U.S. launches
radio propaganda operation in Libya
U.S. military has begun clandestine radio broadcasts
urging Libyan forces to lay down arms. The Joint
Task Force has confirmed to DXing.info that at least
one "Commando Solo" airborne radio station
is in the area to broadcast information to the Libyan
"The Libyan people
deserve to hear factual information about the international
community's resolve to mobilize military assets
to prevent further escalation of the current crisis
(in) Libya," says Marine Corps captain Clint
Gebke of the Joint Task Force public affairs to
Based on observations
by DXing.info and radio hobbyists around Europe,
broadcasts are currently conducted daily, but only
for a few hours at most, on the shortwave frequency
of 10405 kHz. The transmission is only heard on
the upper side band (USB).
DXing.info observed
on March 28 that an 8-minute-long loop recording
containing eight different messages in both Arabic
and English was being broadcast non-stop without
any station identification or music. The messages
were mostly aimed at Libyan Naval officers and sailors.
Part of the second
announcement reads as follows: "Libyan sailors.
Any orders you receive are unlawful. The Gaddafi
regime forces are violating a United Nations resolution
ordering the end of hostilities in your country.
Return to your family or your home safely. If your
ship attempts to leave port, you will be attacked
and destroyed immediately." On March 29 news
agencies reported that U.S. forces had indeed attacked
three Libyan vessels that were caught firing indiscriminately
towards merchant ships in the harbor of the besieged
town of Misrata.
Some of the pre-recorded
messages are aimed more generally at forces loyal
to colonel Muammar Gaddafi: "Your family needs
you. Return home safely. Lay down your arms and
refuse orders from your current illegitimate government.
Any hostilities against Coalition forces will be
met with deadly force. Do not harm your fellow countrymen.
Stop fighting. Abandon your equipment and weapons
and return home safely."
full transcript of the English-language messages
can be found posted in the Africa
forum of the DXing.info Community. Here you
can also listen to a sample recording of the first
messages in Arabic
and in English
(MP3). Although the messages are promoting the Coalition
agenda, the U.S. military hasn't explicitly acknowledged
being behind these broadcasts. According to anonymous
military sources quoted by AP, Commando Solo has
also been involved in dropping leaflets a number
of times, most recently on March 27 at Gaddafi ground
troops near Misrata.
The U.S. military
has declined to give any more information about
the radio propaganda operation. In response to questions
from DXing.info, operational security reasons are
said to prevent any further disclosure. This is
in contrast to a similar operation in Iraq in 2003,
when broadcast frequencies were readily made public,
after all, the first prerequisite for a successful
radio propaganda operation is to make sure that
the audience knows when to listen to what frequencies.
Also reasons behind the
frequency choice remain a mystery. The chosen frequency
is not on any broadcast band, and furthermore, the
transmission is only on a single sideband, effectively
making it impossible for ordinary Libyans to listen
to it. It is not even known that 10405 kHz would
have had any military use in Libya, meaning that
its reach among the Libyan military is questionable.
The radio propaganda operation
was first heard on March 20 by several radio hobbyists
on the frequency of 6877 kHz, and reported on the
Utility DXers Forum (UDXF). In addition to English
and Arabic, also French was used in these first
messages aimed mostly at Gaddafi's naval forces.
Broadcasts on 10405 kHz were first reported heard
on March 27.
Commando Solo is operated
by the Air Force Special Operations Command's 193rd
Special Operations Wing, based in Middletown, Pennsylvania.
Based on monitoring of air traffic control frequencies
by radio hobbyists in Europe, it has been suggested
that Commando Solo operating in the Libyan theater
is based in Souda Bay air base on the island of
Crete in Greece.
March 29, 2011)
Radio Nord
revived in Sweden after 50 years
Nord will be resurrected on March 8, 2011, exactly
50 years after its original launch. Radio Nord was
a pirate station operating outside Sweden's territorial
waters in 1961-1962. Now on the 50th anniversary
Radio Nord will be celebrated by launching a licensed
temporary station in Sweden, broadcasting on 1512
kHz mediumwave and 6060 kHz on the 49 meter shortwave
band. The Radio Nord broadcast will begin at 0848
UTC, and occasional test transmissions can be heard
beforehand. The AM transmitter site is located in
Vallentuna near the Swedish capital Stockholm. The
shortwave transmitter site is Sala, some 100 kilometers
northwest from Stockholm. The transmitter power
will be 1 kW on the AM band and 10 kW on shortwave.
Radio Nord programming will also be rebroadcast
on a few Swedish FM stations and Radio Merkurs in
Latvia on 1485 kHz. The station can be contacted
by email.
The project has been organized by Ronny Forslund.
March 6, 2011)
Gloria from Switzerland reactivates 1566 kHz AM
Gloria is a new station broadcasting on 1566 kHz
mediumwave from Switzerland. In previous years,
the same frequency had been used by both a public
and a private broadcaster in the country. Radio
Gloria broadcast 24/7 for a month, but with
only 250 watts of power, from a transmitter site
near Lucerne. The station was however heard as far
as in Scandinavia. The station was testing on the
air only from February 3 to March 2. Previously
in 2010 the shortwave frequency of 6085 kHz was
used, and it may be reactivated in the spring of
2011. Radio Gloria has been on the air since 2008
on the Internet, satellite and cable, but only occasionally
on the broadcast bands. Reception reports are welcome
by email,
and snail mail can be sent to Postfach 540, CH-6281
Hochdorf, Schweiz.
March 6, 2011)
Radio 6150,
another low-power shortwave station in Germany
Radio 6150 has begun test broadcasts with only 5
watts of power, naturally on 6150 kHz shortwave.
Eventually the station plans to increase transmitter
power to 6 kW. The first broadcast was aired on
February 25th. The transmitter site is located north
of Munich in Germany. Reception reports can be sent
by email.
Previously, several private German stations have
begun broadcasts on the 49 meter shortwave band.
Hamburger Lokalradio is broadcast on 5980 kHz, Radio
700 on 6005 kHz and various other stations on 6085
and 6150 kHz.
March 6, 2011)
Radio Sentir new in Argentina
on 1620 kHz mediumwave
Radio Sentir is a new unlicensed
Argentine station on the extended AM band. Radio Sentir
broadcasts on 1620 kHz from Merlo, Provincia de Buenos
Aires. The station was first reported heard on January
22 by local DXers Arnaldo Slaen and Enrique Wembagher.
Radio Sentir has announced telephone number (0220)
470-4265. The directors of the station are Daniel
Barrientos and Estela Sánchez. Radio Sentir
was first reported by Marcelo A. Cornachioni on Condig
mailing list on January 28.
March 6, 2011)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
published only on major international broadcasters
or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and
schedules are not covered.
News are edited by Mika
Mäkeläinen. If you have first hand
news about radio broadcasting or DXing, please email
us (info at dxing.info). You may also post news
items yourself in the DXing.info
Community. News items originate from the DXing.info
website or own sources unless another source is
mentioned. Extracts from news items may be quoted
if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned
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