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CPN Radio, Lima (1470 kHz)

by Mika Mäkeläinen

One of the main AM stations in the capital Lima, Cadena Peruana de Noticias, or CPN Radio for short, operates on the frequency of 1470 kHz. It is heard pretty often all the way in Scandinavia, the best time to catch it being in March, April and September, just before sunrise. Until very recently, they haven't responded to reception reports.

On March 23rd 2000 I once again heard the station, with its overnight program Haciendo la Noche, and sent another reception report.

CPN Radio

I told CPN that I would be coming over to Lima. CPN then eagerly tried to get a hold of me, and so I had a bunch of messages waiting for me when I got my election accreditation at the International press center in Lima. It turned out however that they were only interested in interviewing me. Late one evening just before midnight I got a surprise call to my hotel room, and immediately I was taken live for ten minutes. Their mission accomplished, I found it difficult to try to arrange a visit to the station. Finally, on the day of my departure, I had some spare time in Lima, and I visited the station uninvited.

Cadena Peruana de Noticias

frequencies in Lima:
- OAU4B 1470 kHz (25 kW)
- 90.5 MHz FM
address: Gral. Salaverry 156, Miraflores, Lima 18, Peru
telephones: +51-1-446-1554, +51-1-445-7770
website: http://www.cpnradio.com.pe/
email: webmastercpn@gestion.com.pe

The station is not located at the Paseo de la República address given by the WRTH, but the Peruvian postal service still forwards all mail to the correct address, which is Calle General Salaverry No. 156, Miraflores, Lima 18.

I was asked to contact Zenaida Solis, Directora de Programas, who kept me waiting in an underground lobby, but did eventully write me a confirmation letter, probably just to get rid of me. I didn't even get to see her. Through a messenger she told me that she was too busy to take a look at the other ten reports I had brought along. I was left with a promise of getting the confirmations later by mail. After a couple of months, Winston Montoya verified part of the reports by email.

Well, Ms. Solis is a busy woman, hosting a two-hour show six days a week. CPN is a newstalk station by format and is a respected news institution in Peru. It belongs to the Grupo Gestión, which is also known for the business newspaper Gestión. The company employs some 250 professionals, of which about 100 work at the radio station.

Cadena Peruana de Noticias has a nationwide coverage with FM transmitters in Piura, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Chimbote, Lima, Ica, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Huancayo, Cerro de Pasco, Abancay, Iquitos, Juliaca, Purus, Cuzco and Moquegua. In addition to Lima, AM transmitters are located in Piura, Huancayo, Chimbote, Chiclayo and Arequipa.

In a way CPN now has worldwide coverage, as the programming is streamed also on its website. The station broadcasts 24 hours a day.

(published on April 22nd 2000, updated on May 28th 2002)

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