Vaalkloof DXpedition
May 2004
By Gary Deacon
Africa, despite a certain amount of static, would
appear to be a good DX location for the reception
of MW signals from around the globe. A typical DX
session from this area would be as follows:
A few daytime groundwave signals from South Africa.
(We are fortunate in that there are not too many
local stations present). Sunset: MW stations from
Africa/Asia and the Far East. Australian stations
appear when reception conditions permit. Late evening:
Europe and South America with strong signals from
Brazil until sunrise. Early Morning: Caribbean/Central
American stations. Dawn: USA stations when reception
conditions permit.
is a nature reserve in the Karoo desert, approximately
180 km north of Cape Town. A quiet location with
no electricity - car batteries and parrifin lamps
were the order of the day!
I was joined on this occassion by DX'er Vince Stevens
who discovered this great site.
The luxury of three beverages (500m x 2 and one
of approx 300m) together with a Yaesu FRG7, Icom
R70 a newly aquired Drake R8 receiver produced the
following results :
540 1725 25/5 INDIA AIR, Aizawl
w local mx // 612 - poor
612 1725 25/5 INDIA AIR, Bangalore
- poor
630 1615 25/5 INDIA AIR, Thrisoor
// 1566 - poor/fair
720 1645 25/5 AUSTRALIA 6WF,
Perth w ph-in - fair
729 1838 25/5 AUSTRALIA 5RN,
Adelaide w ph-in - por/fair
0357 25/5 ST.KITTTS, Radio Paradise with rell pr.
- poor/fair
828 1840 25/5 AUSTRALIA 6GN,
Geraldton w mx - poor
882 1645 25/5 AUSTRALIA 6PR,
Perth w ph-in - fair
900 1934 25/5 AUSTRALIA 6BY,
Bridgetown w ad - v.poor
900 1540 24/5 INDIA AIR, Cuddapah
with news in EE // 1566 poor
918 1545 24/5 INDIA AIR, Suratgarh
// 1566 - poor
927 1546 24/5 INDIA AIR, Visakhapatnam
// 1566 with id - poor
1044 1833 25/5 AUSTRALIA 5CS,
Port Pirie with pops incl "You Needed Me"
- v.poor
1558 25/5 PHILLIPINES DZEC, Quezon City with id
and signoff ann. - fair
1116 1835 25/5 AUSTRALIA 6MM,
Mandurah w pops - poor/fair
1134 1538 25/5 INDIA AIR, Chinsurah
in EE w news - fair
1143 1550 24/5 PHILIPPINES VOA
relay, Poro with EE lesson - fair
1240 0514 24/5 USA UNIDENTIFIED
with announcements - very poor
1242 1638 23/5 VIETNAM VOV, Hanoi
with id in EE - fair
1250 0530 24/5 USA UNIDENTIFIED
with OTR programme presented by Stan Freeberg with
"Exploring Tomorrow" and "Amos And
Andy" - fair peak
1932 23/5 TAIWAN Family Radio with "Open Forum"
a live broadcast // 1503 - good
1400 0210 26/5 GRENADA Harbour
Light Of The Windwards, Carriacou w religious pr
- poor/fair
1449 1855 23/5 AUSTRALIA 6TAB,
Osborne Park with racing results - very poor
1503 1832 23/5 TAIWAN (Presumed)
Family Radio in EE - very good and consistent signal
1510 0401 25/5 USA WLAC, Nashville
TN with wx and id as "News Radio 1510 WLAC"
- fair
1510 0445 26/5 USA WWZN, Boston
MA w id as "15-10 The Zone" and sports
news - fair/good
1550 23/5 AUSTRALIA 6BAY, Geraldton with ann. and
pops - fair
1520 0524 26/5 USA WWKB, Buffalo
NY w id as "50 thousand watts KB Radio 15-20"
- fair
1530 1459 26/5 PHILLIPINES DZME,
Quezon City with id and sign-off - fair
1539 1804 25/5 THAILAND Phon
Ror.Kao, Kanchanaburi with announcement - good
1540 0425 25/5 BAHAMAS ZNS1,
Nassau with message - very good and consistent
1540 0515 26/5 USA WPTR Albany
NY w ph-in - fair w QRM from Bahamas
1640 26/5 AUSTRALIA 4QD, Emerald w ph-in poor under
1557 1615 25/5 TAIWAN Family
Radio with id and religious pr - fair
1560 0447 25/5 USA WQEW, New
York N.Y. With Radio Disney id and anns. - poor
1566 1540 24/5 INDIA AIR Nagpur
with news in EE - fair
1566 1635 26/5 KOREA (South Rep.)
HLAZ Jeju w mx good. Noticable over India when selecting
between the two beverages
1575 1620 23/5 MAURITIUS BBC
Relay, Forest Side with interview - good
1575 1530 25/5 THAILAND VOA Relay,
Ayutthaya with news report - fair with QRM from
1600 0412 24/5 USA WWRL, New
York NY with ph-in re hair transplant advice, Id
@ 0357 - fair
1958 25/5 VATICAN Vatican Radio w s/on - poor
1611 1815 25/5 AUSTRALIA 6GS,
Margaret River (Presumed) w pops incl "Baker
Street" - poor
1620 1759 25/5 AUSTRALIA Radio
2, Perth with pops incl "Thats What Friends
Are For" - poor
1615 26/6 also noted w id as
"Radio 2" and easy listening adult contemporary
pop format
1620 2215 23/5 AMERICAN VIRGIN
IS. WDHP, Fredricksted noted fading in. 0504 24/5
also noted with messages incl "National Storm
Water Week" - very good peaks
1620 0406 26/5 USA WTAW, College
Station w id - poor under WDHP
1630 0352 26/5 USA UNIDENTIFIED
w msg - v.poor
1650 0503 25/5 USA WHKT, Portsmouth
VA Radio Disney with id and ann. - poor
1660 0413 26/5 USA WWRU, Elizabeth
NJ with id - fair
1660 0500 26/5 USA WCNZ , Marco
Island FL w news - fair
1670 0505 26/5 USA WNWR, Dry
Branch GA w id and ph-in - poor
1680 0501 26/5 USA UNIDENTIFIED
w news - v.poor
1690 0324 26/5 USA WRLL, Berwyn
IL with oldies mx, id @ 0502 - poor
1700 0517 25/5 USA KVNS (ex KQXX),
Brownsville TX with "Coast To Coast" phone-in
pr most consistent of of the USA X-Banders heard
every morning - fair with good peaks
Good openings to the Far East
were noted every evening with many unidentified
stations across the band.
X-Band opening occured every
evening to Australian West Coast and every morning
to USA East Coast with variable distant static.
Finally, a little about myself.
I am a performer, composer and teacher of the guitar/bass
guitar. Apart from performing with my own band,
I have been teaching part time at the college of
music, University of Cape Town since 1992. I have
been DXing since 1973. I have been a member of the
SADXC and the 34 DX Club - both were local DX clubs
that sadly no longer exist.
My main interest is the reception of distant stations
on the MW band.
I have
been collecting QSL's and have been fortunate to
have received many firsts/ not often heard stations
in South Africa :
The following were heard/reported for the first
time in South Africa :
WKIX, Raleigh NC 850 kHz 23/1/86 (First report from
outside the USA)
a "first" for SA - USA station WFBR, Baltimore
MA President/General Manager, Harry Shriver mentioned
that a number of reports had been received from
Europe and Scandinavia.
WAME, Charlotte NC 1480 kHz 4/6/86 (Possibly the
most distant report, according to the reply)
CKEC, New Glasgow NS 1320 kHz 29/10/91
6KY, Perth 1206 kHz (17/8/85)
5PI, Port Pirie 1044 kHz (25/6/86) (First report
from the African Continent)
2CH, Sydney 1170 kHz (25/6/86)
5CC, Port Lincoln 765 kHz (7/7/87) (Most distant
in this direction, according to the reply).
3LO, Melbourne 774 kHz (15/4/92) (Most distant in
this direction, according to the reply).
4ZB, Dunedin 1044 kHz (25/6/86) (The reception of
New Zealand here is very rare !)
LBC, London 1152 kHZ 13/11/85 (Record distance,
according to Roger Francis, head of Eng.)
I am also very fortuntate to have received verifications
from the following low power stations :
Volcano Radio 1602 kHz with 500 watts 5/5/79
BBC Relay 1485 kHz with 500 watts 15/9/91
Radio St. Helena 1548 kHz with 500 watts 15/5/85
AFRTS 1485 kHz with 200 watts 16/7/91 (Heard for
the first time in SA - rare).
More recently I received a reply from KQXX, Brownsville
TX 1700kHz with 500 watts on 28/9/03
I hope that the above report will provide
some information on MW reception and DX'peditions
in South Africa!
(published on June
30, 2004)