from the Netherlands heard widely on 1557 AM
new ethnic AM station in the Netherlands has been
launched on 1557 kHz. VahonFM Hindustani Radio began
broadcasting in early October with a power of just
20 watts. This was first increased to 400 watts
and eventually to 1 kW, which has made the station
audible in much of Western and Northern Europe.
The transmitter is located near Stompwijk. The station
broadcasts also on 99.8 MHz FM. You can write to
the station at VahonFM Hindustani Radio, Newtonstraat
25, 2562 KC Den Haag, Netherlands, or send an e-mail.
October 26, 2012)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
published only on major international broadcasters
or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and
schedules are not covered.
The news are edited by Mika
Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items
may be quoted if the website
is mentioned as source. See terms
of use for details.