BBC World
Service closing five language services
BBC World Service is cutting five language services
and shedding over a quarter of its workforce. The
Macedonian, Albanian and Serbian services will be
axed, as will English for the Caribbean and Portuguese
for Africa, in a bid to save £46m a year.
About 650 jobs will be lost from a workforce of
about 2,400. Further seven languages will face a
reduction of programs with radio broadcasts phased
out in favor of the Internet. Radio broadcasts in
Azeri, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Spanish for Cuba,
Turkish, Vietnamese, and Ukrainian will come to
an end, while distribution continues online, and
in some cases for mobile and television audiences.
Overall, broadcasts
on shortwave and mediumwave will gradually be reduced
all around the world. BBC's service in Europe on
648 kHz AM will be closed in March 2011. Also in
March, shortwave programming will end in Hindi,
Indonesian, Kyrgyz, Nepali, Swahili and the Great
Lakes service (for Rwanda and Burundi). Most remaining
shortwave services will end in March 2014 aside
from English and a small number of services considered
most valuable, such as Burmese and Somali.
BBC World Service
is currently an international multimedia broadcaster
delivering 32 language and regional services. The
National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has described
the cuts as "drastic" and said they would
"severely damage the national interest of the
UK". Cuts have been announced in a bid to focus
on more essential services. In 2014 financing the
World Service will become the responsibility of
the BBC, while it has traditionally been paid for
by the UK Foreign Office (Foreign Ministry).
January 30, 2011)
New Mexican
X-band station launched on 1670 AM
"Radio Anáhuac" from Huixquilucan,
México, has begun broadcasting on 1670 kHz.
XEANAH is run by media students at the Anáhuac
University near the Mexican capital. The 1-kilowatt
AM station was officially launched on January 20,
but test tranmissions were heard by DXers a few
days earlier. Mexican DXer Héctor García
Bojorge was the first to report hearing XEANAH on
January 17. Previously XEANAH had been webcasting
since 2004. Programming runs 24/7 and is mainly
aimed at the University community. The station can
be reached by email
or by writing to Av. Universidad Anáhuac
#46, Col. Lomas Anáhuac, Huixquilucan, Edo.
de México, México.
January 30, 2011)
stations in Buenos Aires on 690, 1530, and 1590
en Radio" is broadcasting from Buenos Aires
on 690 kHz AM. K24 is offering its broadcast time
for independent producers of all types of programming
from football to musicals. Currently much of the
nighttime broadcasts consists of Christian programs
while tango is being played during the day, and
a multitude of different programming in the evenings.
The station can be reached by email.
According to its website the phone number is (011)
3530-9382, but also 4642-5533 and 4642-5315 have
been announced on the air.
Radio La Roca is a
new unlicensed Evangelical station broadcasting
on 1530 kHz. It is located in the greater Buenos
Aires region, but its exact location and contact
information remain unknown.
Radio Voz is yet another
new station from the same region, broadcasting on
1590 kHz. Radio Voz may be a reincarnation of Radio
Cristiana Adonai, which used to be broadcasting
on the same frequency, and was located in Partido
Lomas de Zamora. Information about the stations
was first published by Marcelo A. Cornachioni on
Condig mailing list.
January 12, 2011)
shortwave station from Australia on 3210 kHz
A new low-power station has begun broadcasting in
Sydney, Australia on 3210 kHz shortwave. The name
of the station is not known, however, it is running
American-made brokered programming. Verifications
may be obtained by writing to John Wright, 29 Milford
Rd, Peakhurst 2210, NSW, Australia, or by email.
Wright requests that either 2 IRC's or 2 USD's should
be included for a snail mail QSL. According to Wright,
the station uses a transmitter bought from HCJB in
Ecuador, and is currently running at a power of only
50-70 watts from Schofields, western Sydney. At the
time when Wright himself heard the station, it was
running a 2-hour loop of religious programming. The
station has already been heard around the world in
January 12, 2011)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
published only on major international broadcasters
or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and
schedules are not covered.
News are edited by Mika
Mäkeläinen. If you have first hand
news about radio broadcasting or DXing, please email
us (info at You may also post news
items yourself in the
Community. News items originate from the
website or own sources unless another source is
mentioned. Extracts from news items may be quoted
if the website is mentioned
as source. See terms
of use for details.