Sawa testing from Cyprus on 981 kHz
Radio Sawa, the United States
Government mouthpiece in Arabic, has begun testing
from Cape Greco in southeastern Cyprus on 981 kHz
mediumwave. IBB Monitoring tells that
currently tests are conducted without a fixed schedule,
but once completed, the transmitter will air Radio
Sawa programming 24 hours a day. The new 600-kilowatt
transmitter is primarily aimed at Egypt and countries
of the Levant, the Eastern Mediterranean. Vladimir
Titarev in Ukraine was the first DXer to pick up
the station on August 27, and on August 28 it was
heard as far away as Finland. A sample station
identification is in the audio section.
Radio Sawa is a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week,
Arabic-language service of the International Broadcasting
Bureau (IBB) aimed at listeners under 30. It was
launched in March 2002. Before
Cyprus, Radio Sawa has already used mediumwave transmitters
in Kuwait (1548 kHz) and Rhodes, Greece (1260 kHz).
An additional AM transmitter in Djibouti is expected
to be operational in 2003. The station is heard
on FM in Amman, Jordan (98.1 MHz), Kuwait City,
Kuwait (95.7 MHz), Doha, Qatar (92.6 MHz) as well
as in Dubai (90.5 MHz) and Abu Dhabi (98.7 MHz),
both in the United Arab Emirates. The station is
also heard on shortwave and via Nilesat, Arabsat
and Eutelsat Hotbird. Radio Sawa programming consists
of a mix of Western and Arabic pop music with newscasts
at 15 and 45 minutes past the hour.
In September IBB announced that the station is moving
to 990 kHz to avoid interference caused to Greek
ERT on 981 kHz, but later retracted the move.
August 28, 2002, last update October 9)
Veritas from Liberia returns to shortwave
Veritas from Monrovia is back on 5470 kHz shortwave.
According to the Africa News Service, the station
returned to shortwave on August 22, at the same
time expanding broadcasting hours from 12 to 18
hours a day. In addition to shortwave, the Catholic
station is heard locally in the capital Monrovia
on 97.8 MHz FM with 5 kW of power and call sign
ELCM. According to the station's promo, programs
in civic education, human rights, HIV/Aids, tropical
issues and news would make up some of the many informative
programs that have been planned. Radio Veritas,
using the slogan Voice of Truth, was first
heard on its reactivated shortwave frequency by
Rafael Rodriguez in Colombia on August 24. Reception
is best before sign-off at around 2300 or 0000 UTC.
Years ago the station was also heard on 3450 kHz
shortwave. Radio Veritas can be contacted through
the Archdiocese of Monrovia. A few years ago the
address was given as Box 3569, Monrovia, Liberia,
telephone +231-221658.
August 27, 2002)
station in Afghanistan on 864 and 6100 kHz
US radio operation in Afghanistan is currently using
864 kHz (5 kW) and 6100 kHz (1 kW), reports the
Charlotte Observer. The station is run by the 8th
Psychological Operations Battalion from Kandahar.
The studio operates from a truck, concealed under
a tent in a US military base. It operates 18 hours
a day in Pashtun and Dari. The purpose of the station
is to gain popular support for the government of
President Hamid Karzai and for the ongoing US hunt
for members of al-Qaida and the Taliban. The 8th
Psychological Operations Battalion is a subordinate
unit of the 4th Psychological Operations Group.
The Battalion, stationed in Fort Bragg, North Carolina,
is the functional broadcasting and loudspeaker component
of the Group. It took over the broadcasts in March
2002, when EC-130E aircraft of the 193rd Special
Operations Wing used in the Commando Solo II
operation headed home.
August 19, 2002)
Radio from London on 1503 kHz
new multicultural station was launched in London
on July 26. Sound Radio broadcasts on 1503 kHz with
low power. As part of Radio Authority's one-year
pilot scheme on Access Radio, Sound Vision Trust
(SVT) was one of 15 groups out of over 200 applicants
to be granted a license for its existing radio station
- Sound Radio has been operating in the Hackney
during the past 8 years. It has been a community-oriented
station, running regular Restricted Service Licenses
(RSL) from various parts of Hackney. Now Sound Radio
aims to be heard across East London for the upcoming
year. At the moment there is programming in English,
Spanish, Kurdish, Turkish, Bangla and Sylheti (Bangladesh)
as well as Yiddish/Jewish. At nights the station
broadcasts urban music. The address is 15 Olympus
Square, Hackney, London E5 8PL, United Kingdom.
The station has already been heard for example in
all Nordic countries. A sample station
identification is located in the Audio section.
August 15, 2002)
first clandestine station on shortwave
the first clandestine station opposing Kazakhstan's
leadership, Dat Radio has begun transmissions on
9775 kHz. Dat Radio can be heard at 0100-0200 and
1500-1600 UTC. On its website the station describes
its mission as follows: "DAT Radio breaks
the veil of the lies created in the Kazakhstan state
media belonging to the Nazarbayev family. DAT Radio
offers its radio waves to all democratic forces
and independent journalists in Central Asia".
According to the website, DAT in Kazakh means I
demand a word. The station can be contacted
by email.
A sample station
identification is found in the audio section.
From October the station has been broadcasting also
on the mediumwave band on 1251 kHz from Monday to
Friday at 06:30-07:15 and at 20:15-20:30 Almaty
local time, possibly via a transmitter in Dushanbe,
Mak on active_dx via Vlad Titarev on DXplorer via, August 15, 2002, updated on October
clandestine station to Syria
A station tentatively identified
as The Arabic Radio has been logged with
programs aimed at Syria. The station has been heard
at 0330-0400 UTC on 9950 kHz and at 1500-1530 UTC
on 12085 and 12115 kHz. 12115 kHz has been heard
up to 35 seconds ahead of 12085 kHz, and in Europe
it is stronger than 12085 kHz, so these frequencies
(both slightly over the nominal frequencies) presumably
originate from different locations. The morning
transmission is a repeat of the evening broadcast.
The station plays music by the Egyptian singer Mohammed
Abd al-Wahab and talks about human rights issues
criticizing the government of Syria. Material from
the Syrian Human Rights Committee (SHRC) is frequently
used in the broadcasts. The station was first heard
by K. M. Patel in July in India. The opening
announcement is available in the audio section.
In October the station website
gave a revised schedule, listing 0430-0500 UTC on
9950 kHz, 1500-1530 on 12085 kHz and 1600-1630 UTC
on 12115 kHz.
in DXLD 2-118 via Tarek Zeidan in BC-DX and,
August 15, 2002, updated with info from Mahmud Fathi
via Cumbre DX 413.2 on Aug 31, last update October
Twoje Radio on 1062 kHz
Twoje Radio has kicked off
a new station in the town of Cmolas on 1062 kHz.
Cmolas in located in South Poland near Kolbuszowa.
Twoje Radio Cmolas (TRC) began transmissions on
August 10, with a power of 100 watts. Transmission
schedule is at 0430-0530 UTC and 1530-1630 UTC on
weekdays and Saturdays, and at 1100-1300 UTC on
Sundays and holidays. In between TRC programs the
station transmits programming produced by Polskie
Radio - Rozglosnia Regionalna Radio Rzeszów,
i.e. Polish National Radio Regional Programme from
Radio Rzeszów. The station has been created
under the project of regional radio promotion conducted
by Polskie Fale Srednie S.A.
Rybus in mwdx via, August 15, 2002)
Ireland's TeamTalk 252 fell silent
longwave station TeamTalk (252 kHz) fell silent on
July 31. The station announced on its website that
control over the frequency has been transferred back
to the national public broadcasting service Radio-Telefís
Éireann (RTE). TeamTalk 252 has been losing
money (GBP 2.2 million since its acquisition) and
audience (60% during the first three months of 2002).
The license is owned by Radio Tara Ltd, 80% of which
was owned by TeamTalk (in turn owned by UK Betting)
and 20% by RTE. According to its press release, UK
Betting has agreed in principle to dispose of its
shares for a nominal consideration to RTE. TeamTalk
bought 80% of Radio Tara in December 2001 for GBP
2.0 million. The station has been using a 500 kW transmitter
located outside Dublin in Trim. Before TeamTalk, the
frequency was used by music station Atlantic 252.
August 1, 2002)
Radio from UK on 531 kHz in August
RSL station Susy Radio from Redhill will begin broadcasting
on August 3 at 2300 UTC on 531 kHz. In an email
to, the station says that everything
is ready to begin transmissions. Susy Radio will
transmit live 24 hours a day until the end of August
with only 1 watt of power. This is the second year
that Susy Radio operates on AM; in August 2001 the
station was heard as far away as Finland. Susy Radio
is a charity operation, but this year's charity
has not yet been revealed. You can reach the station
by email
or by telephone at +44 1737 217507.
August 1, 2002)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
published only on major international broadcasters
or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and
schedules are not covered.
The news are edited by Mika
Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items
may be quoted if the website
is mentioned as source. See terms
of use for details.