Kawsachun Coca from Bolivia heard on 6075 kHz shortwave
Radio Kawsachun Coca from Bolivia has been reported
heard abroad on 6075 kHz in the 49 meter shortwave
band. The station has been heard with politicial
talk programming in support of President Evo Morales.
Radio Kawsachun Coca is run by a coca growers' association,
and is located in Lauka Ñ, Provincia de Tiraque,
Región Trópico, Departamento de Cochabamba.
In addition to 6075 kHz shortwave, the station has
announced broadcasting on FM and 740 kHz AM. Radio
Kawsachun Coca has been heard by several DXers from
September 14, signing on at 1000 Universal time
in the morning and closing down in the evening at
0230 UTC, according to reports on DXLD where information
about the shortwave transmissions was first published.
Radio Kawsachun Coca was founded in 2007 as part
of a nationwide network of indigenous stations,
Sistema de Radios de los Pueblos Originarios (RPO).
The station also rebroadcasts programming produced
by another publicly funded network, Red Patria Nueva
(RPN). The Quechua word "causachun" (the
more common spelling of kawsachun) means the same
as Spanish "viva", or "long live",
and is used by the station in the slogan "causachun
coca, wañuchun narcotráfico",
praising coca but denouncing drug trafficking. Most
commonly "causachun coca" is used
in the coca growers' slogan "causachun coca,
wañuchun yanki!" (long live coca, death
to the yankees). 
September 21, 2008, spelling corrected on June 1,
9 de Julho from Brazil expands to shortwave
Rádio 9 de Julho in São Paulo, Brazil,
is expanding to shortwave. The station has a powerful
mediumwave transmitter on 1600 kHz, but has begun
transmissions also on 9820 kHz in the 31 meter band
shortwave, a return to a frequency used by the station
already long ago. Brazilian DXer Edison Bocorny
Jr. was the first to report the station heard on
Radioescutas mailing list on September 13.
September 21, 2008)
Montréal, Canada, launched on 1690 kHz AM
Canadian X-band station has begun broadcasting.
CJLO is transmitting from Montréal, Québec,
on 1690 kHz, with 1 kW of power. CJLO is a non-profit
station run by volunteers at the Loyola Campus of
Concordia University. The station began streaming
on the Internet seven days a week in 2003. Test
broadcasts on 1690 kHz began with a test tone in
late July 2008, followed by music programming in
August. By mid-September, CJLO had already been
logged by DXers in several European countries. Programming
is said to include hip-hop, RPM, rock, alt, punk,
metal, jazz, blues, world, and country music.
September 21, 2008)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
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The news are edited by Mika
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