Burbank WA begins broadcasting on 1560 AM
KVAN has begun broadcasting
from Burbank WA, in the United States, on the AM
frequency of 1560 kHz. KVAN is partly relaying KLTB
(92.1 MHz FM) in nearby Pilot Rock, Oregon, and
identifying as "Oldies 92.1" and "Eastern
Oregon's Goodtime Oldies." KVAN has a daytime
power of 10 kW and a nighttime power of 0.7 kW.
The station was first logged by Bruce Portzer on
the IRCA mailing list on January 21.
January 21, 2007)
Voice of the Kurdistan Democratic Party on shortwave
A new Kurdish radio station
identifying itself
as the Voice of the Kurdistan Democratic Party has
begun broadcasting
on the frequencies of 3925 and 3930 kHz shortwave.
The station was observed
on January 5, 2007, by the BBC Monitoring Service
with a 30-minute transmission beginning at 0400
UTC on 3930 kHz. Later the station has also been
heard broadcasting at 1630-1800 UTC on 3925 kHz,
logged by Finnish DXer Jari Savolainen. The Iranian
clandestine station identified in Kurdish as "Erah
Radyoy Dengi Kurdistana" and in Persian "Im
Radyo Seda-ye Kordestan-e" (both meaning Radio
Voice of Kurdistan). The Kurdistan Democratic Party
of Iran (KDP-I, or PDKI) already operates a radio
station called the Voice of Iranian Kurdistan. This
new station is possibly operated by a group which
broke away from the KDP-I last month.
January 13, 2007)
Shortwave ready to launch in Uganda
Dunamis Shortwave, a new
Christian station in Uganda, was due to be launched
on January 1, 2007. The station has however not
been monitored actually being on the air. Dunamis
Shortwave was to broadcast on the frequency of 4750
kHz in the 60 meter shortwave band with 1 kilowatt
of transmitter power. The station is located near
the Ugandan capital Kampala. Initially the station
is due to broadcast four hours daily in Luganda,
Swahili and English, which would later be increased
to nine hours per day. Information about the station
was published by Finnish DXer Jari Savolainen on
the DXing.info Community. Savolainen has informed
the station that the frequency choice is not very
good, as Sudanese shortwave station Radio Peace
already operates on 4750 kHz.
January 13, 2007)
broadcasting declining further in Europe
The Finnish Broadcasting
Company (Yleisradio) closed down its 600-kilowatt
transmitter in Pori on 963 kHz on December 31, 2006.
This leaves only one AM transmitter in Finland,
located in Helsinki on 558 kHz. Also in Northern
Europe, Danish Radio (Danmarks Radio) is rumoured
to plan to shut down its longwave transmitter on
243 kHz and its mediumwave transmitter on 1062 kHz,
but a final decision has not yet been made.
January 13, 2007)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
published only on major international broadcasters
or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and
schedules are not covered.
The news are edited by Mika
Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items
may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info
is mentioned as source. See terms
of use for details.