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Radio News in May 2011

Radio Universo from Uruguay heard on 6055 kHz shortwave

Radio Universo logoRadio Universo in Uruguay has reactivated its shortwave frequency of 6055 kHz in the 49 meter band. Radio Universo broadcasts from Castillos in the Department of Rocha. The station was first reported heard by Enrique Wembagher and Arnaldo Slaen on a DXpedition in Argentina on May 7. The station has been assigned call letters CWA148, broadcasting also on the AM frequency of 1480 kHz. On its website Radio Universo has posted a shortwave coverage map encompassing Africa, most of the Americas, and Eurasia up to China and India. Programming consists of music, entertainment, sports and informative programs. The station can be contacted via email, by phone at +598 475 8054, or by writing to 18 de Julio 1322, 27200 Castillos, Uruguay.
(DXing.info, May 12, 2011)

Peruvian surprise on 1640 kHz on the extended AM band

Radio Onda Cero from the Peruvian Andes surprised European DXers by appearing on the extended AM band in April. Radio Onda Cero has been heard on 1640 kHz, broadcasting from the village of Chamaca, Chumbivilcas Province, in the Department of Cusco. The station was first heard by Torolf Johnsson in Sweden, and much of the information on its identity was discovered by Henrik Klemetz. Confirmations of reception have been received from David Torres Boza who explains that Chamaca is a village of 500 people at an altitude of 3800 meters. This independent station is not part of the Peruvian Onda Cero network.
(DXing.info, May 12, 2011)


Radio Andina from Argentina new on 580 kHz AM

Radio Andina is yet another unlicensed station crowding the Argentine AM dial on the frequency of 580 kHz. Radio Andina is run by Medios Andinos S.A., which in turn is owned by Omar Rubén Alvarez who owns a bunch of other media outlets in the country and is close to the national government. Radio Andina can be contacted by writing to Calle Comandante Salas 200, Ciudad de San Rafael, Provincia de Mendoza, Argentina, or by calling at telephone +54 2627 42-4265. The station was first reported by Marcelo A. Cornachioni.
(DXing.info, May 12, 2011)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

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