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Radio News in January 2005

Radio stations key players in Iraqi elections

map of IraqPro-government and coalition-sponsored radio stations in Iraq are urging Iraqis to go to the polls on January 30 despite the threat of suicide bombers. Insurgents have targeted radio stations, and continuously threaten journalists promoting elections, but many stations still manage to operate relatively freely and play a crucial role in the elections. Call-in shows are one of the few forums left where campaigning and political discussion is still possible. German Foreign ministry has even helped set up Election Radio, which produces election-related programs that are rebroadcast over affiliate stations around Iraq.
      The broadcasting scene has developed rapidly over the past months with new stations being set up also on the mediumwave band, but surprisingly, very few of these have been reported heard outside Iraq. To help in discovering and monitoring Iraqi stations, DXing.info is publishing a list of Iraqi AM stations, based on information from the BBC Monitoring Service and the Iraqi Communications and Media Commission.

kHz station, location remarks
594 Al-Nas (People's) Radio 0400-1500 UTC
603 Republic of Iraq Radio, southern Iraq  
675 Republic of Iraq Radio 0500-1510 UTC
756 Radio al-Ma'ulumat (Information)  
909 Radio Nahrain (Two Rivers), Basra IMN
999 Radio Bilad (Lands), Baghdad 0500-1300 UTC, Holy Quran
1008 Radio Saut Al-Fadhilah, Najaf religious, Shia
Al-Salam (Peace) Radio 0700-1700 UTC
1044 The Voice of the South, Basra  
1071 Radio Babil, Hilla IMN
1114 Radio al-Rafidayn (Twin Rivers), Baghdad .
1116 Dar al-Salam Radio (Haven of Peace) 0500-1800 UTC // 1152 kHz, Iraqi Islamic Party
1116 Voice of Democratic Kurdistan (?) KDP
1152 Dar al-Salam Radio (Haven of Peace) 0500-1800 UTC // 1116 kHz
1179 Sawt al-Iraq (Voice of Iraq), Baghdad 0400-1800, religious
1206 Sawt al-Sha'ab al-Kurdistan (Voice of the People of Kurdistan), Sulaymaniyah PUK, also Kurdish programs
1305 Radio Al-Mustaqbal (Future) 0600-1700 INA
1350 Radio New Karkuk, Kirkuk PUK
1399 Voice of Labour Communist, Baghdad Iraqi Labour Communist Party
1395 Radio Al-Mustaqbal (Future), southern Iraq INA
1588 Sharara Radio, Baghdad Assyrian Patriotic Party
Stations which are licensed and should be on the air, but have not been reported heard, appear in grey.
IMN = Iraqi Media Network
INA = Iraqi National Accord
KDP = Kurdistan Democratic Party
PUK = Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
(DXing.info, January 28, 2005)

Kurdish Radio Roj on 6315 kHz shortwave

A new Kurdish station was heard on 6310.2 kHz shortwave in late December. The station was first logged by Günter Lorenz in Italy on December 27. Later on the station moved to 6315.2 kHz. The name of the station turned out to be Radio Roj (sun), but the location as well as the political affiliation of the station remain unknown.
(DXing.info, January 24, 2005, edited on January 26)

New Buenos Aires stations on 1120, 1380 and 1530 kHz

Map of Greater Buenos AiresNew year has brought new mediumwave stations in the greater Buenos Aires area. AM Tango operates on 1120 kHz from Barrio de San Telmo, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Marcelo A. Cornachioni has heard the station announce the following telephone number: (011) 4343-4821. As the name suggests, AM Tango plays tango music. Cornachioni has heard the following slogans used: "AM 1120, Radio nacional y popular" and "AM 1120, El sentir de Buenos Aires".
      Another new station, also picked up first by Cornachioni, is Radio Buenas Nuevas on 1380 kHz. This christian station operates from Merlo, in Provincia de Buenos Aires. The station is run from a book store, Libreria Cristiana Buenas Nuevas, La calle Moreno 350, Merlo. Telephone number (0220) 485-6696 has been announced.
      Radio La Morena de Itati on 1530 kHz operates from "El Rancho de Pini", Calle Juan F. Seguí 895, (B1615MNA) Grand Bourg, Buenos Aires. Cornachioni caught this newcomer announcing the telephone number (02320) 41-4426. The owner is Sra. Margarita "Pini" Cubilla. The station operates in parallel with 105.3 MHz FM.
(DXing.info, January 24, 2005)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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