Radio Ville-Marie
launched on 1350 AM in the Canadian capital
Ville-Marie, using call letters CIRA, has begun
broadcasting on 1350 kHz from Gatineau, Québec,
right next to the Canadian capital Ottawa. CIRA
is the fifth transmitter for Catholic station Radio
Ville-Marie, which broadcasts across Québec
on four different FM frequencies. Its most powerful
transmitter is located in Montréal on 91.3
MHz FM. The station was first reported heard by
Canadian DXer Barry McLarnon on November 12. During
the first test broadcasts CIRA was heard simulcasting
CJEU 1670 AM. CIRA has been heard off the nominal
frequency at 1350.077 kHz. The station broadcasts
at a power of 1 kW daytime and 0.18 kW nighttime.
CIRA can be reached by writing to Radio Ville-Marie-Outaouais,
C.P. 51020, 375 ch. Des Épinettes, Orléans,
Ontario K1E 3E0, Canada, or by email.
November 26, 2011)
A new graveyard station signs
on in Kansas on 1340 AM
KGGS from Garden City, Kansas,
has been broadcasting on 1340 kHz AM since November
9. KGGS has a country music format and a transmitter
power of 1 kW. The launch of the new radio station
was announced by Steckline Communications Radio
Group President Greg Steckline and reported in the
local newspaper, The Garden City Telegram.
November 26, 2011)
Radio Bretagne 5 from France
testing on 1593 kHz AM
new AM station has been testing in France in early
November on 1593 kHz. Radio Bretagne 5, from Saint-Gouéno
in Brittany. Transmitter power is 10 kW daytime
and 5 kW nighttime. You can contact the station
by writing to Radio Bretagne 5, La Chaumière,
F-22120 Pommeret, France, or by email.
The station is even planning to print QSL cards.
Information about the station has been published
by DXers Artur Fernández Llorella and David
November 26, 2011)
Radio Juventud from Argentina
launched on 1700 kHz AM
Radio Juventud is one more unlicensed
station on the Argentine X-band. Radio Juventud
broadcasts from the capital Buenos Aires on 1700
kHz, simulcasting its programming on 90.1 MHz FM.
Radio Juventud is located at Cjal. José Dans
Rey -Calle 26- Nº 742, (B1887ELF) Florencio
Varela, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. You
can call the station at (011) 4255-0739 or 4237-2218.
The station manager is Héctor Hugo Alaniz.
All information of the station was reported by Marcelo
A. Cornachioni on Condig mailing list on November
November 26, 2011)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
published only on major international broadcasters
or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and
schedules are not covered.
News are edited by Mika
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