Shanasheel from Iraq on 1395 kHz mediumwave
Radio Shanasheel from Basra
in Southern Iraq has been reported heard on 1395
kHz mediumwave. The station actually began broadcasting
already in September 2005, but was not reported
on the air before October 2006 by the BBC Monitoring
Service. The independent private broadcaster is
reportedly transmitting at 0400-2300 Universal time.
Arabic-language programming is funded by the director
of the Organization for Human Life, a non-governmental
organization. According to BBC Monitoring, the name
of the station "Shanasheel" (balcony)
is derived from the architectural style of houses
in southern Iraq, specifically those on the river
banks in Basra. Radio Shanasheel can be contacted
by email.
November 15, 2006)
Taunton School Radio in the UK on 1449 kHz
new low-power AM station is operating in Taunton
in the United Kingdom. Taunton School Radio broadcasts
24 hours a day on 1449 kHz, and plans to begin podcasts
and streaming audio in the near future. The station
can be contacted by email,
telephone 0870 444 1449, and by mail at: Taunton
School Radio, c/o Simon Smith, Taunton School, Taunton,
Somerset TA2 6AD, UK. News about the station was
first published in the Communication magazine and
the mailing list of the BDXC by Alan Pennington.
November 15, 2006)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
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The news are edited by Mika
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