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Silicon Valley AM Bandscan 2003-2004

Listen to the sounds of the Bay! The following mediumwave (AM) stations were recorded by Mika Mäkeläinen in Palo Alto, California, U.S.A., mostly during four weeks of occasional listening - not really serious DXing - in August/September 2003 and June 2004. The equipment consisted of a JRC NRD-545 communications receiver and two outdoor random wire antennas. The recordings have been made in MP3 format (11025 Hz, 24 kb/sec, mono). Just click on the calls to listen to the soundbites. About a dozen identified stations (including obvious powerhouses like 690 XETRA, 1000 KOMO and 1160 KSL) were omitted from the list because I didn't have their station identifications on tape. The purpose of the bandscan is educative: to help DXers identify stations from the area by providing soundbites and examples of slogans. Local and semi-local stations with decent daytime reception are listed in bold. I have also included a few random recordings made in October 2003 in the state of Washington (listed in italics), as many of these stations can be heard also in the Bay Area, or can often be heard by DXers at the same time as Bay Area stations. This page is a snapshot of radio history and will not be updated to reflect changes in calls and formats.

 kHz   Station, Location  Format  Slogans, Remarks
540 XESURF Tijuana BCN adlt stnds slogan: "K-Surf 1260 and 540, your home for the Great American Songbook"
// 1260 KSUR Beverly Hills CA
550 KOAC Corvallis OR news/talk/
slogan: "OPB Radio" (Oregon Public Broadcasting)
rel. BBC World Service
560 KSFO San Francisco CA talk slogan: "Hot Talk 560"
local news
KMON Great Falls MT country
KPQ Wenatchee WA news/talk
570 KVI Seattle WA talk slogan: "Talkradio 570"
  KNRS Salt Lake City UT news/talk slogan: "Your family values radio station"
580 KMJ Fresno CA news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 580"
a program announcement for the Bill Manders Show
KIDO Nampa ID news/talk
590 KUGN Eugene OR news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 590"
promo for Oregon Ducks college football
KQNT Spokane WA news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 590"
600 KOGO San Diego CA news/talk slogan: "Newsradio 600"
  CKBD Vancouver BC adlt stnds slogan: "The Unforgettable 600 AM"
610 KFRC San Francisco CA oldies slogan: "The Big 610 AM" // 99.7 FM, slogan,
sports programming
KONA Kennewick WA talk/ac slogan: "Information Radio"
620 KPOJ Portland OR (ID in August 2003) talk slogan: "Portland's Progressive Talk", was oldies format with "Super 62" slogan from August 2003 to March 2004
630 KPTT Reno NV sports/talk ESPN
KFXD Boise ID country
KCIS Edmonds WA religion
640 KFI Los Angeles CA news/talk  
650 KSTE Rancho Cordova CA talk slogan: "The Talk Station"
announcement for local news
CISL Richmond BC oldies slogan: "C-Isle"
660 KZTU Junction City OR news/talk

slogan: "Newstalk 860 K-pam"
// 860 KPAM Troutdale OR

CFFR Calgary AB oldies/sports slogan: "66 CFR"
670 KBOI Boise ID news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 670"
680 KNBR San Francisco CA sports slogan: "The Sports Leader"
KOMW Omak WA ac/talk
700 KGRV Winston OR religion slogan: "The Praise station"
710 KFIA Carmichael CA religion slogan: "The Light"
a promo for website and sponsor
  KIRO Seattle WA news/talk slogan: "Newsradio 710 Cairo"
720 KDWN Las Vegas NV talk slogan: "AM 720 Talkradio"
KFIR Sweet Home OR country
740 KCBS San Francisco CA news slogans: "All News All the Time", "All News 74"
news excerpt
750 KXL Portland OR news/talk slogan: "Newsradio 750"
760 KFMB San Diego CA news/talk slogan: "Talkradio 760"
770 KCBC Riverbank CA religion program annoncement for People to People
  KKOB Albuquerque NM news/talk  
780 KKOH Reno NV news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 780"
790 KOOR Clovis CA Latin promo for sister station KOQO 101.9 FM "La Nueva Super Q" and Victor Camacho
  KABC Los Angeles CA news/talk slogan: "Talkradio 790"
KGMI Bellingham WA news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 790"
CFCW Camrose AB country
800 KPDQ Portland OR religion slogan: "True Talk"
KINY Juneau AK adlt cont
  CHAB Moose Jaw SK oldies
810 KGO San Francisco CA news/talk weather forecast and the beginning of the Open Line to the West Coast
KTBI Ephrata WA religion ACN (American Christian Network) station
820 KGNW Burien-Seattle WA religion
830 KNCO Grass Valley CA news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 830"
  KPLS Orange CA talk  
CKKY Wainwright AB country slogan: "Cat Country"
840 KXNT Las Vegas NV news/talk  
KSWB Seaside WA adlt stnds
850 KOA Denver CO news/talk slogan: "Newsradio 850"
860 KTRB Modesto CA news/talk slogan: "The Talk Station"
870 KRLA Glendale CA news/talk slogan: "Newsradio 870", "Smart Talk 870"
KFLD Pasco WA news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 870"
880 KKMC Gonzales CA religion  
  KCMX Phoenix OR news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 880"
KIXI Mercer Island WA adlt stnds slogan: "Kixi"
KJJR Whitefish MT news/talk

slogan: "Newstalk 880"
Noted way off the frequency at 879.78 kHz

890 KLFF Arroyo Grande CA talk/religion slogan: "890 AM"
  KDXU St. George UT news/talk slogan: "Southern Utah's Newstalk 890"
KBBI Homer AK variety
900 CKMO Victoria BC folk/world music slogan: "Village 900", "Global Roots Radio"
910 KNEW Oakland CA talk slogan: "Talk 910"
a promo for the Edge
KFXX Vancouver WA sports slogan:"Sports Radio 910 The Fan"
920 KVIN Ceres CA stnds slogans: "The Vine", "Vintage 920"
another ID
  KXLY Spokane WA talk slogan: "Newsradio 920"
930 KHJ Los Angeles CA ranchera slogan: "La Ranchera 930"
KTKN Ketchikan AK talk/ac
940 KWRU Fresno CA (ID in August 2003) Latin Radio Unica until early 2004, now Radio Formula 970 kHz
950 XEKAM Tijuana BCN Mexican, talk ID format: "X-E-kam", Radio Formula
960 KABL Oakland CA adlt stnds slogan: "960 Cable"
CFAC Calgary AB sports slogan: "The Fan 960, Calgary's Sports Radio"
970 KGET Bakersfield CA news/talk slogan: "Newsradio 970"
  KESP Modesto CA sports slogan: "ESPN Radio 970", "Central Valley's Sports Authority"
KUPL Portland OR country
980 KFWB Los Angeles CA news/talk slogan: "You give us 22 minutes, we'll give you the world"
  KDBV Salinas CA Latin/
slogan: "Radio Vida Abundante Internacional"
CKNW New Westminster CA news/sports slogans: "Newstalk 980", "BC's News Leader"
990 KATD Pittsburg CA Mexican Radio Formula 970 kHz
// 1010 KIQI San Francisco CA
  KTMS Santa Barbara CA news/talk  
  XECL Mexicali BCN Mexican slogan: "Rockola 990", "Radiorama Mexicali"
1010 KIQI San Francisco CA (ID in August 2003) Mexican Radio Unica until early 2004, now Radio Formula 970 kHz
// 990 KATD Pittsburg CA
1020 KTNQ Los Angeles CA Latin Radio Cadena Univision
1030 KTWO Casper WY talk/cw slogan: "K2 Radio"
KMAS Shelton WA oldies
1040 CKST Vancouver BC sports slogan: "The Team 1040 Sports Radio"
1050 KTCT San Mateo CA sports relays KNBR 680, ESPN
KORE Springfield OR religion
1060 KDUS Tempe AZ sports slogan: "The Valley's Sports Authority"
Sporting News Radio
CKMX Calgary AB adlt stnds another station ID
1070 KNX Los Angeles CA news/talk slogan: "Newsradio"
promo for Travel with a Difference
1080 KSCO Santa Cruz CA news/talk  
KOTK Portland OR talk slogan: "Hot talk 1080"
1090 XEPRS Rosarito BCN sports slogans: "The Mighty 1090", "Express Sportstalk"
KYCW Seattle WA country slogan: "Classic Country 1090"
1100 KFAX San Francisco CA religion slogans: "Life", "K-fax"
a program announcement between the Hour of Reasoning and the Word of Prophecy (part of the Pacific Coast Late Night),
another ID
1110 KDIS Pasadena CA kids Radio Disney
KBND Bend OR news/talk
1120 KZSJ San Martin CA Asian  
1130 KRDU Dinuba CA religion promo for website
CKWX Vancouver BC news slogan: "News 1130"
1140 KHTK Sacramento CA sports slogans: "Sports 1140", "Home of the Kings"
another promo
1150 KXTA Los Angeles CA sports // XETRA 690 except for own station IDs, Fox Sports Radio
1170 KLOK San Jose CA Latin slogan: "Cumbia 1170"
KPUG Bellingham WA sports slogan: "The Sports Leader"
1180 KERI Wasco CA religion slogan: "Family Talk Radio"
another station ID
1190 KDYA Vallejo CA religion slogan: "The Light"
  KEX Portland OR news/talk slogan: "Newsradio 1190"
1200 KYAA Soquel CA oldies weather and promo
1210 KZTS Sunnyside WA Latin slogan: "La Mexicana"
1220 KSFB Palo Alto CA religion ID includes a disclaimer and the beginning of the Secrets of Health
  KCCS Salem OR religion slogan: "Christian Family Radio"
1230 KWG Stockton CA religion  
KSBN Spokane WA bus/news
KKEE Astoria OR oldies slogan: "The Kite" until May 2004, now with sports format
1240 KNRY Monterey CA news/talk slogan: "Radio of the People"
1250 KZER Santa Barbara CA (KEYT ID in 2003) Latin slogan: "Radio Laser"
call was KEYT and format was news/talk in 2003
1260 KOIT San Francisco CA soft ac slogan: "Light Rock, with Less Talk" // 96.5 FM
another weather forecast, jingle
CFRN Edmonton AB sports slogans: "The Team", "Edmonton's Sports Radio"
1270 KJUG Tulare CA country slogan: "Your valley, your music, your way, Classic Hit Country AM 1270"
  KBZZ Sparks NV news/talk slogan: "The Buzz"
1280 KXTK Arroyo Grande CA talk  
  KUYL Stockton CA religion slogan: "The Lighthouse"
KIT Yakima WA news/sports slogan: "Newsradio 1280"
1290 KAZA Gilroy CA Latin slogan: "Radio Kaza"
  KPAY Chico CA news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 1290"
  KKDD San Bernardino CA kids Radio Disney
1300 KAZN Pasadena CA Asian // KMNY 1600 AM
  KAPL Phoenix OR religion  
1310 KMKY Oakland CA kids Radio Disney
1320 KCTC Sacramento CA adlt stnds slogan: "Sacramento's Music of Your Life station"
KXRO Aberdeen WA talk slogan: "First in Grays Harbor"
1330 KLBS Los Banos CA eth/sports slogan: "The Portuguese Radio"
  KWKW Pasadena CA Latin talk  
1340 KEWE Oroville CA adlt stnds  
  KCBL Fresno CA sports slogan: "Fox Sports Radio 1340 and 1400"
// KVBL Visalia CA 1400 kHz
  KXEQ Reno NV Latin slogan: "La Super Q"
KWVR Enterprise OR country/talk
1350 KSRO Santa Rosa CA news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 1350"
KRLC Lewiston ID country slogan: "Your hometown radio station"
1360 KPOP San Diego CA adlt stnds slogan: "K-pop"
  KKMO Tacoma WA Latin  
KOHU Hermiston OR country
1370 KZSF San Jose CA Latin slogan "La Caliente 1370 Su Mexicana Musical"
KXTL Butte MT oldies
1380 KTOM Salinas CA sports slogan: "Fox Sports Radio 1380", never heard mention the call letters
  KWJL Lancaster CA adlt stnds slogan: "K-Jewel"
  KTKZ Sacramento CA news/talk  
1390 KLTX Long Beach CA Latin religion slogan: "Radio Nueva Vida"
// 1130 KSDO, 1240 KEZY
  KLOC Turlock CA Latin slogan: "La Mexicana"
KLGN Logan UT adlt stnds
slogan: "Memories 1390"
1400 KVTO Berkeley CA Asian slogan: "Bay Area's Voice of the Orient"
1410 KRML Carmel CA jazz the station made legendary by Clint Eastwood’s film "Play Misty For Me"
  KCAL Redlands CA Latin slogan: "La Mexicana"
  KERN Bakersfield CA news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 1410"
1420 KSTN Stockton CA oldies slogan: "Power oldies 1420"
KITI Chehalis WA oldies
KUJ Walla Walla WA talk
  XEXX Tijuana BCN Mexican/
slogan: "Monte Maria Radio"
1430 KVVN Santa Clara CA Asian disclaimer
KYKN Keizer OR news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 1430"
1440 KVON Napa CA news/talk a promo for Toothtalk
  KMED Medford OR news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 1440"
1450 KEST San Francisco CA Asian  
1460 KION Salinas CA news/talk weather forecast, job opportunity
KUTI Yakima WA country slogan: "Country Cutie"
1470 KIID Sacramento CA kids Radio Disney, another ID
KELA Centralia WA talk
  XERCN Tijuana BCN Mexican slogan: "Radio Hispana 1470"
1480 KYOS Merced CA news/talk slogan: "Newstalk 1480"
  KGOE Eureka CA news/talk/
slogan: "Extreme Talk"
  KRXR Gooding ID Latin slogan: "Fiesta Mexicana Internacional"
1490 KTOB Petaluma CA Latin slogan: "La Mera Mera,
La Vaquera 1490 AM"
  KBKO Santa Barbara CA Latin slogan: "Radio Bronco"
KWOK Hoquiam WA sports slogans: "The Harbor's Sports Authority"
"ESPN Radio 1490"
1500 KSJX San Jose CA Asian slogan: "Radio in your language"
1510 KMZT San Rafael CA classical slogan: "K-Mozart"
  KGA Spokane WA news/talk  
1520 KMPG Hollister CA Latin slogan: "Radio Bonita"
promo for a competition
  KVTA Port Hueneme CA news/talk slogan: "Ventura County's Talk Authority"
local news
KGDD Oregon City OR Latin slogan: "La Gran D", but
in 2003 the call was KZNY and format adult standards with slogan "Sunny 1520"
1530 KFBK Sacramento CA newstalk slogan: "Newstalk 1530"
traffic announcement
1540 KMPC Los Angeles CA sports slogan: "The Ticket"
website promo, disclaimer
1550 KYCY San Francisco CA talk slogan: "Talk and more"
promo for "Don & Mike"
1560 KNZR Bakersfield CA


1570 KCVR Lodi CA Latin oldies slogan: "La Consentida"
1580 KVVY Merced CA country slogan: "Classic Hits Country", "The Valley"
another ID
  KBLA Santa Monica CA ethnic // KALI West Covina CA 900 AM
  KGAL Lebanon OR news/talk/
slogan: "Newstalk 1580"
  KMIK Tempe AZ kids Radio Disney
1590 KLIV San Jose CA news/talk slogan: "Silicon Valley’s News Station"
promo for sister station KRTY 95.3 FM
1600 KGST Fresno CA Latin slogan: "La Mexicana"
  KUBA Yuba City CA news/talk/
adlt stnds
slogan: "Mid-Valley’s immediate news source"
1610 WNMQ214 Radio Newark, Newark CA TIS traffic, safety and emergency radio station of the city of Newark
1620 KSMH West Sacramento CA religion The Immaculate Heart Radio Network
1630 XEUT Tijuana BCN jazz slogan: "Radio Universidad" (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California in Mexicali)
// XHUAC 95.5 FM
1640 KDIA Vallejo CA religion slogan: "The Light at the Top of the Dial"
1660 KTIQ Merced CA Latin La Cadena Radiovisa
another ID and sponsored event
1670 KNRO Redding CA sports slogan: "ESPN Radio 1670"
  WSKC502 Menlo Park CA TIS information and emergency broadcast station of the city of Menlo Park in San Mateo County
1680 WPUJ472 Foster City Radio, Foster City CA TIS emergency, traffic and information station of the city of Foster City in San Mateo County
1690 KFSG Roseville CA ethnic disclaimer and program announcement
1700 XEPE Tecate BCN Mexican slogan: "La Romántica 1700 AM", testing, previously on 560 kHz, see news about the station
  WPT201 NASA Ames Public Radio, Mountain View CA TIS NASA Ames Research Center security and visitor information station in Moffett Field in Santa Clara County
  WPTZ516 Oakland International Airport, Oakland CA TIS Oakland International Airport traffic information

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