Argentine stations on 1090 and 1600 kHz AM
Radio Sintonia, from Jose
C. Paz, Partido de Jose C. Paz,
in Provincia de Buenos Aires, has begun broadcasting
on 1090 kHz. The station was first heard by Arnaldo
Slaen in Buenos Aires on March 20. The station says
it is broadcasting 24 hours a day and has given
02320-423306 as its telephone number.
Another new station
is operating on 1600 kHz. Radio Copacabana is an
unofficial station broadcasting from Calle Valentin
Gomez 1762 de Gregorio de Laferrere, Pdo. de La
Matanza. This station was discovered by Marcelo
Cornachioni, who heard it giving the phone number
4457-9892. The station is broadcasting for Bolivian
migratory workers. Both stations were first reported
in Conexión Digital.
Cornachioni also reported
that Radio Luz del Mundo has switched from 1600
to 1610 kHz, and Radio Trompeta de Dios ( / )
from 1130 to 1630 kHz.
March 27, 2004)
La Voz de Faique from Peru logged on 6329 kHz
A new discovery has been
made on the ever-changing Peruvian shortwave dial.
La Voz de Faique, from Distrito de Faique, Departamento
de Cajamarca, has been heard on 6329.1 kHz. The
station was first logged by Rafael Rodriguez in
Colombia on March 22, and reported on the Conexión
Digital mailing list. Rodriguez says that the station
is likely the same as former Estación C from
Moyobamba in Departamento de San Martín,
but Björn Malm, who recorded the station in
Ecuador on March 26, believes that it is an entirely
new radio station.
March 27, 2004)
Superloustic begins broadcasts on 999 kHz
couple of weeks after Radio Nouveaux
Talents was launched, the second new French
mediumwave station has begun transmissions. Cyril
Grouin in France reports to that Superloustic
has been broadcasting a test message on 999 kHz
with 5 kilowatts of power. Regular programming began
on March 24 at midday French time. The transmitter,
operated by Télédiffusion de France
(TDF), is located in Villebon-sur-Yvette, Southwest
of Paris. Superloustic is targeting children of
7-11 years of age, and much of the programming is
childrens music - modeled after the success
of Radio Disney in the United States. Later on the
station plans to launch a transmitter in Marseille
on 675 kHz (1000 kW), but another proposed transmitter
in Nice on 1467 kHz is used by MC One from Monaco.
Superloustic used to be a national FM network created
in 1987 in Lyon, but was shut down in 1992 because
of financial problems. The station is now hoping
to make a comeback on the mediumwave band. Superloustic
was licensed a year ago (see news in
March 23, 2004, updated on March 27)
community radio transmitting on shortwave
A new Brazilian community
radio station has been heard on the frequency of
4900 kHz in the 60 meter shortwave band. Radio Comunidade
das Gerais from the northern part of the state of
Minas Gerais has officially given its frequency
as 5010 kHz. The station is broadcasting música
sertaneja. Radio Comunidade das Gerais was discovered
by Brazilian DXer Samuel Cássio, whose recording
( )
can be found in the audio
archive. In an email to, Cássio
suspects that it is an unofficial station. Cássio
heard the station signing off at 2208 UTC on March
Also in Brazil, a
new station has appeared on the mediumwave dial
in São Paulo. Evangelical station Radio Cristã
is broadcasting on 1330 kHz, which was earlier occupied
by Radio Tupi. Rádio Tupi continues to be
heard on 1150 and 1520 kHz, frequencies previously
used by Rádio News. This change was reported
by Márcio Coelho in São Paulo.
March 23, 2004)
Peace broadcasting from Sudan on 4750 kHz
new shortwave station began broadcasting in Southern
Sudan already in 2003, but has only recently become
known widely outside the country. Radio Peace is
a Christian radio station operating in an area controlled
by the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA), a
movement which has fought for autonomy in Southern
Sudan. Radio Peace broadcasts four hours of Christian
programming daily in six languages. The station
has a 1-kilowatt transmitter operating on 4750 kHz
in the 60-meter shortwave band, covering roughly
one third of the country.
Several Christian
missionary organizations seem to be involved in
the project. According to information found by Andy
Sennitt of Radio Netherlands, Radio Peace was established
by Persecution Project Foundation (PPF) in partnership
with Educational Media Corps Global Endeavor
Ministry. Also engineers from Blessings for Obedience
(BFO) were involved.
The station was first
heard by Tony Rogers in the United Kingdom on December
30, 2003, and reported in the DXLD. Jari Savolainen
from Finland was the first DXer reporting having
received a confirmation of reception from PPF, nailing
down the location of the station. The foundation
can be contacted by writing to: Persecution Project
Foundation, P.O. Box 1327, Culpeper, VA 22701-6327,
USA. More information
about the station can be found in the
March 12, 2004)
New low-power
UK station on 1287 kHz
Coombeshead College is to
become the host of a new low-power AM station in the
United Kingdom, signing on on March 24. Radio Coombeshead
will operate on 1287 kHz mediumwave. The station is
run by students. Programme manager Katy Glazer says
she was aiming for a mix of news, chat, magazine-type
programme and music. Contact address of the school
Coombeshead College, Coombeshead Road, Newton Abbot
TQ12 1PT, United Kingdom. News of the station was
published on This is South Devon website, via BDXC-UK
mailing list.
March 12, 2004)
low-power shortwave station from Paraguay
Radio Colégio Técnico
Municipal Santa Rosa de Lima from the town of Ñemby
in Paraguay is ready to begin shortwave broadcasts
any day now. The station is said to transmit on
1610 kHz mediumwave and 7370 kHz shortwave, both
previously used by Radio América, another
low-power station in Paraguay. Information about
the new station was announced by Adán Mur,
technical advisor of Radio América in an
email to Argentinian DXer Arnaldo Slaen on March
4. DXers haven't been able to monitor and confirm
that the station would already be operational. Radio
América is helping a local college to set
up the station to educate students, but the station
is completely independent of Radio América.
Radio Colégio Técnico Municipal Santa
Rosa de Lima has a transmitter power of merely 5
watts and directional antennas pointing to 90 and
270 degrees. Broadcast hours are given as 1000-2000
UTC. Reception reports can be sent by email
or by mail to: Orlando Torres, Radio Colégio
Técnico Municipal Santa Rosa de Lima, Ñemby,
March 8, 2004)
mediumwave programs reorganized
public Belgian Radio-Television of the French community
(RTBF) is reorganizing its mediumwave programming.
According to Herman Boel on MWC mailing list, the
transmitter on 1125 kHz (in Houdeng) no longer carries
Radio 21, but a new channel called Vivacité,
which replaces the old Fréquence Wallonie.
The other two frequencies, 1233 and 1305 kHz, maintain
Radio 21 for the moment, although in a few weeks time,
Radio 21 will be split into two channels: Classic
21, which will carry older pop and rock music,
and Pure FM, a new youth station. The latter
will be carried on 1233 and 1305 kHz.
March 8, 2004)
closing international shortwave service
Mexico has joined the league
of nations closing down its national shortwave service.
Instituto Mexicano de la Radio (IMER) has decided
to close down Radio México Internacional
(RMI), deemed to be outdated in the Internet age.
According to an article in newspaper Milenio, another
reason for the closure is the poor state of three
of its five transmitters, which would need to be
repaired or replaced. RMI began broadcasting nearly
25 years ago.
March 4, 2004)
Radio Nouveaux
Talents launched on 1575 kHz in France
Launched officially on March
1, Radio Nouveaux Talents (RNT) on 1575 kHz has become
the first of a batch of French commercial mediumwave
stations (see news in March
2003) to make it on the air. Cyril Grouin in France
reports to that the station is broadcasting
from Meudon, southwest of Paris, with 5 kW of power,
operated by Télédiffusion de France
(TDF). As the station name suggests, it airs music
by new talents along with magazine-type programming.
Grouin says that other
stations have faced various kinds of delays. Ciel
AM (981 kHz) is waiting for the antenna to be constructed
Southeast of Paris. Superloustic (999 kHz) appears
to have financial problems, and the plans for RLT
Radio Livres Télérama (1062 kHz) are
unclear. La Radio de la Mer (1080 kHz) is having problems
with the antenna in Western France, where the transmitter
location is still not fixed. The station was originally
authorized to broadcast in four locations (Western
France, Paris, Montpellier and Corsica), but officially
only Paris and Montpellier have been confirmed. Loisirs
AM - originally called La Radio du Temps Libre - is
planning to begin broadcasts in March on 1314 kHz.
The address of Radio
Nouveaux Talents is: Tour Bolloré 31-32, quai
Dion Bouton, F-92811 Puteaux Cedex, France. The station
does not have a website. A station identification
can be found in the audio
March 1, 2004, updated on March 2)
Scientists closed down WSHB on shortwave
The Christian Science Publishing
Society announced on February 25 the decision to
discontinue broadcasts from its shortwave station
WSHB in South Carolina. The last program aired from
WSHB was the Sunday church service on February 29.
WSHBs owner, the Herald Broadcasting Syndicate,
has put the station up for sale. The Publishing
Society initiated its shortwave broadcasts from
WSHB in March of 1989. Listeners are urged to use
Christian Science websites while options to rebroadcast
radio programming are being researched. Listeners
are also invited to send questions and comments
by email
or by mail to The First Church of Christ, Scientist,
P.O. Box 1524, Boston, MA 02117-1524, USA. WSHB's
press release was emailed to by Jan Nieuwenhuis.
March 1, 2004)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
published only on major international broadcasters
or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and
schedules are not covered.
The news are edited by Mika
Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items
may be quoted if the website
is mentioned as source. See terms
of use for details.