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Radio News in July 2006

Norway closed down 1314 kHz

NRK logoOne of the most powerful mediumwave transmitters in Europe has been closed down. A 1200-kilowatt transmitter in Kvitsøy on the Western coast of Norway signed off permanently at midnight local time on June 30. The Kvitsøy transmitter on 1314 kHz used to broadcast Europakanalen (European channel), a mix of the first and second national networks of the national broadcaster Norsk Rikskringkasting (NRK), as well as weather forecasts, 24 hours a day. Fishermen in need of weather information will now be served by a satellite. NRK can still be heard on medium and longwave on 153, 630 and 675 kHz, but these transmitters are much weaker. For DXers Kvitsøy's closedown was a mixed blessing; American and Asian DXers lost their best chance of hearing a Scandinavian AM station, while AM DXers in Northern Europe got rid of a powerhouse that used to block far-away stations even on adjacent frequencies.
(DXing.info, July 1, 2006)

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