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Radio News in June 2006

KMPH testing on 840 AM in California

KMPH Modesto CA has begun testing on 840 kHz mediumwave. KMPH replaces KTRB 860 AM, which has gone silent. The station has been widely reported heard by DXers in California since June 24. Some have identified the station as KPMP, which were to become the call letters of the new station, but have since been changed to KMPH. The station is licensed to broadcast with 5 kW of power. KMPH is owned by Pappas Radio of Modesto. The address is 5087 East McKinley Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727.
(DXing.info, June 26, 2006)

British RSL stations on the air on 1431 and 1494 kHz

Two temporary low-power AM stations are broadcasting this summer in the United Kingdom. Highways Agency Radio in Coleshill (Warwickshire) will broadcast on 1431 kHz from June 26 to July 23, 2006. Programming consists of traffic information for motorists on the M46 & M42 freeways. Contact person for the station is Nick Opperman, who can be reached by telephone 01264 369369 and email.
Raven Sound logo 
    Another so-called RSL station is Raven Sound in Bromley on 1494 kHz. Raven Sound broadcasts for the 29th Bromley Pageant of Motoring from June 21 to June 25, 2006. Contact person is Antony Bailey, telephone 020 8466 8060 and email. Raven Sound was first on the air in 1988 during the Beckenham International Tennis Tournament. Current broadcast session is already the 34th time that the station is on the air.
    Both stations broadcast with a power of only 1 watt. Information about the stations was first reported on the MWC mailing list on June 13.
(DXing.info, June 23, 2006)

Radio Revivir on 1260 kHz in Buenos Aires Argentina

Radio Revivir is yet another newcomer on the Buenos Aires AM band. This new Christian station has been observed broadcasting on 1260 kHz from Isidro Casanova, Partido de la Matanza, in the Argentine capital area. DXer Marcelo Cornachioni has identified its announcer as the same person who previously broadcast over Radio Canaán Celestial (1490 kHz) and Radio Trompeta de Dios (1550 kHz) from the same town. The stations belong to pastor Clara del Rosario Mendoza de Sánchez. Radio Revivir can be reached at telephone 4694-6470.
(DXing.info, June 23, 2006)

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The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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