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Radio News in January 2013

Many AM and shortwave stations closed down on New Year

Radio Mayak logoNew Year 2013 signals the closing of many broadcasting stations around the world. In Europe, domestic broadcasting in Russia is facing severe cutbacks. St. Petersburg broadcasting station has closed both on shortwave and on mediumwave (including 1494 kHz). Nationwide Radio Mayak is reported to close all of its AM transmitters, but many have still been heard on the air during the first days of 2013. Russian foreign service broadcaster Voice of Russia is cutting back on using AM relays in Germany. Transmissions on 630, 1323 and 1431 kHz are history, but 693 kHz in Berlin continues to be used.
    In Hungary, MR6 Régió Rádió, the regional network of the national broadcaster, closed on December 22. Its transmitters on 1116, 1251 and 1350 kHz however remain on the air, now used by Radio Danko.
    Voice of Croatia has ended shortwave broadcasts, but Croatia can still be heard in the evenings over a powerful 600-kilowatt transmitter on 1134 kHz.
    Elsewhere, the last remaining mediumwave transmitter in continental Norway has closed on 675 kHz. Svalbard continues to be heard on 1485 kHz, and a longwave transmitter on 153 kHz remain on the air. In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Radio St. Helena has abandoned 1548 kHz in favor of FM.
(DXing.info, January 6, 2013, edited later)

Radio Gratitud new in Argentina on 1670 AM

Radio Gratitud logoRadio Gratitud has recently popped up in Buenos Aires on 1670 kHz on the extended AM band. The Christian station is unlicensed, as most new stations in Argentina are. You can reach the station by email or by writing to Weiss de Rossi Nº 3056, Barrio Almafuerte de la localidad de Glew, Partido de Almirante Brown, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, or phone at +54 (0)2224-43-6516. Pastor Diego Angel Gloria is the station manager. Also in Buenos Aires, Radio Nueva Bolivia has changed from 1640 kHz to 1630 kHz. Information about these changes was first published by DXer Marcelo A. Cornachioni in Grupo Radioescucha Argentino blog.
(DXing.info, January 6, 2013)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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