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Radio News in April 2013

Radio Puntland from Somalia testing on 13800 kHz shortwave

A new Somali shortwave station is testing on the frequency of 13800 kHz. Radio Puntland belongs to the government of Puntland, which is one of the breakaway regions of Somalia in the Horn of Africa. Puntland media reported on April 11 that the station was officially opened by Puntland president Abdurrahman Faroole. Radio Puntland is operated by Italian technicians from Goldrock Kenya, and has received financial support from the government of Italy. President Faroole says that also a television station will be coming soon. Current test broadcasts from the Puntland capital Garowe consist of non-stop Somali music, aired at varying levels of transmitter power, 50 watts or more. "We should begin regular transmission by the end of June," says Enrico Li Perni from Goldrock Kenya. The permanent transmitter is still under construction and will have a power of 20 kilowatts. The station has been logged as far away as in Finland. In addition to daytime broadcasts on 13800 kHz, the station is listed broadcasting during the night on 6140 kHz, but this frequency has not been reported heard by DXers abroad.
(DXing.info, April 18, 2013)

CRI launches the Voice of the South China Sea on 1008 kHz

CRI logoChina Radio International (CRI) has set up a new radio service for countries around the South China Sea. The Voice of the South China Sea broadcasts in six languages, including Mandarin Chinese, English, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Filipino as well as Indonesian. According to CRI, the English programs of the Voice of the South China Sea can be heard at 0600-0700 UTC (14:00-15:00 Beijing time) on the frequency of 1008 kHz AM. Contrary to CRI's own information, Japanese DXer Sei-ichi Hasegawa has observed English-language programming at 0405-0500 and 0505-0600 UTC, followed by CRI News at the top of the hour. Parallel FM frequency 101.0 MHz is on the air at 2200-1700 UTC, and can be heard also over the Internet. Hasegawa estimates that programming currently comes from a 10-kilowatt transmitter in Beijing, and that the high-power AM broadcasts have not yet begun. CRI announced the launch on April 9.
(DXing.info, April 15, 2013, edited on April 17)

Moscow student broadcaster now weekly on 25900 kHz

A low-power station from Moscow is now broadcasting once a week on 25900 kHz shortwave. Radio Zeleny Glazh (Radio Green Eyes) can be heard at 1200-1500 UTC each Friday. The station is run by students of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and
Informatics (MTUCI). Transmitter power is 400 watts, but on April 5 the station was already heard as far away as North America. Earlier in March the same transmitter was used for DRM transmissions. The station is broadcasting also on 1584 kHz mediumwave in Moscow.

(DXing.info, April 6, 2013)

Malaysian opposition begins broadcasting on 1359 AM

Radio Free Malaysia logoRadio Free Malaysia has begun transmissions on 1359 kHz on March 25, 2013. The station is on the air for two hours each evening local time, at 1300-1500 UTC. Transmitter location has not been disclosed, but according to DXing.info's information, broadcasts originate from a 600-kilowatt transmitter in Fangliao, Taiwan, which also carries Voice of Free Asia and Taiwanese broadcasts. In Malaysia an opposition mouthpiece would not be licensed to broadcast. Radio Free Malaysia is a sister station of the existing shortwave program Radio Free Sarawak. You can contact the station by email. At the time of writing the station website was down, presumably due to a cyber attack.
(DXing.info, April 6, 2013)

Aire Nuevo and other novelties on the AM dial in Argentina

"AM 1620 Aire Nuevo" is the station identification of a new broadcaster here. The station was first heard by Cesar Perez Dioses in Peru on March 28, and reported on the Brazilian radioescutas mailing list.
     Also on the X-band, Radio Rubí has been identified on 1670 kHz with test transmissions. Radio Rubí is located at Roberto Billinghurst Nº 1425, Rafael Castillo, Partido de La Matanza, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Telephone (011) 4669-5064 has been announced. The station was first reported by Marcelo A. Cornachioni on Condig mailing list on March 23.
     On the traditional AM band, Radio La Más Santiagueña is a new station reported on 1160 kHz AM. Cornachioni reports contact info as follows: Calle Hilario Ascasubi Nº 4466 de la localidad de Gregorio de Laferrere, Partido de La Matanza, Provincia de Buenos Aires, telephones (011) 4457-1466 and 4626-5298. The station was first reported heard by Arnaldo Slaen on March 25 on Condig.
     Radio del Promesero is another new station simulcasting on 1210 kHz AM and 91.3 MHz FM. Cornachioni reports contact info as follows: Calle Dr. Carlos Saavedra Lamas Nº 3644, de la Ciudad y Partido de José C. Paz, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Telephone: (02320) 45-3200, email. Cornachioni gives transmitter power as 1 kW.
     Further, "Frecuencia On" is a new station on 1500 kHz, previously heard only on FM 90.7 MHz. Contact info from Cornachioni: Calle José Miró Nº 1453, de la localidad de La Reja, Partido de Moreno, Buenos Aires. Telephone: (0237) 487-1145.
1590 Sin Fronteras logo     Up the regular AM band, on 1590 kHz "AM 1590 Sin Fronteras" is a new station. Contact info: Avenida Hipólito Yrigoyen al 1700, de la localidad y Partido de Merlo, Buenos Aires, phone: (0220) 486-5767. The station was reported on Conexión Digital on March 30.
     Accidentally, one of the many Buenos Aires stations can now be heard even on shortwave. Unlicensed Radio Gama, which broadcasts on 1490 kHz, has been reported on 2980 kHz, the second harmonic frequency, in late March both in Argentina and Uruguay.
(DXing.info, April 6, 2013)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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