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Townsville, North Queensland, Australia
Not a DXpedition, but a DXrelocation

April – July 2004

By Craig Edwards “DX Crocodile Hunter”

Apart from two DXpeditions with Dave Onley in 1999 (Coorong, South Australia) and in 2001 (Woodside, Victoria, Australia), I haven’t actually been active in the hobby since 1996. I’ve been spending my time doing what every mediumwave DXer goes through at some time. I had to replace the DXpeditions with University study, wife and career. So after eight years of being a regular member of society living in a DXer unfriendly location, my life has taken an exciting DX twist as my wife and I decided to move to Townsville at the end of April 2004.

Craig EdwardsSo this is not exactly a DXpedition, but rather a DXrelocation story. The following is a trail from April to July 2004 using a Drake SPR4 and Icom R75 both off 12V DC using 5 EWE’s at South East Asia, Africa, Japan, USA and Central America. All were heard from my home in the suburbs of Townsville. For the majority of these 4 months of listening I was in a unique situation. My wife was still in South Australia finishing up our move so this meant that almost every evening after work I could listen and on weekends the routine was that of any DXpedition. I’d start listening Friday night, wake up at 430am Saturday and repeat again until I’d be a bleary eyed mess come Sunday evening. Well the wife is with me now meaning that TVs, PCs and being a husband all take their place in the mix.

Australia mapDXing in Townsville can be very entertaining as the best things are heard at a respectable hour in the early evenings. As I’ve been listening in my house, it means late afternoon signals are buried under all sorts of noise and it takes until 6pm sunset (0800 UTC) before overseas signals enter the radio. The only exception is NBC Port Moresby which has a lovely water path to Townsville allowing me to hear it on the car radio during every minute of their broadcast schedule – very cool! At this time the Pacific islands appear. If conditions are favourable then Radio Marti 1180, XERF 1570, KUMU 1500 and KTCT 1050 will raise their heads first. If they were there then I’d stick on the 10 kHz splits for the rest of the evening. Over the next few hours the west coast of USA, Mexico and Hawaii would be audible. When conditions were favourable, the West Coast USA stations would go through until their sunrise around 11pm (1300 UTC) and Hawaiians would hold on until 2am (1600 UTC). Unfortunately the Canadians, east coast/central USA and South Americans have not been regularly heard over these past four months. I think it’s going to take a beverage to penetrate this extra distance, those poor little EWE antennas were trying though!

Townsville coastSo if the marker stations weren’t around, I’d go for the Asia and Pacific 9 kHz splits. From 7pm (0900UTC) Japanese stations would be enhanced and as regular as clockwork at 8pm (1000 UTC) there would be an enhancement to the Philippines. Over the four months of listening, I would experience regular openings to specific parts of Asia around 7pm to 10pm local (0900-1200 UTC) to Japan, Philippines, South Korea or Taiwan, which was sensational, the only disappointment was the lack of Indonesians on the band. Nothing very exciting was heard in the 2am-5am period (1600-1900 UTC), more to do with the limited number of sessions and my mental state at this ugly time of the morning. 5am-630am (1900-2030 UTC) was another matter, with nice signals from Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan. This was also a great time to ID tricky Philippine stations as they sign on with full English IDs. This is also the time to hear Europe and Africa, but as you can tell from the trail, there were very slim pickings from Africa, the Middle East and Europe, but this is not surprising. The Asian EWE, which also points to the Middle East and Europe is very short due to space restrictions, only being around 9 metres or 30 feet long. This African EWE is useless as it picks up noise due to being located under the power lines.

So with my wife living up here now, what does this mean for me in this potential DX paradise. Well my lovely wife has agreed for us to go camping most weekends so that we do tourist things in the day and then I can listen from late afternoon from our newly bought tent. These little one night trips will begin in late August, so fingers crossed. This is a great relief because I’ve logged around 200 international loggings from 35 countries and I feel that during this four month listening stint at home that there isn’t much more to hear. It really is time to go out into the country side with a couple of beverages rather than dabble with EWEs in my backyard – as a MW DXpeditioner, I feel a bit like a lion sitting in a cage in the middle of the jungle.


1557 2015 France Info, France


1233 1950 TWR Cape Greco, Cyprus


1530 2042 VOA Sao Tome


549 1205 CNR Fujian, China
594 1730 DZBB Quezon City, Philippines with ‘Super Radyo’ IDs
594 1230 JOAK Tokyo, Japan
603 1346 HLSA Seoul, South Korea
610 1505 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
612 1402 DYHP Cebu City, Philippines with ‘R M N’ IDs
621 1938 DXDC Davao City, Philippines with ‘R M N’ IDs
648 1022 Armed Force Radio, Okinawa with “NPR Radio Worldwide” in EE
657 1420 Kangnam, North Korea // 3250
666 1311 Qinghai, China
675 1735 JOVK/JOUG, Japan // 594 & 729
684 1236 CNR Fujian, China // 1089 & 1224
693 1120 JOAB Tokyo, Japan WITH EE language lessons
729 1003 JOCK Nagoya, Japan
747 1205 JOIB Sapporo, Japan
765 1756 CNR Fujian, China
783 1432 Voice of Vietnam, Thoi Long, Vietnam
810 1040 Armed Force Radio, Tokyo, Japan // 648 kHz in EE
810 1319 RRI Merauke, Irian Jaya
819 1003 JONK Nagano, Japan
819 1441 KCBS Pyongyang, North Korea // 2850
819 1115 DXUM Davao City, Philippines
828 1340 JOBB Osaka, Japan
891 1840 HLKB Busan, South Korea
909 1008 CNR Fujian, China // 684, 1089, 1224
909 1357 RRI Sorong, Irian Jaya
909 1008 JOCB Nagoya, Japan with EE language
918 2003 DZSR Quezon City, Philippines
927 1236 CNR6 Fujian, China
936 1902 JONF or JOTR, Japan
954 1215 JOKR Tokyo, Japan
954 1500 DZEM Bulacan, Philippines with “Christian Era Broadcasting Service” ID
972 1410 HLCA Langjin, South Korea
972 2030 unid call, Manila Broadcasting Corporation, Philippines
981 1010 BEC70 Hsinfeng, Taiwan
999 0951 DYSS Cebu City, Philippines with ‘Super Radyo’ IDs
999 2035 RRI Jakarta, Indonesia
1008 1930 JONR Osaka, Japan
1009 1110 DXXX Zamboanga City, Philippines
1017 1127 JOLB Fukuoka, Japan with with EE language lessons
1035 1312 CNR1, China.
1044 1250 Metro Plus, Peng Chau, Hong Kong.
1053 1050 RRI Jayapura, Indonesia
1053 1153 JOAR Nagoya, Japan
1062 1300 Zhujiang EBS, Guangzhou, China.
1071 1137 DXKT Davao City, Philippines. EE jingle IDs
1080 1234 KCBS Haeju, North Korea // 2850 kHz
1089 1236 CNR Fujian, China // 684 & 1224
1098 1306 CBS Kouhu, Taiwan
1107 1430 JOCF Kagoshima, Japan
1116 2000 mixed Taiwan stations, BCC dominant, also noting Ching Cha or Han Sheng network
1116 1945 China National Radio, China // 549 & 9380
1116 2030 DYTR Tagbilaran City, Philippines “DYTR AM Stereo” IDs
1125 1247 JOAD Okinawa
1125 1018 DXGM Davao City, Philippines, ‘Super Radyo’ IDs
1134 1035 JOQR Osaka, Japan.
1152 1933 HLCW Wonju, South Korea
1161 1454 DYRD Philippines
1161 1642 HLKU Busan, South Korea
1170 2025 DXMR Zamboanga, Philippines “Philippines Broadcasting Service” IDs
1170 1130 HLSR Kimje, South Korea. RR then into JJ at 1200
1179 1243 RRI Padang, Sumatra
1179 1215 JOOR Osaka, Japan
1188 1230 CRI Yunnan, China
1188 2015 HLKX Inchon, South Korea. FEBC IDs
1197 1530 JOBF Kumamoto, Japan
1197 0953 DXFE Davao City, Philippines FEBC in EE & Tagalog
1215 1503 DYRF Cebu City, Philippines
1224 1236 CNR Fujian, China // 684 & 1089
1224 2008 DXED Davao City, Philippines
1242 1510 Voice of Vietnam External Service in EE
1260 1937 DXRF Davao City, Philippines relay of DZRH
1269 1115 Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, China
1269 2024 BEC44 Penghu, Taiwan
1278 1958 JOFR Fukuoka, Japan
1287 1940 JOHR Sapporo, Japan
1287 1222 DXRC Zamboanga City, Philippines
1296 1026 DXAB Davao City, Philippines
1296 1522 China Radio International, Kunming, China in VV
1314 1957 BEV76 Tien Sheng BC Station, Taiwan
1314 1148 DWXI Paranaque, Philippines
1314 1627 JOUF Osaka, Japan
1323 1125 CRI Changchun, China
1323 1240 Thor. Or. Thailand
1323 1040 DYSI Iloilo, Philippines, “Super Radyo” IDs
1350 2008 PBS Kunming, China
1359 1436 Family Radio, Taiwan (EE noted 2025 UTC)
1359 1113 CNR, China. (mix with Family Radio)
1377 1130 DXKP Pagadian City, Philippines, “Radyo Ronda” IDs
1377 2034 CNR Henan, China
1377 1303 JOUC/JOAC, Japan
1386 1910 HLAM Makpo, South Korea
1395 2000 RRI Wamena, Irian Jaya. 2000 sign on, noted from 0800 in evenings at very good levels
1395 1940 HLCO Ch’lwon, South Korea
1404 1103 JOQL or JOVR Japan
1404 2007 BEV78 Yi Shih BC Station, Keelung, Taiwan
1413 1204 JOIF Fukuoka, Japan
1422 1905 JORF Yokohama, Japan
1440 1120 JOWF Sapporo, Japan
1458 1145 DWRF Iba, Philippines
1458 1215 DYZZ Guihulgan, Philippines, network DXBM IDs
1467 1156 So. Wor. So., Bangkok, Thailand
1485 2030 DYDH Iloilo City, Philippines
1494 1205 DXOC Ozamis, Philippines, network jingles for DYRB and Sports Radio Manila Nationwide
1503 2040 Family Radio, Taiwan in EE
1512 1147 DYAB Cebu City, Philippines
1512 1025 JOZB Matsuyama, Japan, EE language lessons
1521 1015 NHK multiple sites, Japan
1530 2004 DZME Manila, Philippines
1539 2010 BED78 Tainan, Taiwan
1548 1552 DW via Sri Lanka in presumed Sanskrit
1557 2015 Family Radio, Taiwan in EE
1566 0945 DXID Pagadian Philippines
1566 1551 All India Radio, Nagpur, India. EE // 9425
1575 1210 VOA, Thailand. Noted in various languages thru’out night, very strong
1575 1000 DXJR Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, “JR AM Radio 1575 khz” IDs
1584 0830 unid Philippines. Mentions of “FM 87.9 & Regional 1584”
1593 2013 CNR1 China // 6030 kHz
1602 1540 NHK Japan


567 1455 KGUM Agana, Guam with ‘Newstalk AM 57’ IDs
585 xxxx NBC Port Moresby PNG - audible on car radio every minute of their broadcast schedule
580 1010 KJAL Pago Pago, American Samoa, EE
590 1000 KSSK Honolulu, HI
612 0935 KUAM Agana, Guam
639 0720 FBC Lautoka, Fiji
666 0800 RFO Noumea, New Caledonia
760 0935 KGU Honolulu, HI
801 1004 KTWG Agana, Guam
830 1445 KHVH Honolulu, HI
1017 0833 A3Z Nuku’alofa, Tonga
1035 1320 SIBC Honiara, Solomon Islands
1040 0955 KLHT Honolulu, HI
1080 1530 KCNM Northern Marianas Islands, EE
1098 0905 V7AD Majuro, Marshall Islands
1125 1356 YJB2 Vanuatu
1161 2055 unid Papua New Guinea?. Unlisted
1210 1127 KZOO Honolulu, HI, JJ
1420 0801 KKEA Honolulu, HI
1460 0815 KRHA Honolulu, HI, KK
1500 0730 KUMU Honolulu, HI
1540 1053 KREA Honolulu, HI


670 1005 KBOI Boise, ID
980 0920 KDBV Salinas, CA
1020 1002 KTNQ Los Angeles, CA
1050 0825 KTCT San Mateo, CA
1050 0945 XEG La Ranchera de Monterrey, Mexico
1060 0935 XEEP Radio Educacion, Mexico
1070 0742 KNX Los Angeles, CA
1100 0840 KFAX San Francisco CA
1110 0804 KDIS Pasadena, CA
1110 0956 KFAB Omaha, NE
1120 1002 KPNW Eugene, OR
1130 1020 KSDO San Diego, CA
1130 1006 KRDU Dinuba, CA
1150 0940 KXTA Los Angeles, CA
1160 1014 KSL Salt Lake City, UT
1180 0830 Radio Marti, Marathon, FL
1190 0847 KEX Portland, OR
1200 1055 WOAI San Antonio, TX
1220 0745 XEB, La B Grande, Mexico
1300 0837 XEP Cd Juarez, Mexico
1310 1003 KMKY Oakland, CA
1320 0949 XEJP, Mexico City, Mexico
1320 0856 KCTC Sacramento, CA
1330 0832 KKPZ Portland, OR
1370 1030 KZSF San Jose, CA
1380 1007 XECO, Mexico City, Mexico
1380 0855 KTKZ Sacramento, CA
1390 0847 KLOC Turlock, CA
1410 1105 XECF Los Mochis, Mexico
1410 1011 CFUN Vancouver, Canada
1450 1052 XECU Los Mochis, Mexico
1460 1226 KION Salinas, CA
1470 0909 XEAI, Mexico City, Mexico
1500 1147 XEDF Mexico City, Mexico
1510 0805 KGA Spokane, WA
1520 0950 KOMA Oklahoma City, OK
1540 1242 KMPC Los Angeles, CA
1560 1249 KNZR Bakersfield, CA
1570 0800 XERF La Poderosa, Mexico
1600 1055 XEGEM Metepec, Mexico
1640 1253 KDIA Vallejo, CA
1650 0952 KDNZ Cedar Falls, IA
1660 1258 KTIQ Merced CA
1660 1030 KRZX Waco, TX
1670 0940 KHPY Moreno Valley, CA
1690 1258 KFSG Roseville, CA
1700 0835 XEPE Tecate, Mexico
1700 1130 KTBK Sherman, TX

(published on August 30, 2004)

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