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Radio News in October 2005

Winradio launching new software-defined receiver

Winradio G313eWinradio officially introduces its latest software-defined receiver on October 29. Winradio WR-G313e is an HF receiver (9 kHz to 30 MHz, optionally extendable to 180 MHz) with a USB interface. G313e is an external version of an existing model (G313i), which was built on a PCI card. "It is the first professional USB-based software-defined receiver which is available to general public at a truly affordable price," says Milan Hudecek, general manager of Winradio (WiNRADiO) Communications, an Australian company. "The software is identical to the one used with G313i and is being continuously improved. Currently we are concentrating on developing various additional digital processing applications," Hudecek says to DXing.info. Over 100 receivers have already been shipped to people "who simply could not wait" for the official launch. DXing.info will publish a review of the receiver in November.
(DXing.info, October 27, 2005)

BBC to close radio services in 10 languages to fund Arabic TV

BBC logoThe BBC World Service is closing down broadcasts in Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Kazakh, Polish, Slovak, Slovene and Thai by 2006. After the cuts the World Service will continue to broadcast in 33 languages. Closing down ten services will result in a loss of 218 jobs. Restructuring became necessary as the BBC has decided to spend 28 million euros a year to fund a new Arabic-language television channel. BBC World Service Director Nigel Chapman has described the changes as the "biggest transformation" ever undertaken since the BBC began broadcasting around the world almost 70 years ago. Chapman says that many of the European services being closed down had their roots in the Second World War, and served their audiences well during the Cold War, but he pointed out that Europe has changed. BBC Arabic Television will be launched in 2007, initially broadcasting 12 hours a day. The new channel was formed at the request of the British Foreign Office, which funds the World Service.
(DXing.info, October 25, 2005)

Radio Santa Ana broadcasting from Peru on 4965 kHz

Radio Santa Ana is a new Peruvian station on 4965.8 kHz shortwave from Departamento de Cusco. Previously the same frequency was occupied by Radio Santa Mónica, which has recently been off the air. Radio Santa Ana was first reported heard on September 26 by Björn Malm in Ecuador with a relay of Radio Nacional del Perú. According to Henrik Klemetz, the station announces its FM frequency as 93.3 MHz. Via the phone he learned that their address is Avenida San Martín 636, Santa Ana, Provincia La Convención, Departamente de Cusco, Peru, and that they do not have any email address for the time being.
(DXing.info, October 23, 2005, edited on October 25)

CBC lockout ends as employees accept deal

CBC logoEmployees of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) have voted to accept their tentative deal with management, officially ending a long labour dispute. Over 88 per cent of the members of the Canadian Media Guild voted in favour of ratification. Most of the CBC's 5,500 unionized workers are expected to return to work on Tuesday, October 11. The CBC management locked out members of the union on August 15 after the two sides could not agree over the issue of temporary employees. The deal caps the number of contract workers at 9.5 per cent of the full-time work force. Under the agreement, wages will increase by 12.6 per cent over the life of the contract, which will remain in effect until March 31, 2009. A deal was reached after growing political and commercial pressure, just in time for the start of the new National Hockey League season.
(DXing.info, October 10, 2005) New Peruvian shortwave station heard on 4300 kHz

A new Peruvian shortwave station has begun broadcasting on 4300 kHz. The station was first reported heard by Alfredo Cañote in Chaclacayo, Peru, and Björn Malm in Quito, Ecuador, on October 5. Cañote identified the station as Radio Bella, located in Tingo Maria (in Departamento Huánuco). Cañote heard the station with a program of folk music. Malm has measured its exact frequency as 4299.7 kHz.
(DXing.info, October 8, 2005)

CRI launches Newsradio on 900 kHz AM

CRI Newsradio logo China Radio International (CRI) has launched CRI Newsradio in the capital Beijing on 900 kHz AM and 90.5 MHz FM. According to Xinhua news agency, the new channel began broadcasting on September 28. CRI Newsradio provides a 24-hour service of news, current affairs, finance, sports and entertainment programs in Chinese and in foreign languages. Established in 1941, CRI is China's international radio broadcaster transmitting radio programs in 43 languages.
(DXing.info, October 2, 2005)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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