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Radio Equipment

Please note that views and opinions expressed in the articles DO NOT reflect the opinion of DXing.info, nor its editor, unless written by the editor. See terms of use for more details. If you disagree with views expressed in the reviews, feel free to write reviews of your own, or comment on the articles in the DXing.info Facebook page.


Half Size Dual Active Delta Flag Arrays

Half Size Dual Active Delta Flag ArrayThe half size active dual flag array antenna requires only 30 meters of linear space, and so it is an excellent choice for MW DXers with limited space for antennas, says Dallas Lankford in his article. Although small compared to previous high performance MW antenna arrays, it is a state of the art MW receiving antenna array, primarily because it uses true active delta flag antenna elements.
  To the Article (January 7, 2012)

Testing of New Active MW Antennas

Dallas LankfordHave you ever compared a dual active delta flag array to a terminated BOG when DXing mediumwave stations? Tests conducted by Dallas Lankford showed that the new dual arrays are superior to 1000 foot terminated beverage antennas for MW DXing, and that the quad arrays are more superior to 1000 foot terminated beverage antennas for MW DXing.
  To the Article (November 22, 2011)

Comparing Loop Antennas

Active loop antennaAn active loop antenna is a good choice for medium wave and shortwave DXing if your space for antennas is very limited. Guy Atkins has compared RF PRO-1A, a new antenna from Pixel Technologies, to Wellbrook Communications' ALA1530 active loop antenna, which has been around for years. He found a clear winner: the cheaper one beat the more expensive one.
  To the Article (May 27, 2011)

Passive Loop Antennas

Passive Loop antennaAn often-overlooked asset is a tuned passive loop used to augment the primary loop antenna. A tuned passive loop is readily available commercially, or one can be made quickly by the home hobbyist. This article (PDF) by Kevin Schanilec is a summary of several techniques by which a tuned passive loop antenna can help DXers solve common problems.
  To the Article (October 27, 2008)

DXing 'Over Your Shoulder' with Beverages

Beverage antennaJohn Bryant explains how he has used short unterminated Beverage antennas successfully for 15 years. Such wires are useable directional antennas with very good lobes off of each end. The article is available also as a PDF version.
 To the Article (March 31, 2005)

Kiwa Mediumwave Loop Experiences

Kiwa MW LoopJohn Plimmer bought a Kiwa mediumwave Loop from the USA, but the performance of the loop was very disappointing. After gathering dust for years, the loop was taken to a DXpedition on the coast. Read what happened.
  To the Article (March 22, 2005, edited on August 9, 2005)

RF Systems DX-1 Pro Active Antenna

DX-1 ProThe antenna is extremely quiet and seems to offer a lot of suppression to local man made RF noise, whilst at the same time being very sensitive. Sensitive and quiet enough to get those very faint DX signals from the corners of the globe. Read all about it in John Plimmer's article.
 To the Article (February 3, 2005)

9AY Loop for Mediumwave

K9AY antenna head unit
What is the best way to improve reception of mediumwave stations, if you have no room for a beverage antenna? K9AY may be the answer. Check out the articles:
  Impressions and a field test by Bjarne Mjelde
  Wellbrook K9AY Antenna by John Bryant
  Wellbrook K9AY Antenna by Guy Atkins, photos by Don Nelson
  more photos of K9AY

EWE for Tropical Shortwave

EWE antenna

How to improve reception on tropical shortwave bands, if your space for antennas is very limited? In his article The Ewe in the Garden German DXer Michael Schnitzer explains how to build EWE, a good solution for the urban tropical bands DXer.
  To the EWE article

Impedance Transformers

impedance matching   A Second Look at Fabricating Impedance Transformers for Receiving Antennas (MS Word file) by John Bryant
  Impedance Matching Transformers for Receiving Antennas at Medium and Lower Shortwave Frequencies (MS Word file) by Bill Bowers, John Bryant and Nick Hall-Patch (also available as a PDF file)
  Gain and Efficiency, The Big Myth (also as an MS Word file) by Tom Rauch

Other antenna articles:
  Testing Two KAZ Squashed Delta Antennas by John Bryant
  Is Your Coaxial Lead-in Actually an Antenna? (MS Word file, also as a PDF file) by John Bryant
  Notes on using RG-174 Coaxial Cable at Medium and Lower HF Frequencies, an article by John Bryant and Bill Bowers (also as an MS Word or PDF file)


Review of PC-controlled Winradio WR-G313e receiver

Winradio WR-G313e Winradio has recently introduced its latest PC-controlled model WR-G313e, which is basically an external version of an earlier WR-G313i receiver. For a DXer interested in distant mediumwave and shortwave stations, G313e turns out to be good value for money, says Mika Mäkeläinen in his review.
 To the Article (November 27, 2005)

Icom IC-756 PRO III side by side with the Drake R8B

Twin PBT of Icom IC-756 PROIII

The bottom line is this: is the Icom 756 PRO III worth double the price of the Drake R8B? If you are a serious DXer and have owned all the current offering of receivers, you will find the latest technology in the 756 very useful, says John Plimmer in his comparison test.
 To the Article (January 2, 2005)

Comparing Four Great Communications Receivers

Testing the top receivers: TenTec RX340, AOR AR7030, Racal RA1772 and Icom IC-R75. Which of these fine communications receivers is the best at locations with strong nearby transmitters? Find it out in an article (PDF) by Jan Alvestad.
  To the Article (PDF) (June 1, 2004)

Review of Icom IC-746Pro

Icom IC-746Bjarne Mjelde takes a close look at Icom IC-746Pro transceiver as a mediumwave and shortwave receiver. Filters are excellent, but how about sensitivity?
  To the Article (PDF) (Sept 2, 2004)

Review of AOR AR7030

AOR AR7030All you ever wanted to know about the performance of AOR AR7030 written by Guy Atkins, with measurements as well as detailed information about the features and about the previous discussion on the receiver.
  To the Article (January 12, 2004)

The AOR AR-7030 Tested Against the Drake R8A

I feel a little intimidated doing this test, as the AOR 7030 must be the most tested radio in the history of the hobby. Every major magazine and authority has tested and commented on it exhaustively. Some have queried why the extreme hype over this radio? Find out in John Plimmer's article (also in MS Word format).
  To the Article (1996/2005)

JRC NRD-545 DSP  images of JRC NRD-535 and 545 receivers

Other Equipment

Pre-Amp Peregrinations

RPA-1 pre-ampAdventures with RF Pre-Amps by Advanced Receiver Research and DX Engineering (also in MS Word format), written by experienced DXers John H. Bryant and Mark Connelly.
  To the Article (July 12, 2005)

BB splitter  Spend less and get the best splitters possible! Rolling Your Own: building antenna splitters that perform better than most commercial units (also in PDF format) by John Bryant and Bill Bowers.
  To the Article (January 31, 2005)

  A Dummies' Guide to
Working with Wall Warts
(available also in MS Word and PDF format) by John Bryant is a guide of the simplest electronic device that any of us possess: the ubiquitous "wall wart" plug-in power supply. This is the seemingly solid block brick that plugs into the AC mains electrical wall outlet and provides DC power to various consumer devices.

(Dec 28, 2004)

RF-Systems splitter  Comparing Commercially Available Signal Splitters (also in MS Word format) by Bill Bowers and John Bryant

  Audio Switching Network by John Bryant

  Rackmount Equipment Cases for DXers, a 3.4 Mb downloadable Powerpoint presentation by Guy Atkins

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Article on Emerging Techniques of High-Tech DXpeditioning


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