. At sunrise 0500z Vince gets 1480 Fall
River MA and is overjoyed to end his DXpedition
on high note.
Altogether its another great DXpedition with
wonderful cameradie between us and some good catches,
although it has not been as good as some past Seefontein
DXpeditions. Vince is very happy with his Drake
R8A and Gary with his Icom IC-R71. Vashek is happy
with his AOR7030 and I am over the moon with my
outstanding Icom IC-7600. I am bitterly disappointed
with my Perseus SDR as this is its third DXpedition
and the recordings are really not up to scratch.
Stations that are loud and clear on the Icom are
unreadable to weak on the Perseus. The recordings
also seem to be a lot noisier than listening to
the Icoms recordings on the excellent Edirol
mp3 recorder. Vinces 1480 catch was unreadable
on Perseus!!
I must finish this report by reminding all of the
tremendous advantages of a DXpedition by the sea.
For those of you who live inland you might not know
about the sea gain effect of DXing by
the seaside. The sea gain boosts the signals by
several dB above what you may receive inland. Seefontein
is right on the high tide mark and there is no electricity
for five kilometres round, so it is electrically
very quiet. For instance when listening to XEPE
there was not a flick of the S meter
above zero and no noise at all, yet the signal came
wafting in over the airwaves as clear as a bell
a wonderful almost orgasmic experience. As
Vashek spent a lot of money flying from Johannesburg
and hiring a car for four days, he was more than
satisfied by this expense for the wonderful experience
he had, and vowed to return. Many DXers in the USA
spend big money joining the coastal fellas at their
famous seaside DX sites. So if you haven't experienced
it, make a big effort to go to a coastal DX site.
Propagation conditions on the 31st Solar
flux 113, A index 3, K index 1
Logs - Vashek Korinek
AOR7030 2 beverages
590.0 0415 VENEZUELA, R.Continente,
Caracas, oldies hits, announcements, good signal,
600.0 0420 BRAZIL, R.Gaucha,
Porto Alegre, RS, topical talks and chats, good
signal, 30/3
620.0 0430 BRAZIL, R.Pelotense,
Pelotas, RS, local oldies, announcements, promos,
fair signal, 30/3
630.0 0235 BRAZIL, R.Novo Tempo,
Campo Grande, MS, talks, local songs, good signal,
684.0 2150 MAURITIUS, MBC, Malherbes,
light pops, time check at 2102 (i.e. 2 minutes out),
French news, good signal, 30/3
700.0 0310 ARGENTINA, R.Cordoba,
Cordoba, talks, ID, announcements, poor signal,
700.0 0515 BRAZIL, R.Eldorado,
Sao Paulo, SP, sports programme, fair signal, 29/3
740.0 0030 BRAZIL, R.Soc. da
Bahia, Salvador, BA, announcements, adverts, promos,
fair signal, 29/3
770.0 0520 URUGUAY, R.Oriental,
Montevideo, talks, adverts, announcements, good
signal, 30/3
783.0T 1710 AUSTRALIA, 6VA, Albany,
WA, programme of rock and pop oldies, announcements
in Australian accent (TENT.), fadey poor signal,
890.0 0040 BRAZIL, R.Tamandare,
Recife, PE, talks, announcements, IDs, fair
signal, 29/3
900.0 0450 BRAZIL, R.Nordeste
Evangelica, Natal, RN, inspirational talks and songs,
910.0 0005 ARGENTINA, La Red,
CF, actualities programme, good signal, 30/3
920.0 0100 BRAZIL, R.Novo Tempo,
Salvador, BA, info, promos, announcements, good
signal, 29/3
940.0 2250 BRAZIL, Super R. Brasil
(RBV), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, A Voz do Brasil,
own religious programme from 2300, very good signal,
970.0 0015 BRAZIL, R.Pampa, Porto
Alegre, RS, talks, discussions on economy, fair
signal, 30/3
970.0 0035 PARAGUAY, R.9-70,
Asuncion, noticias and sport, poor signal, 30/3
980.0 0045 BRAZIL, R.Nacional,
Brasilia, DF, programme of local songs, good signal,
1000.0 0120 BRAZIL, R.Record,
Sao Paulo, SP, talks, announcements, IDs,
good signal, 29/3
1020.1 0050 PARAGUAY, R.Nanduti,
Asuncion, a talk programme, poor signal, 30/3
1030.0 0130 ARGENTINA, R.Del
Plata, CF, chats about chocolate, good signal, 29/3
1040.0 0135 BRAZIL, R.Capital,
Sao Paulo, SP, programme of local oldies, good signal,
1050.0 0140 BRAZIL, R.Capixaba,
Vitoria, ES, religious programme of talks, fair
signal, 29/3
1100.0 0145 BRAZIL, R.Globo,
Sao Paulo, SP, a talk programme, fair signal, 29/3
1110.0 0150 ARGENTINA, R.De La
Ciudad, CF, adverts and announcements, fair signal,
1125.0 2015 LIBYA, Saut Libya
Al Hurra (V.of Free Libya), El Beida, talks, reports,
info, emotional songs, in Arabic, good signal, 28/3
1150.0 0155 BRAZIL, R.Globo,
Belo Horizonte, MG, talks and announcements, good
signal, 29/3
1370.0 0200 BRAZIL, R.Iguatemi,
Sao Paulo, SP, light local songs, announcements,
good signal, 29/3
1400.0 2020 BRAZIL, R.Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, promos, announcements, adverts, very
good signal, 30/3
1410.0 2030 BRAZIL, R.America,
Sao Paulo, SP, announcements, talks, poor signal,
1450.0 0435 ARGENTINA, R.El Sol,
CF, nice modern local music, announcements, IDs,
fair signal, 31/3
1457.6 1900 ANGOLA, E.P. do Moxico,
Luena, Radiojornal in Port., fair signal, 28/3
1550.0 1915 CLANDESTINE, V.of
The Saharan Dem. Rep., reportedly via Algeria, endless
Arabic talks with musical inserts, fair signal,
1550.0 0500 CANADA, CBE, Windsor,ON,
CBC news in English, poor, 31/3
212.5 0355 KZ SOUTH AFRICA, Kleinsee,
weak, 29/3
220.0 0100 IS BRAZIL, Cimbra,
Salvador, BA, very weak, 31/3
258.0 0110 LU ANGOLA, Luanda,
weak, 31/3
274.0 0200 SAL CAPE VERDE, Sal
Isl., very weak, 31/3
277.5 0120 PY SOUTH AFRICA, Plettenberg
Bay, fair, 31/3
305.0 0130 MH SOUTH AFRICA, Mmabatho
Int., weak, 31/3
320.0 0310 ORS UNID., very weak,
335.0 0405 WC SOUTH AFRICA, Worcester,
weak, 29/3
350.0 0140 VTR BRAZIL, Vitoria,
ES, fair, 31/3
356.0 0420 CVL BRAZIL, Caravelas,
BA, fair, 29/3
365.0 0150 KM SOUTH AFRICA, Kimberley,
weak, 31/3
400.0 0330 CAX BRAZIL, Rio de
Janeiro, RJ, fair, 31/3
470.0 1140 DP UNID., fair, 29/3
485.0 2250 UR SOUTH AFRICA, Margate,
fair, 29/3
520.0 0430 BHZ BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte,
MG, fair, 29/3
1705.1 2230 MAU UNID., fair,
Logs Gary Deacon
Icom IC-R71 and two BOGs,
one to Europe and one to New York
531 0435 ALGERIA Alger Chaîne
1 Ain-El-Beida in AA w male vocals, drums and strings
w 'jazz style' pentatonic piano responses 1 sec
delay // 549 kHz - very good 28/3
540 0423 MOROCCO RTM Sidi Bennour
w AA chants - fair 28/3
549 0422 ALGERIA Alger Chaîne
1 Les Trembles in AA - good 28/3
585 0422 SPAIN Radio Nacional,
Majadahonda (Madrid) in SS - fair
594 0432 NIGERIA FRCN Kaduna
National Station, Jaji w EE recitation of the National
Pledge of Nigeria - good 29/3
594 2114 MALAWI MBC Radio One
Lilongwe w id and mx - good 30/3
621 0430 CANARY ISLANDS RNE Tenerife
w id in SS - good 28/3
684 0430 SPAIN RNE Dos Hermanas
(Sevilla) in SS - good 28/3
684 1810 MAURITIUS Radio Maurcice,
Malherbes w "The Logical Song" by Supertramp
and "MBC" id in FF - good 30/3
720 1845 AUSTRALIA 6WF Perth
w discussion - fair 29/3
729 1810 AUSTRALIA 5RN Adelaide
w interview - poor 30/3
729 2058 GREECE NET Athínai
w traditional mx - fair 28/3
729 0429 NIGERIA Kano Broadcasting
Corporation, Jogana w sign on sig tune, Nigerian
National Anthem and EE recitation of the National
Pledge of Nigeria - fair 30/3
738 0432 SPAIN Radio Nacional,
Palau de Plegamans (Barcelona) in SS w news - fair
747 0438 CANARY ISLANDS Radio
Nacional 5, Mesas de Galaz (Las Palmas) in SS w
news - fair 30/3
747 0405 HOLLAND Radio 5 Nostalgia
Zeewolde (Flevoland) w Oldies mx incl "That'll
Be The Day" by Buddy Holly - good peak 30/3
783 0435 SPAIN Rock y Gol Radio
Miramar, Ctra. Consería (Barcelona) in SS
- poor 30/3
792 0438 SPAIN SER Radio Sevilla,
Sevilla in SS w news - poor 30/3
819 1815 MAURITIUS Radio Mauritius
2, Malherbes w traditional Indian female vocals,
tablas and strings - very good 30/3
828 1820 AUSTRALIA 6GN Geraldton
// 720 kHz - poor 30/3
837 0436 SPAIN COPE Various locations
- fair 30/3
855 0440 SPAIN Radio Nacional
Various locations - fair 30/3
864 0412 FRANCE France Bleu Paris
- Villebon-sur-Yvette w rock mx - poor 30/3
1008 2214 HOLLAND GrootNieuwsradio,
Zeewolde (Flevoland) w mx - fair 30/3
1008 0438 SPAIN SER various locations
in SS w news - fair 30/3
1017 1618 GERMANY SWR Cont.Ra,
Wolfsheim w GG ann by female presenter - fair 30/3
1020 0140 PARAGUAY R.Nanduti,
Asuncion, w discussion in SS poor 30/3
1026 0425 SPAIN SER Radio w "Horse
With No Name" by America - fair 31/3
1035 2220 ESTONIA Tartuskoe Semeinoe
Radio (Tartu Family Radio)Tartu (presumed) w male
ann in RR - fair 30/3
1062 0348 DENMARK DR P5, Kalundborg
w wx forecast - fair w good peaks 31/3
1088 2122 ANGOLA Radio Nacional
de Angola, Mulenvos in PP - good 30/3
1098 0440 SPAIN Radio Nacional
5 various locations in SS w id - very good 31/3
1110 0455 ARGENTINA R.De La Ciudad
w classical and latin jazz music - fair w good peaks
30/3 Always enjoyable to listen to the quality music
played on this station!
1125 0419 SPAIN Radio Nacional
5, various locations in SS w ann - fair 30/3
1143 0415 SPAIN COPE various
locations in SS - poor 31/3
News 1152, Saffron Green (London) w discussion by
male presenter - very poor 31/3
1179 0425 SPAIN SER Radio Valencia
/ Rioja w "Horse With No Name" by America
- good 31/3
1206 0420 FRANCE France Info,
Bordeaux-Néac in FF fair - 31/3
1215 0420 UNITED KINGDOM Absolute
Radio various locations w mx - very poor under Radio
Botswana 30/3
1224 0421 SPAIN COPE various
locations in SS w ann - fair 30/3
1242 0431 FRANCE France Info,
Marseille-Cabriès-Réaltor in FF -
poor 31/3
1278 0422 FRANCE France Bleu
Sélestat w "Kung Fu Fighting" by
Carl Douglas - fair 30/3
1296 0329 SUDAN Sudan National
Broadcasting Corporation Reiba w id in AA - very
good 30/3
1305 0417 SPAIN Radio Nacional
5 various locations in SS - fair 31/3
1314 0417 SPAIN Radio Nacional
5 various locations in SS - fair 31/3
Radio Ulster, Lisnagarvey w Radio 5 live programming
- poor w fair peaks 31/3
1377 0424 FRANCE France Info,
Lille-Camphin en Carembault in FF w ann - good 30/3
1260 0406 SPAIN SER Radio Murcia,
Murcia (Presumed) in SS - poor 31/3
1422 0404 GERMANY Deutschlandfunk,
Heusweiler w news in GG by female announcer - fair
1431 2209 DJIBOUTI Radio Sawa,
Arta w id and hip hop mx - good 30/3
1440 0332 LUXEMBOURG KBS World
w religious pr in GG - very good 31/3
1449 0333 LIBYA Radio Free Libya
Misrata w AA chants - very good 31/3
1458 2120 ANGOLA Emissora Provincial
do Moxico, Luena in PP - good 30/3
1458 0401 UNITED KINGDOIM Sunrise
Radio Brookmans Park w news in EE - fair 31/3
under Radio Today in SS poor 31/3
1494 0358 GREECE NET Rhodos w
ann by female presenter poor 31/3 * personal first
1494 0427 FRANCE France Info
various locations in FF - poor 30/3
1503 0357 SPAIN Radio Nacional
5, various locations in SS - very good 31/3
1521 0358 SPAIN SER Radio Castellón,
Ctra Valencia (Castellón) in SS - very good
1539 00432 SPAIN SER Radio various
locations in SS poor 31/3
1540 0259 BRAZIL Radio Litoranea
Guaratuba w id and mx - fair 30/3
1548 0355 UNITED KINGDOM Capital
Gold, Saffron Green w "House Of The Rising
Sun" by the Animals - poor under Radio Islam
1593 2112 UNIDENTIFIED w EE pop
mx - poor 28/3
1602 0315 SUDAN Sudan National
Broadcasting Corporation Kadogi in AA // 1296 kHz
- good 30/3
2310 1848 AUSTRALIA VLA Alice
Springs w discussion - poor 29/3
2485 1848 AUSTRALIA VL8K Katherine
w discussion - fair 29/3
3275 2019 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Radio
Southern Highlands - a surprise appearance w mx
- very poor 30/3. Noted for the first time after
checking the PNG frequencies.
3345 2022 INDONESIA Radio Republik
Indonesia w chants - fair 30/3. Thanks to Vashek
for pointing this out.
3365 1919 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Radio
Milne Bay w mx. NBC id, indigenous fanfare and news
at 2002 UTC - very poor 30/3
3385 1919 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Radio
East New Britain w mx incl inspirational gospel
song "We Will Glorify" by Twila Paris
at 1945 UTC. Phone in programme and abrupt sign/off
at 1958 UTC which may have been the result of a
possible tx problem - poor 30/3
3480 2014 KOREA Voice Of The
People in KK w mx - poor 30/3
3912 1930 KOREA Voice Of The
People in KK w mx - poor 30/3
4319 2100 DIEGO GARCIA AFN w
id "Your 24 hour news, talk and information
source ; The Voice on AFN Radio" - good 30/3
4750 2132 INDONESIA RRI Makassar
w id - good 30/3
4780 2028 DJIBOUTI Radio Djibouti
w conversation exchanges inbetween regular drum
beats - poor 30/3
4835 2155 AUSTRALIA VL8A Alice
Springs w interview by male presenter with David
Helmers, CEO of the Australian Men's Shed Association.
Time check for "26 past 7:00" at 2154
UTC, followed by a birthday tribute to Herb Alpert
who turned 76 that day (31st March) and his 1962
hit "The Lonely Bull" - fair 30/3
4885 0525 BRAZIL Radio Clube
do Para w romantic ballads and id in PP - fair 29/3
Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial Bata w african mx
- fair 30/3
5010 1853 MADAGASCAR Radio Madagasikara
w id and mx ballad - good 30/3
5020 1912 SOLOMON ISLANDS w religious
early morning devotion programme in EE - poor 30/3.
Another surprise visit from a rare Pacific guest.
I last heard the SIBC on 9545 kHz during September
5025 2150 AUSTRALIA VL8K Katherine
w an interview by female presenter with Mark Holden
who mentioned the upcomming Urban Quest Finals Concert
on the 2nd April at 7 o'clock at the Darwin Entertainment
Centre. Also promo and id for "ABC Darwin".
News headlines by Katrina Bolton at 2200 UTC - fair
5035 0525 BRAZIL Radio Aparecida
w id jingle in PP - fair 29/3
5765 1700 GUAM AFN w id "Get
the most talk, news and information from the only
source that brings it all. The Voice on AFN Radio"
followed by AP Radio News by Rita Foley - good 30/3
6010 6010 BRAZIL R Inconfidencia,
Belo Horizonte in PP - fair 29/3
6090 0518 ANGUILLA Caribbean
Beacon w religious programme - fair 29/3
7295 1800 MALAYSIA Radio Malaysia
w id and news - good 30/3
9470 1910 INDIA AIR Aligarh w
tabla and sitar mx - fair 29/3
9525 1508 INDONESIA Voice of
Indonesia, Jakarta in EE w news and id - fair 29/3
9565 0610 BRAZIL Radio Tupi w
sports commentary - fair 29/3
9595 0620 JAPAN R Nikkei 1, Nagara,
Chiba, Tokyo in JJ w discussion - fair 29/3
9655 1704 ALASKA KNLS Anchor
Point w id in Russian - fair 29/3
9820 1915 BRAZIL Radio Nove de
Julho Sao Paulo w id in PP - fair 29/3
11715 1355 USA KJES Vado New
Mexico w id - fair 30/3
11725 0528 NEW ZEALAND Radio
New Zealand International w news and promo for "Our
Changing World" - good 30/3
11735 1930 BRAZIL R Transmundial,
Santa Maria w id in PP - poor 29/3
12133.5 0525 U.S.A. AFN w sports
news and a message re pre-diabetes - fair 30/3
Receiver : Icom R71
Antenna : 2 x 200 metre BOGs
Logs Vince Stevens
RX Drake R8A
Ant: Beverage 350m towards NYC & Beverage 250m
magnetic North(ish!)
729 17h15 28/03/2011 AUSTRALIA
5RN Adelaide Election news & callers fair
891 16h59 28/03/2011 AUSTRALIA
5AN Adelaide over Lesotho w nx & talk good
972 04h06 30/03/2011 SPAIN or
MOROCCO RNE R.Nacional (PRESUMED) in SS w talks
& mention of Canary Isl poor
1010 05h17 29/03/2011 USA WINS
New York talk about firefighters poor
1053 04h31 30/03/2011 UK Talksport
synchro's //1089 but much weaker very poor
1089 04h31 30/03/2011 UK Talksport
synchro's Ad for insurance poor
1341 04h28 30/03/2011 N.IRELAND
BBC R.Ulster Lisnagarvey Relay of BBC R.5 Live wx
& football nx poor
1449 17h02 28/03/2011 AUSTRALIA
6TAB Mandurah usual horse racing results poor-fair
1480 04h58 31/03/2011 USA WSAR
Fall River MA ID @ 05h00 ABC nx quite a surprise
to find this one considering the conditions last
log of Dxpedition and the only one on MW that I
was truely excited about!! poor
1530 05h30 31/03/2011 USA WCKY
Cincinnati OH ESPN radio ID's fair briefly
1550 05h05 29/03/2011 CANADA
CBE Windsor ON (PRESUMED) with nx & talk fair
1600 04h55 29/03/2011 USA WWRL
New York YL talks fair
3325 16h00 29/03/2011 INDONESIA
RRI Palangkaraya w usual TOH signature music then
nx in Indonesian very bassy audio poor
3330 05h15 30/03/2011 CANADA
CHU Ottawa Time signals & ID fair
5010.3 16h05 29/03/2011 MADAGASCAR
RNM Ambohidrano mention of 'Malagasy' in local lingo
5025 05h55 30/03/2011 CUBA R.Rebelde
Havana nx & ID in SS good
Logs John Plimmer
Icom IC-7600 and Perseus SDR.
One BOG 350m pointing to Australia and over shoulder
over Atlantic to New York
Freq Time Date Lang Station Town Country Power Remarks
258 140 3/11/31 CW LU LUANDA ANGOLA 0
274 149 3/11/31 CW SAL SAL ISLAND ATLANTIC 0
350 104 3/11/31 CW VTR VITORIA BRAZIL 0
360 41 3/11/29 CW ASN ASCENSION ISL 0
365 366 3/11/30 CW CVL CARAVELAS BA BRAZIL 0
386 47 3/11/29 CW GZ GHANZI BOTSWANA 0
612 1903 3/11/30 EE UNID ID "FARDA" EE
720 231 3/11/29 PP R CLUBE RECIFE BRAZIL 100
720 1840 3/11/28 EE 6WF ABC PERTH AUSTRALIA 50
729 1721 3/11/28 EE 5RN ABC ADELAIDE AUSTRALIA 50
747 419 3/11/30 HH NPS R5 ZEEWOLDE HOLLAND 200
780 300 3/11/29 PP R JORNAL RECIFE BRAZIL 10
810 1828 3/11/29 EE 6RN ABC PERTH AUSTRALIA 20
200 TENT
820 57 3/11/30 PP R GLOBO BARBACENA BRAZIL 0 250
882 1854 3/11/28 EE 6PR PERTH AUSTRALIA 10
990 1708 3/11/30 EE 6RPH SPORT PERTH AUSTRALIA 5
1130 500 3/31/31 EE WBBR NY NY USA 50 PERSEUS
1296 1718 3/11/29 EE 6RN ABC WAGIN AUSTRALIA 10
1377 431 3/11/31 FF FRANCE INTER LILLE FRANCE 300
1395 1655 3/11/28 EE 5AA ADELAIDE AUSTRALIA 5
1449 1702 3/11/28 EE 6TAB MANDURAH AUSTRALIA 2
1458 1705 3/11/28 FF RFO PAMANDZI MAYOTTE 5
1458 244 3/11/29 EE R SUNRISE LONDON UK 128
1540 17 3/11/29 EE ZNS1 NASSAU BAHAMAS 8
1548 411 3/11/31 EE ID "GOLD" LONDON UK
1557 11 3/11/29 EE FRANCE INTER NICE FRANCE 300
1700 509 3/11/31 EE ID "ESPN R" SPORT
5765 1638 3/11/28 EE AFN GUAM GUAM 3
6676 1610 3/11/29 EE VOLMET BANGKOK THAILAND 10
(published on April
11, 2011)